Tag Archives: geography

Social Relations

… In any in case that, it deals with if ' ' a compartment of the space politically distinto' ' one ' ' legal entity, administrative and poltica' ' (p.71). That is, the politician-administrative character of the territory remains its basic characteristic. (Haesbaert 2004). 6 – CONTRIBUTION DE SOUZA It emphasizes this relationary character, having the care not to fall in the opposing extremity, to disrespect the paper of the espacialidade in the construction of the social relations. Ahead of a concern with ' ' espaciologia' ' or with the determinismo of the space forces (disclosed of forceful form), we must exactly have care not to suggest an excess of ' ' sociologizao' ' or of ' ' historicizao' '. ' ' What it seems, Raffestin did not explore the lode offered for a relationary boarding enough, therefore it did not discern that the territory is not the substratum, the social space in itself, but yes a field of forces, the relations of being able space delimited and operating, destarte, on a substratum referencial.' ' (Souza, 1995, p.97).

7 – PERSPECTIVE OF IN AGREEMENT TERRITORIALITY SACK For Sack the territoriality notion, that it uses of much more frequent form of what territory, more is limited: the territoriality, this ' ' quality necessria' ' for the construction of a territory, it is incorporated the space when this measured a relation of being able that it uses effectively it as form to influence and to control social people, things or relations, simplifying treats if, of the control of people or resources for the control of an area. On the other hand, Sack equally keeps a very ample scale of territory, that goes of the personal level, a room, to the International, never restricting, as it makes some scientists politicians, to the level of the State-nation. It considers a territoriality vision eminently social human being and.

Space Distribution

This article approaches the space distribution of the retail throughout the Regional Center-South of Belo Horizonte, MG. Dennis Lockhart follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Elabora, for in such a way, its cartographic representation and a revision on localizacionais strategies. Its development keeps to greater justification for if dedicating to the orientation of the retail localization, especially for consolidating a support to the mentioned type of analysis. Considered the weight of the retail in the horizontina beautiful economy, in which 51% of the enterprises are come back toward for sale 34% and the rendering of services of merchandises, what it represents 30% of its GIP and 84% of the jobs, arm the present work of bigger relevance. (PBH, 2008).

The present work is an example of applied, functional a Geography par excellence, instrumentalizada for Geoprocessamento, dealing with thousand of data. Analytical description and, of results in relation to the orientation of the localization, concentrates in the brainstorming and retail possibility. It leaves, then, to investigate and if to pronounce against the reproduction of the capitalist exploration and the social problems, has seen the great number of geographic works to the respect of the same ones. The admiration is great and the commitment with the cause, however, at this moment, a bigger operacionalizao of Geography was searched. Although the number of works and references on the localizacional question is countless; they are not perceived in the same, great innovations in relation to the classic studies. Of recent publication, more works of theoretical application and evaluation as of Albert, Vieira and Bagolin are distinguished (2007); Arago and Medeiros (2005); Botelho (2005); Haddad (2005); Masano (2005), Arago (2004); Coutinho (2004); Petrola and Monetti (2004); Aranha and Figoli (2001); Lopes (2001); Parente and Kato (2001); Relative (2000); among others. Bigger new features on the tertiary equipment localization have been published for the Administration of Companies, whom the more specific procedural question has treated, congregating and developing techniques of analysis of diverse academic origins, confirming, thus, the interdisciplinaridade of the Geomarketing.

Arctic Polar

In the favorable topography of the Region it seems to be .causing in scale local, for rains windward that are detachable rainier than of lee-side, in some places, the valley circulation and of mountain it seems admirable and all the events above cited, more deserve detailed comments, so that the causes of the climatic irregularity are evaluated more good northeastern. In a similar way, it cites AYOADE on the atmospheric circulation. The basic basic cause of the atmospheric, horizontal or vertical movement, is the disequilibrium in the liquid radiation, the humidity and the momentum between the decreases and the high latitudes and enters the surface of the Land and the atmosphere. Other factors that influence the atmospheric circulation are the topography, the oceanic distribution of the continental and oceanic surfaces and chains. (AYOADE, 2007.p. 72) THE ATMOSPHERIC NORMAL CIRCULATION OF THE NORTHEAST REGION To the extensive one of one line, almost parallel to the equator, the air masses of the two hemispheres if strike establishing the Intertropical Front. The increase in the set of air in the Intertropical Front produces a band of ordeiras called doldrum, zone of heavy showers and thunderstorms.

, Thus conditional for the general movement of the Sun in the ecliptic, the disposal of this front that varies with the stations of the year. Possessing in the hemisphere North the biggest continental area, it is on average hotter than the South hemisphere. Therefore the great cold air mass of this last one keeps the Intertropical Front, on average, above of the equator. In the summer north the mentioned front if comes across about 10 North, reaching its final position in September, when the Antarctic polar region this cold. In the south summer, it if it locates next to the equator, to reach its southern extreme position in March, needed now to the intense cooling of the Arctic Polar region.

Municipal School Prof Aribaldina

Beyond working in classroom, Aribaldina still was secretary and agent of health. Pertaining to school performance of the Municipal School Prof Aribaldina de Lima Brito, counts on Association of Parents and Masters having as presidency, advice and directors associates composed for parents and masters, being that its implantation this in progress one due to school is in process of formation of its functional picture. Ambient characteristics the relief is marked by a colinosa topography, where they predominate the plateau, characterized for raised and plain lands; the source, characterized for moderately inclined lands; the sand bank, marked for lands of low altitude, situated throughout igaraps of firm land. The types of ground follow the topography of the land. In the plateau, latossolo yellow of argillaceous texture predominates. In the source, the predominant ground are the podzlico of arenaceous texture and the quartzous sands. In the sand bank podzol hidromrfico of arenaceous texture predominates. The adjacent vegetation is characterized by the diversity of representative forests of the Amaznia and that they are extended for the colinoso relief.

The plateau bush is characterized by a multiestratificada vegetation, with trees of great transport. The source bush is marked by a transistion vegetation, where if they in such a way find species of campinarana how much of plateau, it presents a great biomass. The campinarana is characterized by a medium biomass, rickety trees and high density of epfitas. The sand bank bush places itself on ground made marshy, in its landscape dominates the palms arbreas. In abandoned lands they predominate secondary vegetation known as capoeiras, characterized for the predominance of trees of small transport, ruderais shrubs and grass. The local wild fauna is characterized by the presence of the macrofauna, represented for diverse birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians and, the composed microfauna for insects, arachnids, clams, etc. With regard to the hydrography, the area is bathed by the basin of the Puraquequara. Part of its courses d? water is born in the Forest Reserve Ducke, presenting clean, black or clear water.

For east, it drains the Ipiranga narrow river, that is affluent of the narrow river of the Puraquequara. This is affluent direct of the river Amazon. The predominant climate is Equatorial Hot-Humid, with an annual average temperature around 26 C. the distribution of rains is sufficiently homogeneous during the year, presenting a superior pluviomtrica height 2 000 mm. the relative humidity of air is always superior 80%. As the Managing Plan of Manaus, the Colony Chico Mendes bes situated in the Area of Transistion, that is, in the band of the municipal territory that skirtes the limits of the Urban Area, including the Reserve Forest Adolpho Ducke. In the community, the following uses are developed: residential of low density (construction of building of up to three floors), agriculturist, services, commerce and leisure.