Children’s Photographer – Mary Poppins Or Carlson ?

the humorous title to this article should not mislead you. I, like anyone else I know that baby pictures / b – this is serious. Just because I have four children. Therefore, if you want b baby pictures / b, then you’ve come to the address. Many people think that being a b baby pictures / b is simple – kids plastic and live material. Most of the time they behave simply and naturally. Therefore, even parents who can not boast of a special education, often work out quite successful b baby pictures / b. Only for this often miles of film and cull a bunch of failed photos: here the child blinked, then stuck out his tongue, but here too not very well received.

B baby pictures / b could do some test shots. But in this case he will do for you tedious job of selecting good photos. B baby pictures / b – is not just a specialist “Pressing the button”. B baby photo / b need to be able to find common language with the child. That’s why he should be able to reincarnate: a rigorous and fair in Colombian State will assess its teachers. Our culture and as many perceive the teacher as a tool. the teacher’s salary was begging and even the teacher should beg his salary. our citizens have looked to the state, the secretary of education and ministry. but down with the multitude of expectations.

if the state does not receive marginal teachers as people who contribute to the social fabric. the work of teachers is not easy, is very complex. daily as the teacher is in the classroom, forming the individual’s academic, and emotional. the teacher most of the time students must live with their poor showing situations and harmful composition that has been generated as a result of the infinite injustice. for the poor is poorer every day.

dispensation granted by his beloved nation. violence, corruption, lack of opportunities, and many other things that involve students as victims of society and the political machinery. are driving more and more to the ephemeral injustice. which among other things born when the country did not want be good parents of the latter and not to them. then the state leaves it in the hands of teachers. but the matter of interest, disparage the teaching profession. by paying teachers more precarious salaries possible. closing the opportunity to study the social fabric makers. the teacher initially invested five years of his life in a race, and then raise their heads and say I am a teacher and I love it. but if you compare his salary with that of other races, must accept that graciously made yourself a vow of poverty. this to the teacher marginalized. the teacher as integral, depends on a career, family, caste and its root, in the words small, their socio-economic strata, to the latter have given the means of production, so you can conquer your ahnelos. but we do not address this at the moment. we deal with teachers who get their students in poverty, receiving the faces of many who are full of hunger, quel receiving frutracion generated by the rudeness of the students who see daily the need in their homes, receive to future workers. all those who still in tenth and eleven, and do not know Greece and Italy. those who have never left the country, those who count the coins as if they were beggars, mainly as a result of injustice. until Presidents, trampled and despised the image and likeness of God. What if not enough for everyone? teachers are worthless and cause people? If a teacher should not earn well, because they made a career capitalist? a case the teacher should be a beggar because humanism is a waste according to their new concepts? maybe your children and your children’s children never went or will go through this kind of needs, much less their teachers. but our teachers if they spend thousands and thousands of things that you ignore on purpose and with malice in their souls, you have loved rulers on earth to judge right and wrong, we have the judge of heaven and earth, that one day there will be to judge you and your children, then their economic models and all your jewelry together will not be anything. that day we will all be equal God in your hands we commend our spirits, your power and glory holy spirit and your precious son ………. ORLANDO NARANJO JOSE MELO HUMANIST …………

Buying a Used Car

Known a lot of opinions about the positie side of buying a used car. In this version, with some absolute confidence we can say that the impact of such purchases will be directly depend on a large number of numerical terms. Mainly this aspect will decide what exactly is auto select in the case: the Russian or imported. There is a subjective opinion that reliable buy our brand-new car than just the second hand imported cars. Taking into account the proper experience of many motorists, in general, as directly and statistics show that one can say that this kind of incorrect. In general, even the newest machine assembled a foreign automaker in the country, absolutely no better delivered a used car from abroad.

Despite the use of our manufacturers innovation, brand-new Russian cars are better cars. Having made the decision to buy a used car foreign car, in case the course on a new car is not enough money in the special measure really be convinced that you’re on the right track. To further continue the best way to achieve the goal, but rather become the owner of a used car with the best quality-price ratio is required to determine for itself, it would take on future machines. For instance, if it would apply strictly only for commuting but other than that, and to the country, choosing brand of course will need to take into account fuel consumption, and most likely stop the personal choice on diesel. In case if the machine is definitely a foreign automaker is sure to be not only to carry passengers, but apart from that, and some goods, and regularly, then of course possible the best option would be to choose wagon or avtopikap.

As a result, the definition of these parameters of its own, yet the car of the future, it is safe to move to the stage of purchase. Keep in mind that often for those purchases go to the closest car market will definitely pick up where that one of the options available. As a result, in general, even those specifically after months of visits, simply pick up for themselves absolutely not what was needed. There are of course also an alternative to purchasing a used car ad in the newspaper. However as a rule this option available, will only lead to a waste of free time and In addition, and money. Who are the owners of the vehicles on the phone, tell you about all the negative sides of the cars sold? That is why, now intensively expanding sales of used cars Using the global Internet. Well, to find adequate transportation, do not require weekly travel to the car market as easily without leaving your own home and the comfort of your armchair analyze hundreds of options. Actually it only takes a look at the portal, the direction is to sell used cars. This option is choosing a car, taking into account the ubiquity of global network, the most effective, especially in the form if we take into account that the property is almost always invested the necessary images. Required in addition mentioning that the visit to this kind of portal specifically for the selection of used cars, most likely will want to add it to the number of elected, because of course, that in addition to information about the sale of vehicles permanently available the latest breaking news automotive topics.

Now Mortgage

If your home is a new building, the increase in your home’s value will be very serious. The math? 1.5 * 0.4 = 0.6 million rubles per year. Over 10 years: 0,6 * 10 = 6 million rubles. ” Now let us compare costs with the addition of value: 6-3,45 = 2.55 mln. Now we think we dispelled the myth of the expensive, because in reality, the mortgage – a profitable investment! Besides all these years you will live in his apartment, and will not pay the rent housing.

And, as opposed to the first misconception, is a polar view of the group of people: the mortgage – it is very affordable. Take it – and enjoy the benefits of free money! We hasten to call to your mind when you are fan of the idea. Before taking a mortgage, is to weigh all the pros and cons to think about their financial position for the duration of the loan repayment. Calculate it yourself! Do this several times, and then you will understand if you can pull the mortgage interest. There is another popular misconception, which is based on “awareness” of people that soon the mortgage will be very cheap. One has only to wait, and here they are cheap and easy to return the money! Have to disappoint you.

Sharp decline in interest will not. Interest rates on all loans that offer banks that are closely tied to the Central Bank refinancing rate, which in turn formed according to inflation. Now inflation in our country is quite high, to the same American liquidity crisis is not the best way possible impact on the domestic economy. There are other myths of mortgage. One of them is related to age, which is determined by the Bank in respect of borrowers. The average age of Russian borrower – 30 years. But do not think that if you’re 40-45, you will not be able to enter into mortgage relationship with the bank! You work, get a steady income, before the official retirement of more than 5 years? You definitely can count on getting a mortgage. But the possible conditions you better in the bank. More one serious error is associated with mortgage insurance. It is believed that it is not very profitable, expensive. Yes, of course, the insurance – it is a serious waste, but we can not say that this is an unnecessary expense. All people, to Unfortunately, maybe fortunately, it is not working arrangements, and can add up so that a person, which bears the burden of repayment mortgage loans, lost his ability to work. In this case, the insurance company to help. So, Insurance – a necessary item of expenditure. In any case, whether to take a mortgage, or not worth, it’s up to you. This question requires a delicate and balanced solutions. Well, as a result of events almost entirely dependent on the soundness of the preliminary analysis of your opportunities, because you only under the force correctly evaluate them! Therefore: The cool head, a calculator, a family council and clearly thought-out decision.

Green Buildings

Despite the attempts of several private companies to implement existing technologies in the construction of homes with zero power consumption, such construction does not have high demand from developers. This is due to the mentality of Russian people, who are accustomed to, that they are holders of the most extensive reserves of natural resources and low level of adaptation of foreign experience in Russian conditions. It is very difficult to assess the benefits of the operation of the building when the cost and complexity of its construction many times more than conventional homes. Do not look for ways to reduce the cost of materials and technologies for construction free homes. For example, such material as foamed glass, which brings the best qualities of the various heaters to the production of which was ready to start Krasnoyarsk firm “Construction”, found no support for investors. Although, to run the plant, the capacity of which would be enough to ensure the needs of all construction sites in Krasnoyarsk, needed investments in the region of 4 billion rubles. Therefore foamglass delivered either because border, or use the development of neighboring regions whose characteristics are far inferior to the claimed Krasnoyarsk researchers.

Consequently, to not cheap material cost is added and the transport consumption. For a country like Russia can not offer a universal draft Green Buildings. Too much territory, too large differences in climate, topography, the soils in the presence of natural resources. For some cities European part of our country it is possible to apply the experience of western countries, leaving their proposals unchanged. But for the Siberian regions need something new.

Perhaps it will be a symbiosis of Western ideas with centuries-old experience of the builders of northern peoples. They really have something to learn. Consciously or blindly following the centuries-old traditions, the builders of the northern peoples genius simply solve difficult problems. Moreover, in conditions of industrial production, these techniques can unify and replicate, to provide universal mounting and as simple and quick assembly a sufficiently large structures. As you know, in terms of angles facilities undergoing big heat loss – this is due to the advent of cold bridge design in this troubled place, as well as the orientation of the compass. The solution can peek in the design of the needle, Yurts, The Plague. They no angles, they are made in the form of a dome. Moreover, there is a ready-made version of the structural design of buildings – a geodesic dome. For example, a Spanish company Valpak, has made the cost of carcass per square meter residential area of 89.57 euros. Thus it is possible to obtain not only a home that can save you a lot of money in the operation, but that does not require large expenditures on the construction stage. To create a home zero energy for the conditions in Russia there are many moves and variations. They require a detailed study in the very near future. The result of these studies will become economically profitable, environmentally friendly House, backed by not only the drawings and calculations, but also building a base that is available for each locality, scientific development, running into mass production, as well as the only positive reviews, the tenants of these houses future.

First Think

Now I want to talk about how God acts in our lives. In all religions there is prayer, is the way many scholars have chosen to communicate with the infinite power called god, are words of power, chosen to live in our subconscious and begin to activate neurons and produce electrical impulses, to attract we ask. But we are continually praying but we do not need more than a moment, then I mean that the force acting on our behalf or against us, and here I want to say a big secret: God exists, but also I say that our thinking is tied to the, therefore, everything we think we attract into our lives through the great infinite force that obeys our thoughts. You’ve heard people who are blind?

That according to have mental powers? Some of them really have them, but this requires years of continuous exercise of self-suggestion, open-mindedness. Now let’s consider what we are: Are you happy in your marriage, you’re missing, that sags, repeatedly in conflict with your spouse, money is not paid, can not find work, now that you’ve analyzed your life, discuss your thoughts, do you see frequently, what thoughts dominate you, when you propose a business which is your reaction if you are someone who always stop to think that it will not work, then so be it, our brains together with the force infinite, are very obedient, the motto of our mind is “your wish is our command” then first try to change our thoughts, this is the first point to win the game of life.