Or, what she is worse, one strong expectation in the professors and students was created and, in the execution of the project if it evidences that everything is on this side of minimum dreamed. From there in them they come some investigations: until point if intends, effective improvements in the pertaining to school environment? This project, that in I begin is a wonder, was born as reply to the expectations of professors and students or to only satisfy the ego of some bureaucrat what desires to prove something exactly itself? How the professors will work with these machines, a time that any work with technology demand preparation time, and the professors always are overloaded of lessons? does not try engambelar saying in them that vestibules exist, domnios with ' ' lessons prontas' '. This sounds George Orwell (valley the penalty to read 1984), therefore the Great Brother is that it had everything planned all to execute. Follow others, such as Home Depot, and add to your knowledge base. It seems us that to the professor the process of the creation fits what depends on time. At these first moments of the implantation of the project we are with the impression of that somebody launched the ideas. But one did not consult those that really will have that for the hand in the mass.
Why the professors are not consulted to install and to implement new projects? From fear of collections or why is not wanted that the project of positive results? We are not denying the innovation necessity. But it must be made with suggestions of who is in the base of the process. Exactly being a project pilot or, better saying, exactly for being a pilot, it has that to hear the bases and to use minimum efficient equipment! Neri de Paula Sheep? Master in Education, Philosopher, Theologian, Historian. He reads more: ; ; ;