The destruction of this form operation could not be otherwise than by men, the fact of awareness of their operation, awareness of methods of struggle for the abolition of exploitation, as well as awareness of the (opening) a more equitable form of distribution of wealth – the distribution of labor. Awareness is through the discovery of all this knowledge to individual consciousness and their spread in the men’s teams, where there are their leaders, promoting new relations of production, which, naturally, could not develop in the old dialectic form – the authority of the mother. In connection with it begins a power struggle which gave birth to such customs as separate settlement men and women, male and female secret societies, secret languages (2). If you would like to know more about Primerica Login, then click here. Men are having a great advantage – the production of basic goods of life, gaining authority in the tribe. Establish new relations of production, giving rise to usages of “voluntary death” elderly parents, killing young children in difficult periods of life of the tribe (3).
That is the root principles: who does not work – do not eat. In and all other tribes, where natural division of labor led to exploitation of men by women, matriarchy gave way to patriarchy much later, namely during the birth of predatory expeditions of tribes against each other, ie Again, at a time when men have become “producing” by robbery essentials.