
Concepts definitions had been linked, and when necessary it was distinguished the contradictions of the same ones. The territory is not only the result of the overlapping of a set of natural systems and a set of systems of things created for the man. The territory is the soil and more the population, that is, an identity, the fact and the feeling to belong what it belongs in them. (SAINTS, M., 2000, P. 96) the territory is understood of different forms, in the same way that border keeps an ambiguity: leading to think about objective forms of delimitation and control of the space from the most varied criteria (politicians, administrative, cultural, economic, etc) it hides a subjective character extremely, a time that its rigidity or same flexibility depends on the action politics of the diverse social agents had delimited who it they recognize and it as such in definitive historical circumstances. The border, in if analyzing throughout history, intended to draw an image of rock precision: the walls are its symbol, with all its concretude. However, although the intransponibilidade image, the walls are only camouflage, therefore the lived space is ampler and complex of what the limits and borders can determine.

(HISSA, 2006, p.40). However different forms of mobilities, in different space scales, take in them to eliminate borders, when the search for bigger access, being it, in the territorial society or the society of net. We read (2008, p.98) in the sample of a well simple form three types of mobilities, that facilitate to the understanding and its relations between itself: informacional virtual mobility/, space physical mobility/, that sos the transports, the locomotion and imaginary cognitiva mobility/, that sos the thoughts, religion and dreams. Thus, mobility socially is constructed, intersubjetivamente distributed, individually lived, from the story that if makes before between interlocutors, during and after the experience.

Charles Dickens

An enterprising one knows that it must risk, is like the phrase " If you do not risk not ganas". 6) To be able to surpass " fracaso": they ten the capacity to surpass the errors. The mediocre women are not those that fail, but those that leave. And I want to share this phrase with you, " Each failure teaches to the man something that needed aprender" , it is of Charles Dickens, it is for that reason so important that you learn of each one of the situations that can be presented/displayed to you. 7) To be responsible: it fulfills commitments that already you have acquired, first tropezn you do not want to leave everything, ten the anger and compromtete and so you decided to do. Patience, Perseverancia and Tolerancia to the frustration: and you are with qualities that any enterprising woman has and works in them, the things not always leave as you would want, and much less to the first attempt, these three together qualities cause that you obtain the impossible thing. 9) Initiative: this is the action capacity, ten the initiative to learn, to do, to know, you are not let stop by fear, by frustrations, djalas back.

" From now until 20 years we will be sorrier than we did not do to which we did mal" phrase said by Mark Twain. 10) It invests in same you: It invests in everything what it lets you grow like person, which you makes rich is not the money but your abilities. Same Suprate, you are not satisfied to the person who you are. These are 10 qualities that an enterprising woman has, works in them, aplcalas to your life and obtains what more you want. It would enchant to know to me your opinion, I invite to you to share this article with friendly or relatives who can be seen beneficiaries with the information. Visit: Original author and source of the article.


THE FORCE The Force applied by the woman seems minimum, testimony of the authentic inner vigor that it owns. The animal represents the forces of the outer atmosphere that threaten the woman and serve as reminder as which there is to have well-taken care of with the words and the actions of the others. The circumstance that it is analyzing is full of alternating situations that express the dualisms of the existence, as much in the matter as in the spirit, creating every time a greater weight. Right: The letter of the force knows a clearly divinatory meaning, its appearance in our picture of exhibition speaks to us of strength, value, announces determination, resolution before some challenge, the proposal of a change will have to be accepted, if this arranged to accept resolutely and gives some that another risk, perhaps with difficulty but finally was reached the propose goal. Peculiarly the force is a feminine organization, in this case also represents the virilidad, good predisposition before the continued efforts that will bear their fruits, the love dominated to hatred. Key words: Justice, harmony, fairness, integrity, rule of conduct, sign intention, action to judge, moderation in all the things. Indepenencia of spirit.

In order to maintain the balance certain things must be sacrificed. It can be related to legal, jucios subjects, marriages, divorces, etc. Invested: We observe meanness, dedication by the small details, an obsession that does not lead nowhere, indications of the appearance of a disease, lack of confidence in one same one, will let ourselves win by the temptation. Key words: Fanaticism, injustice, severity in the judgment, abuse, false accusations. Insecurity.

Legal mazes. Insecurity. Lack of an appropriate balance. Interpretations: In concrete it: The truth will come to the light and justice will become. Equitable repayment. In work: Movement of papers, new contracts and legal judgment. In money: Sufficient, but nonexcessive. In friendship: The close friends judge our acts more and they include/understand to us, but he costs to them to express his feelings. In family: appearances indicate harmony, the reality shows well-being, the feelings are austere but chords to the norms that the society imposes. In health: To take care of the arms and the balance. In love: Intention to return to the order, either separating of a worn away relation or formalizing a new one. Divorce or legal marriage.


Up to 1921 the difficulties had gotten worse due the quality of the importations that were being made, therefore these were not increasing, until had given one diminished, but in compensation what it started to be mattered they had been products that were considered of luxury or for rich (with for example piano, silks, automobiles amongst others). another factor that helped to unbalance the trade balance was the valuation of the currencies of some countries in comparison the national currency 22. In short, with the beginning of the great war the importations and exportations of Brazil sufficiently had been shaken, at certain moments some products had had one it looks the good International and at other moments these same item had passed to be barred having made with that other areas of the sector of the economy if forced and if to develop to compensate the negation of another product, what it was good to compel the country to diversify a little its products so that is not the grace of an only line of products, thus taking off the economy of the vulnerability. 4.4 The questions of the coffee of So Paulo and the ships German At the beginning of the war, the state of So Paulo had some storaged bags of coffee in some ports, as Hamburg, Bremem, Anturpia and Trieste, as a pledge of loans made in the Europe. Just in case, all the coffee was vendido and the money was in a bank in Berlin, this was made by the German government to prevent that this money was to stop at the hands of the English, that were the creditors of Brazil. The Brazilian government obtained that Germany was responsible for the guard of the money, that would be returned the peace for So Paulo after, however the devolution of this money turned one problem, therefore in the Europe was being spread the idea of that this money would serve as war repairings.

The Nation

From there the politically correct language appeared. The basic rule of this language is never to use a word that humiliates, discriminates or jeers of algum' '. It will be that in the age Obama they go to invent ' ' Foot in the Presidncia' ' , to mention to the blacks and American mulatos of today? The social origin is another factor that generates had commentaries as ' ' inofensivos' ' , but cruel. The Nation that would have to be proud of its social mobility, is same that picha the proper President of mechanical torneiro, half-illiterate. With regard to the house servants, already I arrived to hear: – Mine ' ' criadagem' ' it does not enter for the social elevator! the complacncia with regard to the callings, insults, for humilhantes times, directed the homosexuals? The terms become wormy, bichona, frutinha, biba, ' ' viado' ' , maricona, boiola and a infinity of nicknames, despertam laugh.

Who is imported with the offensive potential? Woman is queen in day eight of March. When if atreve to face the transit, and dislikes the masculine code, hears frequent: – It only could be woman! Ei, owner Maria, its place is in the tank! Depending on the tone of the hair, demonstrations of disinformation or lack of intelligence, immediately are imputed to a certain feminine type: – It only could be blond! If the form to manage the proper money is to save very and to spend little: – It only could be Jewish! The same superficiality in approaching the characteristics of a people if applies the Arabs. Here, all they turn Turks. Who accumulates extra kilos is reason of chacota of the type: cork of well, polpeta, almndega, whale Taste very of the Biblical saying, legacy of the Christianity: ' ' The evil is not what it enters, but what it leaves the mouth of homem' '.

Educational Program

This system if translates for an intitled structure cascade system, that of a chance of the pupil in all the stages of the integration, to transit in ' ' sistema' ' , of the regular classroom to special education. RESULTS AND QUARREL OF the DATA We will initiate our analyses characterizing the citizens of the research, through data explanados in form of picture, referring to its trajectories of life in relation to teaching work. Thus we will present P11, P21, P31 and P41. Picture 1: ' ' Characterization of the Sujeitos' ' PUPILS EDUCATION WORK DOCENTENIVL WHERE ATUOUDISCIPLINAS LECIONADASTEMPO OF mdio.VriasMais DOCNCIA P1SimFundamental of 20 average P2SimFundamental years. Matemtica2 P3SimMdio.Matemtica3 years P4SimFundamental mdio.VriasMais years of 20 years Picture 1? Characterization of the Citizens – Source: Data of the research. 1 Interview carried through in day 23 of April of 2007 and 03 of June of 2007. In this work we will use codes to identify the citizens of the research, to preserve the identity of the same ones. to P 1? Pupil Program of Formation of Professors? When analyzing the data above, we can observe that P1, acts as professor has twenty years more than and that in this period already she had the chance of lecionar several you discipline in the two pertaining to school levels (basic and average).

However it standed out that: ' ' … only mathematical and sciences? Anos.&#039 has 7 more or less; '. to the P2 – Pupil VII Semester licenciatura in mathematics with approach in computer science – It acted as professor during two years, after the ingression in the course, and in this period it lecionou mathematical for the two pertaining to school levels (basic and average). to the P3? Pupil VII Semester Course of Licenciatura in Mathematics with Approach in Computer science? He acts as professor has 3 years, only lecionando mathematical for average education therefore according to its proper story ' ' I always taught average education.

Google Earth Program

The abrupt declivities of the river being higher of the side of Good Jesus of the Itabapoana, force waters if to espraiarem for the side of Good Jesus of the North. The biggest severity of floods in the end of the Quarter Side Line, is also justified for the presence of as meandro and for the proximity of the rocky bulk. We go to analyze the flood that occurred in 1906. At that time, with all the certainty, the Hidrogrfica Basin of the River Itabapoana still had an almost unbroken vegetation, what it takes in them to affirm that had little superficial draining (overflowed), the streets of the existing villages were not paved, being slow the draining of pluvial waters. They are situations that do not contribuam for an instantaneous increase of the puncture of full.

This still more strengthens our thesis of that the hidrogeogrficos accidents, that already existed at that time, had been and will continue being the main .causing agents of floods. These conclusive studies the one that we arrive, had had as support technician images of satellite of the Google Earth Program and, field comments. It so only remains to create us alternatives for our convivncia with future floods. The installation of a system of alert against flood is necessary and urgent for the transmission of information in real time to all the units of the Civil Defense. One is about a system of monitoramento with permanent information on the rain index and the level of the river. Thus, the population in a general way, could, of beforehand, if to program for a possible flood. A measure to be provided by the city hall, would be the acquisition of motorized boats to help people whom they were needing urgent atendimentos. At last, they are some ideas, but a bigger mobilization of the society good-jesuense is necessary to seriously argue this problem of our region, to be able to contribute for one better quality of life of our descendants.

Asefarma Explains The Accounting Of Pays In The Spanish Pharmacy

The medecine dispensation unidosis that will enter January of 2011 in force does not like to Asefarma. And it is that one of the Consultant’s offices of Pharmacies leaders of our country, (), sees contradictions in Real Decree 8/2010. In this last project that has presented/displayed the Government considers the manipulation of conventional packages, the adaptation of others and the division of packages on the part of the pharmacy. Of this form the project can enter contradiction with the effective sanitary norm as far as the authorization, registry and conditions of dispensation of medecines and to the phamacist in addition like person in charge to the dispensation, would be due to equip with greater security at legal level to him, comments Belinda Jimnez of the Saints, Person in charge of the Department of Dynamic Management of Asefarma. But this is not the unique discrepancy of Asefarma. The trazabilidad that is wanted to establish in certain medecines thinks that she is not safe. differences with the effective legislation also consider, since if one exists manipulation of the packages, the trazabilidad cannot be guaranteed, adds this directive. Also the Consultant’s office of Dynamic Management also has doubts in as important subject as the budgetary saving that this Decree persecutes.

has not carried out an analysis on the real costs and the effectiveness of this measurement and that justifies the real saving that can suppose. Between the costs that would be generated it contemplates the remuneration that would have to receive the office of pharmacy by the act of the manipulation of the packages. All this takes to us to conclude that this project as is defined generates infinity of doubts as far as the form of its technical application and as far as the results of saving for the Government with this measurement, finalizes Belinda Jimnez of the Saints, Person in charge of the Department of Dynamic Management of Asefarma.

The Preparation

When you are buying you must pay special attention to the lapsing of products. You must consider if it is a food that you are going to consume often or only sometimes special, and which are those that more time last. Thus for example, if purchases fruit or fresh vegetable hazlo in the amount necessary to consume it in just a short time, since otherwise one will spoil and until some misfortune will be able darte. On the contrary, if you are going to buy products like tinned rice, vegetables and foods, you will be able to conserve them by more time, which will allow you to buy more amount of them and ahorrarte thus time in future purchases and to organize better your pantry. Finally, if you do not have much experience at the time of preparing prescriptions, aprovchate of the information that offer to you in and labelling and you will see as you find the necessary thing for ayudarte at the time of cooking. Composition of the product, amounts, and often until prescriptions, can appear in the package of foods. Following these simple norms you will be able to make useful and healthy purchases, besides ahorrarte money in unnecessary foods. Step 2: The Preparation Once you already have the products that you need, the following step comes; What food to prepare? Again first that I propose to you he is something of pure logic here.

If you do not have experience, you do not play being great chef. In this way unique that you will obtain is to prepare authentic disasters (I say it to you by experience), that you they will discourage and they will move away to you definitively of the kitchen. They exist simple and healthy prescription infinity, with which you can be initiating your cooking walking.

Russia Research

Research sample that in the year of the Olimpadas of Brazil, the country will be the third bigger market of automobiles. 200 executives of great manufacturers of automobiles of the world had been interviewed. The International KPMG, recognized company in the branch of the research, made a study with 200 executives who work in the automotiva area, indicating a great possibility of Brazil to go up in ranking of bigger automotivos markets of the world, being assumed the third rank. The research sample that in four years, the number of cars vendidos in the country will be between four and six million, surpassing Japan. Charles Krieck, partner-leader of the area that takes care of of the industrial market and auditorship of the International KPMG, affirmed: ' ' The result of the research demonstrates clearly the image that world-wide the automobile market projects for Brazil: of a country with healthful economy and the excellent perspectives for businesses. To the end, the automobile market found a proper place in the Brasil' '.

Another result of the research, was the indication of that the emergent countries of the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) they will be the responsible ones for 40% of world-wide the automotivo market in 2016. The tip of ranking will continue with China, followed of the United States and with Brazil in third place, surpassing Japan (current third place) and Germany (current room place). ' ' Global Automotive Executive Survey 2012 Managing Growth While Navigating Uncharted Routes' ' (' ' Global research of the Automobilsco Sector Managing the Growth While Unexplored Routes are Desbravadas' ') it showed that the hybrid cars will be the consumed ecological option more. Exactly thus, they will have between 9 and 14 million electric cars circulating for the planet up to 2026. Liqui team Tires