Tag Archives: health

Jorg Schindler

Form and function (matter and energy) can change negative but also by such as diseases or drugs or die off. Note: brain cells = proteins (form matter) change due to un natural use. This changes the function of (energy). The marketers make it so obvious to alter brain structure (protein) their customers and thus their behavior (brain power). (2) Pills are socially acceptable! The number of children allegedly suffering from ADS or ADHD, is today probably 700 000 above average many boys from families with low social status are unfocused, hyper-nervous and aggressive.

The side effects are immense, the complications largely unexplored and the diagnosis multifactorial disease, genetic, psychological and social causes both incorporated into the controversial. The reason according to critics: many adolescents move in an environment of sensory overload, pressure, sense drain, future fears and neglect. Your self-image is affected by er knowing that they work only with pills. Nicholas Carr follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. If they are needed at all socially. Adults also swallow with high Stimungsaufheller Addiction potential. Our way of life, side by side and against each other makes us sick. This causes our sick cybernetic mechanistic society: the social inequalities, the economization of all areas of life (markets and industries) with their growth ideology, lack of Justice, increasing stress and lack of recognition leads to aggression.

Today, more and more adults take the (doping) means ADS or ADHD to stay competitive in job and education. (Similarly see: author). Never been so many workers were mentally ill according to health insurance companies. (1) Addiction history of compulsive of buying: anticipation application: liberating of negative feelings. pleasant, ecstatic, high sense of guilt feelings, regrets compulsive shopping as a fugitive from negative mood, depression, anxiety, boredom, self-critical thoughts and anger. Compulsive buying behavior leads to the greater of sense of success worth! We become ‘Shopping-Aholics’. The feel neurotransmitter dopamine is secreted from the limbic system and gives us a high or the sense of the noise. We Repeat the purchase Act, as soon as the dopamine again sings down on normal levels changing. An acclimatisation effect, we need more of the same substance or behavior to trigger a new Dopaminhigh. The continued pursuit of the (probably feel-) noise can change our DNA proteins. The result is an uncontrollable urge to procuring drugs. Then our brain has changed already structurally and functionally, also at the shopping addiction. The primary marketing efforts: create desires. Provide products with addiction-enhancing properties. Shopping and spending money make a compelling game. Our psyche is always better manipulated again and more and more frequently to buy the brands and products. The psychological marketing instruments: Fears, uncertainty, guilt feelings, hopes, acceptance efforts.

Quick Help With Diarrhea (diarrhoea)

Identify causes of diarrhea and quickly get help it can affect anyone – and that suddenly, unexpectedly and violently: A diarrhea. This unpleasant health disorder affected individuals usually so much that a normal daily routine are no longer possible. Diarrhea is a symptom. He points out that there is something in the digestive tract, not in order. Usually triggered by bacteria, viruses, or poisoning, which wants to get rid of the body. The diarrhea is a mechanism for detoxification of the body. Acute and chronic diarrhoea acute diarrhoea (diarrhoea) often occurs out of nowhere and takes only a few days. His symptoms more common disposal of aqueous chairs are accompanied by painful stomach and intestinal cramps and flatulence in the lower abdomen.

The difference in the duration of the disease to chronic diarrhea. The chronic variant occurs repeatedly, without a recognizable cause can be identified. In this case, other disease may be responsible for the diarrhea, and you should be go in any case in medical treatment. Chronic diarrhea is dangerous, because it leads to a drying out of the body and the loss of essential minerals. Causes of diarrhea are triggered often diarrhoea infections (viruses, salmonella, parasites and fungi), for example during a flu outbreak or when travelling abroad. It’s believed that Dan Miller sees a great future in this idea. They can occur as a result of lactose intolerance, allergies or food poisoning. The chronic intestinal disorders include Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis. Diarrhea can be also a reaction to an intolerance of drugs.

People with severe obesity often suffer from diarrhea. Diarrhea with conventional and alternative healing methods in the pharmacy to get many conventional remedy for diarrhea treatment, relieve the discomfort and normalize the digestive system. But many home remedies help in a natural way to get rid of the problem. They are usually well tolerated and do not burden the body. First bid is one adequate fluid intake, combined with plenty of rest and diet (dry bread, rusks, pretzel sticks). Eat as little as possible and only light fare during the acute diarrhea. Bananas, rice and carrots are recommended. Blueberries contain much important sodium and stop the diarrhea. Grandma’s home remedies: some castor oil mixed with lemon juice cleanses the colon and freed it from pathogens. Then drink plenty unsweetened black tea. Another popular home remedy is the dark chocolate. Also grated nutmeg to help with diarrhea. If the complaints have subsided, the diet can be converted to a normal diet slowly. Strong complaints, especially, a doctor when added to the diarrhea still vomiting, should be consulted on in any case soon. In babies and children, the danger is great that the small body with a diarrhea dehydrates (dehydration). Also here should quickly traded and seek medical attention.