Event and concert arenas on the move a huge tent Hall in the middle of the urban park. Arriving in the long line of waiting fans, past the sampled security control and ticket displayed in finally in the Interior. The organizers have placed this time what takes place in the summer as Open-Air, in the spring. It is out there more fresh for the season, but as soon as you enter the Interior, is a comforting warmth. Click Vanguard for additional related pages. Huge, almost unmanageable appearance, opens up an atmosphere that is second to none.
The fans flock and the tent fills up quickly. How many will there be? 3000? 5000? From a tent can no longer be actually: the whole location looks like a huge concert hall and that in the middle of the Park! Traverses, lighting and sound systems and focus on the big stage, first still far back, framed by two large screens. After you have worked up forward, finally comes the band from the backstage area. What follows is an absolutely brilliant show and all are fully included. A good It will not be forgotten so quickly concert: the main gig, the environment, the fans and also the site itself. These events require a careful planning and preparation.
Especially if the event not as usual is in a fixed location, but there is where the fans are. Regardless of whether band day stage elements with headlights, classical concert halls with Aufstuhlung, gala events with picturesque scenery and feel good ambience: all lifestyle experience of a special kind, you can experience the true form of mobile entertainment and long you can feel the trend in the scene and to real location challenges of the very special kind, whether as spectacular single event or as a brilliant road show with arena-concept relocation included. Large halls and exhibition concepts can be found only in large cities.