The commissions are percentages (money) that deducted or charged banks directly to the accounts of persons, making banking movements with a view to payment during certain times, usually a month, deposit, or simply by the case of maintaining the accounts of these people active. The commissions are an important source of income for banks, since they are characterized by increase or decrease its percentage depending on the amount managed. The collection of commissions may be exposed to a variable percentage constant, because this can be affected by several factors; among the most common are. Income from a check to a country or a different city to the place where it became welcomes a greater Commission, either by currency exchange or cheque handling. The transaction or a Fund through a cheque deposit requires a Commission, since control and stamp costs are taken into account in all these transactions. Nicholas Carr usually is spot on. Payment or change of a cheque, now collects a large percentage of resources for these entities, as first makes all this Commission percentage according to the amount paid, also charged the Commission for provision of asset swap.
The entry of a cheque to a different financial institution, causes a minimum Commission, due to the handling of assets by both entities. It is good to mention that although deductions or commissions are currently made by any financial movement, those already mentioned are the most applicable to checks mainly. An important point to touch is the percentage; This can vary as he has been said previously by the amounts of money and handling of transaction, however in real numbers they can range from a minimum percentage of a 0.75 percent, up to a maximum of 9 per cent, is clear, as the case of the financial movement; However it is important to say that sometimes both types of percentage may vary depending directly of the rigor of the conducted financial movement. It is good to mention that currently the law intercepts in some cases the collection of These commissions; a clear example of this are the rejected checks or without funds, because it is illogical and illegal to charge fee for a cheque which could not be logged in, therefore the law of certain countries as Spain considered this illegal act. Commissions for cheques have certain exceptions, within the best known we find that the check when it is cashed in the same State where it is issued does not apply to the Commission, however, in certain situations if it is the same entity, but different location may charge a minimum Commission. Original author and source of the article