If you have other products to sell or promote, at the end of the article there is a box where you leave your name and a little explaining, either about yourself or about what you promote and hence you can mention and let links to that other page or blog, that is called in English Cross – referencing or cross-references or sales further and in some places articles allow you to do this. Also don’t forget that there are many sites where you can leave your items, you should only modify them a little always, and when they say the same thing, then 1 item can transform into 5 or 6 articles on the same topic take you traffic to your blog. Then you can do a build and edit electronic brochures that you distribute among your subscribers, and if you have enough material, you can create an eBook and sell it or give it as a bonus for visiting your blog or web page. If your articles like, said formerly is easy to implement. bpluIRBUuUkNXyTpOWhtRpoxnO&TARGET=-SM-https%3a%2f%2fhr%2eprimerica%2ecom%2fWelcome%2fhr%2femployeeHomeExtl%2ehtml’>Primerica Careers. In addition to publishing on web sites, you can distribute them with your RSS.There are many forms of distribution for your items make something viral. There are two ways to sell your items, write yourself and expect that people like as you write, to accept your style; or hire someone to do it for you. There are those who charge by the hour, others by Word and there are those who charge by the written article. It may be worth increasing the traffic to your blog or site and you sell better. If you follow these tips, will not be long in that you will see as you increase the traffic to your blog or web site.