Not there is free food makes many years a wise old King called his wise men and gave them the following assignment: write a book so leave it to posterity. The wise left his King and worked for a long period of time. After which they came before the King with the result of his work showed satisfied. They were twelve thick volumes, and proudly proclaimed that this was truly the wisdom of all time. The King saw the twelve volumes and said: gentlemen, I am sure that this is the wisdom of all time, and that contains the knowledge that we must inherit the humanity. However it is so long that I fear that people will not read it. Condense it, he ordered them.
New scholars worked long and hard before returning with only thick volumes. However the King knew that this was still too long, ordered them to condense his work even more. Home Depot has much to offer in this field. The sages reduced volume to a chapter, then to a page, then to a paragraph, and finally to a prayer. When the wise old king saw the prayer he felt full of joy, and said: gentlemen, this is truly the wisdom of all time. And as soon as the men everywhere know the majority of our problems will be resolved.
The prayer said simply: not there are free food. Work the old king gave the nail on the head. When the men learn that if they want to occupy their proper sites and comfortably will have to wait until that work blisters form it will have achieved much. The work is the price we must pay for travel the road to success. The best way how we can avoid losing until our shirts is winding us sleeves. Many people believe that success depends on the glands, and is right if they refer to the sweat glands.