Tag Archives: art and science

HIV And Genetics

Introduction If the HIV is an alive being must obey the Theory of the evolution or this is needing a revision the modern synthetic Theory of the evolution Here part of the principle that is adjusted and looks for to explain the existence of the HIV in base of the evolution. 2.0) Theoretical Referencial 2,1) the environment and the HIV Between individuals HIV inside of a population, that is, inside of a delimited space as the plasma of human one to be contaminated with HIV. 2.2) The HIV and the Theory of Darwin Apresenta a variation in morphology, physiology and behavior. Its children resemble its genitors more than if he resembles the not related individuals, thus one vrion of HIV if he resembles more between itself of what he compares with the adenovirus of the mosquito of the affection, thus is perceived for deduction that presents some similarity. Some forms, what it must be reflected, that has more possibility of survival and reproduction that other forms in determined surrounding. In the case of the HIV for the increasing mortality that is observed, and a great one variability that is observed, the election process is occurring with great force for adaptation of the HIV in the man. Thus to understand the adaptation of the HIV of the chimpanzee it must perceive that the individual level occurs but reaching many because it has that to reach a collective of the entire population of the HIV. Ahmed Shahryar Rahman usually is spot on. Therefore to affirm that the HIV is mutant these changes you inherited occur the individual level of inheritance and development and reaches a population that lives pressured in a way, that is the proper man, place where the conditions favorable to the well complex development coexist, dispendioso and ample but to understand the reason of the ample variability of the HIV it must study the filogenia and of history.. might disagree with that approach.


1 Description In the generality, furnaces are scheme thermal that they convert chemical energy of the burning of a fuel, in thermal energy. The models of furnaces can vary as the type and the quality of the fuel used for burning. It can be divided basically in furnace for burning of solid fuel, furnace with dumping grates, furnace with rotating grate, furnaces for fuel burning in suspension, furnaces with fluidizado stream bed. Technology author addresses the importance of the matter here. All boiler needs a furnace, either internal or external it. 2 Types of furnaces in the coal burning 2,1 Furnaces for solid fuel burning. They are the ones that possess supports and grates. They can be plain, inclined or made use in forms of steps that still can be fixed or mobile.

This type is destined mainly to the burning of firewood, coal, leftovers of products, rind of cacao, bagasse of sugar cane, chestnut rind, etc. the feeding of the fuel can be made in manual or automatized way. 2,2 Furnaces with dumping grates. It is a type of very used furnace for the bagasse burning as combustible solid and is divided in some sectors. Each sector possesss elements of called grate bars. These bars if incline under the action of a external drive, that can be of compressed air or of vapor. With the inclination of the bars, the ash is drained for low of the grate, cleaning it.

The air reduction of the combustion and the best distribution of the bagasse on the grate considerably increase the income of the boiler. 2,3 Furnaces with rotating grate. It is another type of furnace for the solid fuel burning in which the burning and the feeding if process in the same way that in the dumping grate, but the cleanness is made continuously and does not have basculamento of the bars. The combustion air enters under the grate and serves for refrigeration, in the same way that in the dumping grate.


However, from certain micron-proximity, the substance if repels, and therefore the eletrosferas of atoms of the distinct bodies, as in the example of the chuteira and the ball, are not collided! It fits to stand out that the molecules, being ‘ ‘ micron-galxias’ ‘ , they behave as galaxies, where the atoms, as well as the systems estelares, gravitate the centers of its galaxies, galaxies these that the untied antimatter outside keeps of them, for the proper antimatter repulsion center-astral of its astros interacting on such. Examples: the micron-antimatter that is in the periphery of all the substance, is also repelled by the antimatter center-astral of all ours cosmo, and therefore if untied of the periphery of such substance, remaining in a break-even point the calculation of the reformularization above for each case does not enter. No longer interior of the substance, what it hinders the collisions between eletrosferas also is the untied micron-antimatter between molecules, as a mosaic, fellow creature to the distribution of the galaxies in ours cosmo. Interesting it is that the substance, in certain cases, also as ours cosmo, if it expands; in others one withdraws. When it has an attrition between materials, well-known has a flash, what demonstrates to have been breached the repulsive barrier of the micron-antimatter, tenuous in some cases. There, it has a collision of eletrosferas.

8 I have observed frequent the following phenomenon: 1) About 21:00 h of 27AGO2009 I observed the Jupiter system and its four bigger moons in the following formation: one of such moons then eclipsarred by the cited planet; others two, next one to the other and last one, well more moved away from the planet. For this angle of vision, I noticed that the intermediate moon, visually next to the other, presented considerable a lateral removal, in relation to the orbital plan of such moons (I believe that Europe and Io, in this relation of proximity). 2) About 03:00 h of 28AGO2009 already four bigger perfectly lined up moons in the straight line that it describes, for this visual angle appeared such, the orbital plain related one, being that such moons were presented visually then that almost equidistant. 3) Routine comments of this system prove the predominant stability of this orbital plan. Possible causes: ) Result of some impact meteoride? I find that not, for the almost monthly frequency that I have observed such phenomenon, beyond what not vi indications of any collision; B) Extra-orbital influences? Also I find that not, therefore it would affect all the cited moons; C) Illusion of positional optics? Not, therefore the return to the alignment would not be so fast; D) Antimatter repulsion center-astral contained in such moons: the two that they had been come close, if had attracted gravitationally until slowest (more inclined) laterally moving away more than the orbital plan, to if repelling for action of the repulsion of the antimatter center-astral contained in its nuclei. I find that it is this!

Lerner Pupils

The related problem becomes so preoccupying that some scholars of the history of the reading consider doubtful that the process of this practical social can occur in the school. As apu Lerner displays Jean Hrbrard, It is possible to learn to read? For the school it is evident that yes … e, exactly because is imagined possible, if attributes to this learning an extraordinary one to also be able of action on the new generations and, by means of them, on certain social groups to that they belong. The supposed cultural neutrality of the act to read, its apparent instrumentalidade, guarantees its social effectiveness, as it assumes the alfabetizador speech to it. However, for the sociology of practical cultural the reading it is an art to make that more it is inherited of what is learned (HERBRARD apud LERNER, 2002, p.58).

Ahead of the question above raised by the related author, Lerner tells despite for the formation of readers and writers, it becomes necessary to face a great challenge to construct a new fictitious version of the reading, a version that if has adjusted practical the social one that we try to communicate and does not allow our pupils if to appropriate effectively of it. To articulate the construtivista theory of the learning with the rules and institucional requirements is far from being easy: she is necessary to find another way to manage the time, is necessary to create new ways to control the learning, is necessary to transform the distribution of the papers of the professor and of the pupil in relation to the reading, she is necessary to conciliate the institucional objectives with the personal objectives of pupils (LERNER, 2002, P. 79)..

Educational Program

This system if translates for an intitled structure cascade system, that of a chance of the pupil in all the stages of the integration, to transit in ' ' sistema' ' , of the regular classroom to special education. RESULTS AND QUARREL OF the DATA We will initiate our analyses characterizing the citizens of the research, through data explanados in form of picture, referring to its trajectories of life in relation to teaching work. Thus we will present P11, P21, P31 and P41. Picture 1: ' ' Characterization of the Sujeitos' ' PUPILS EDUCATION WORK DOCENTENIVL WHERE ATUOUDISCIPLINAS LECIONADASTEMPO OF mdio.VriasMais DOCNCIA P1SimFundamental of 20 average P2SimFundamental years. Matemtica2 P3SimMdio.Matemtica3 years P4SimFundamental mdio.VriasMais years of 20 years Picture 1? Characterization of the Citizens – Source: Data of the research. 1 Interview carried through in day 23 of April of 2007 and 03 of June of 2007. In this work we will use codes to identify the citizens of the research, to preserve the identity of the same ones. to P 1? Pupil Program of Formation of Professors? When analyzing the data above, we can observe that P1, acts as professor has twenty years more than and that in this period already she had the chance of lecionar several you discipline in the two pertaining to school levels (basic and average).

However it standed out that: ' ' … only mathematical and sciences? Anos.&#039 has 7 more or less; '. to the P2 – Pupil VII Semester licenciatura in mathematics with approach in computer science – It acted as professor during two years, after the ingression in the course, and in this period it lecionou mathematical for the two pertaining to school levels (basic and average). to the P3? Pupil VII Semester Course of Licenciatura in Mathematics with Approach in Computer science? He acts as professor has 3 years, only lecionando mathematical for average education therefore according to its proper story ' ' I always taught average education.