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June Client

The Continentale realized multi channel-IT strategy in the broker distribution channel Dusseldorf, 19th June 2013 – unbound insurance intermediaries work with numerous insurance companies and must adapt to different ways of working. In addition to good products, they need support at the new settlement of their product donors. For this purpose serve usually fare product calculators on the extranet, or on CD. As broker and insurer are confronted with different ways of working. The fare calculators in the own extranet, they reach only a part of their broker. Many brokers require a uniform fare product calculators on several insurance – on your own computer. Others work with a broker management program over the also new business should be handled. Large units of mediator wish you technical direct links to its insurers offer systems.

In cooperation with the b-tix GmbH specialized in networking and BiPRO the Continentale Insurance Federation has realized now an innovative multi channel IT strategy. The goal: With only New business should be handled depending on the functioning of the broker via various channels a BiPRO solution. For this purpose the complete product range of life and health insurer was standardized interfaces BiPRO standard equipped with and integrated into the b-tix client calculator. The b-tix client is a standard software for intermediaries on the basis of BiPRO standards. This modern Web solution the Maklerextranet of the Continentale – was then incorporated into ContactM – and is in particular intermediaries without own broker system available. As a member of the industry initiative easy login”the Continentale in addition an activation of the b-tix calculator for easy client” caused.

“That was easy, because the easy client” based entirely on the b-tix client. From July 2013 can broker via the easy client”in addition to third-party products also new business for the life and health insurance products of the Continentale is complete. So Dortmund insurance group achieved a Brokers more uniform tariff calculator without overhead. Broker with a broker management program (MVP) reached the Continentale also: the b-tix GmbH provides the b-tix client manufacturers of agent systems for integration into the MVP at the disposal. MVP renowned manufacturers have already incorporated the solution and transfer customer and contract data automatically between MVP and calculator. Large broker units with its own IT can also integrate the b-tix client. Alternatively immediately gain access to the supply systems of Continentale of BiPRO interfaces. Thanks to the very good collaboration we with b-tix GmbH it in no time and with modest investments, to use several channels in the new business with a single BiPRO solution”, Hans-Ulrich Jager, head of the Department in the field of IT and responsible for the project is confirmed. About the Continentale Insurance Federation on reciprocity the Continentale is not a company in the usual sense, because it sees itself as a Insurance Federation on reciprocity”. This basic understanding determines the actions in all areas and in all companies. It is based on the legal form of the company: the Continentale is at the top of the group health insurance a.G. (founded in 1926), an insurance Association and a Versicherungsverein auf Gegenseitigkeit belongs to its members, the insured. Thanks to this legal form, the Continentale immune against takeovers and in their decisions is independent of shareholder interests.

Managing Director

“Not save on marketing costs or commissions Neustadt/Wied: all companies who believe to save much on the sales costs or commissions, save where the wrong cost because: no sales in the operation nothing”, says Friedel Mies, Managing Director of the company sales and consulting in Neustadt/Wied. Also Vertriebler candidates can live your complex activity, it must make them fun and also a decent remuneration is part of the fun.” In addition to a good payment but also a good sales support and sales support includes. This means that a contact / salesman/internal within the plant, which she supports and stands for all customer questions. Those who believe Vertrieblern/Interior to press a catalog in hand now with the note they sell times beautiful”are completely wrong, so sales never worked and we also do not work. Include a properly-run distributor also good introduction training, further training and constant motivation. In the context of today’s modern communication means, this task is much easier. But also the recruitment has become much more difficult and requires a much higher expenses.

On job advertisements in newspapers and on the Internet is hardly anyone and are hardly ever successful. “, That today the natural talents” in no longer grow the sales and we get hardly Vertriebler students under the age of 45, the sales search is always costly and time consuming. To counteract this, have we built a distribution network with more than 150,000 sales contacts in the last few years, speak so directly to the willing to change and have thus good successes in developing sales”Friedel says Mies with his almost fifty years sales experience. In addition, the company handles sales and advice reinforced your experiences out also the salesman/inside of the generation 50plus-x, want to many active salesman/indoor “even after their active career continues to move something and still be used, because they are still young and fit” feel. “And also the companies have realized that just this age group”, with their expertise and human experiences, are very valuable for them. Should this group of people for a further cooperation not thrilled be can the needs of the German economy in sales are no longer covered.

European Union

a cast of questions around the effect generated for the loss of the credibility in the founding metanarrativas and the process of erosion and disintegration of inquestionadas categories until then, as the slight knowledge of identity and authorship … privileging the critical ways pointed by the revalorizao of history in the examination of the ideologies that structuralize the formations and the processes of construction discursivas of subjetividades. (HOLLANDA, 1991:8) Rosi Braidotti makes a critical ferrenha to the universal, fixed citizen for the identities of the European rule, still looks for with much shrewdness to give new approaches in the constitution of the citizen and, still ' ' () special attention is given to the task of the construction of a definition feminist and anti-racist of the European identity, in the context of the contested space of the European Union ' '. Rosi, in the alert one on certain practical of ' ' denegrir' ' the image of the one after-estruturalismo in the Europe since this search to desconstruir ' ' verdades' ' millenarian that they perpetuate uninjured, however questioned ' ' The relatively shady careers of the leaders after-estruturalistas, in its proper native countries, testify the fact of that the main chains of philosophy and social science in the Europe see after-estruturalismo with great suspicion. Butler and Scott (1992) had suggested that this can be related to the fact of that this philosophy evokes the fear of the loss of maestria and a species of cognitiva despossesso? therefore they find hostile receptions very ' ' , we see in this speech all a hostility what it is different, to everything what it questions the order imposed for the dominant speech and the homogeneity. Joan Scott analyzes the mechanism by which a collective identity is created and thus it acquires a history. The author if valley of psicanalticas slight knowledge of fancy, ' ' () argument that the feminism assumes a direction of allotment between women, making I appeal the scenes fancy, that make possible the transcendncia of the differences and history.

Marketing Manager Mozart

The German technology company Adyton systems and value-added distributor Teknokare Ltd. STI announce distribution partnership for Turkey. Leipzig/Istanbul, 9th October 2013. The German manufacturer of innovative network security solutions Adyton system signed a new distribution agreement, to expand the distribution of unique next-generation firewall NETWORK PROTECTOR into the Turkish market. This new partnership with value-added distributor Teknokare Ltd. STI is another important step of the indirect sales strategy of the technology company. Adyton systems’ next-generation firewall NETWORK PROTECTOR is available now in Turkey, Cyprus and Azerbaijan through resellers and systems integrators. Since 2006, value-added IT distributor distributes Teknokare IT security solutions to its channel partners and major customers. With many years of experience in the IT industry, Teknokare offers its customers of each sector network solutions, products of network security and full network infrastructures. With more than 500 customers in the fields of education, Health and the financial sector is very ambitious to spread Teknokare the German next-generation firewall NETWORK PROTECTOR in their region. We as Teknokare list for 2011 a distribution partnership with one of Germany’s leading IT security providers. German IT solutions have a very good reputation in the Turkish market and already achieved a significant market share. We also believe that Adyton systems offers a highly innovative security solution for the Turkish market. NETWORK PROTECTOR is a very strong network security solution that offers a very high performance at a low cost per megabit. I think with my highly qualified and experienced technical and commercial team as well as with the support of the Adyton system we can a breakthrough on the Turkish market reach, says can Buk, Managing Director of Teknokare.In times in which IT security solutions are increasingly important for companies, we look forward all the more so as the German manufacturer of Network security solutions to have drawn another international distribution partner for the distribution of our next-generation firewall NETWORK PROTECTOR, says Klaus Mochalski, CEO of Adyton system. About Teknokare Ltd. STI Teknokare is a leading technology company in Turkey, and specializes in IT-based products and services. Since 2006, Teknokare the full range of network and IT security solutions offers its partners and customers from the enterprise sector. Teknokare is both value-added distributor as well as a reseller and offers above all with German IT companies best-of-breed products for the Turkish market. With his highly experienced and dedicated team, Teknokare would like to establish a leading position in the market and maintain. about Adyton system Adyton systems is a technology company from Leipzig and has revolutionized the concept of next-generation firewall. NETWORK PROTECTOR offers a complete solution that is easy to use and guaranteed by the innovative technology of the full positive validation Network safety in combination with application whitelisting. Adyton systems uses the latest deep-packet-inspection technology for this purpose. Adyton systems is regional office Leipzig of the TeleTrusT Federal IT security association, bears the mark of quality “IT security made in Germany.

Champions League

For athletes represents the surrender of a goblet, the highest of all goals dar. Whether it’s football, handball, table tennis or the street, all athletes to have as its sole objective, the trophy in his hands to hold. The absolute highlight for professional athletes is under almost all the major sports championship. One championship trophy to win, and that the celebrated athletes and the best team in the world to be, has the most significant role. Prizes will be awarded as a rule also in the field of amateurs and children’s and youth competitions. Even otherwise, each is keen to have each athlete at the top of the podium. Thus, as a rule will not only get the best performance also received a prize, the second-and third-placed a price. Is well known from this small. In the most appreciated of the German sport, football, has received a large number of trophies. From the DFB Cup, the UEFA Cup and the Champions League trophy to the Europe and World Cup. For important events, such asa World Cup, the Cup often presented in a solemn Rite with a subsequent fireworks. However, not only in well-known sports such as football is emulated for trophies. In addition, sports shooting, the rugby or the equestrian coveted prizes will be awarded. The remarkable Cup competitions in the game mode. Unlike in the league competitions, there is in the cup competition, the so-called knock-out system. Losing a group or a single player game, he is eliminated. Thanks to this very strict statutes a cup of athletes is so popular. However, the best or gets the trophy. Cup competitions have a long tradition of track record. As in the 19 Century, for example, the America’s Cup held in sailing, or the Davis Cup in tennis. An exception is made in the Champion Cup in football. A nation wins the World Cup three times in succession, they can acquire one price and it must be made a new one. At the 1966 World Cup in Great Britain, the cup was stolen, and only thanks to a randomfound again.

Monetary Authority

Editor’s Note: Chile is in inflation levels could not remember 12 years. Almost three times the goal of its Central Bank. Its growth is low. This reality did not escape the world, today. Bachelet has announced new measures, like international peers, to try to reverse this dynamic.

They can send me your comments to: Bachelet sum concerns the second part of its mandate Buenos Aires, Argentina on March 6, 2008 more inflation, less growth and energy problems. What else can happen to Michelle Bachelet in the beginning of this year? Inflation in Chile to reach an interannual level of 8.1% for the month of February, is not one minor fact. Only the memorious may remember a so high level of inflation in Chile: the last time that was a rate of inflation on top of 8.1 per cent was in June 1996. This is too much for a Central Bank with a target of 3% inflation (and with a range of 1% tolerance). But higher inflation is not the only problem that He is facing Chile. The Chilean brothers also come with concern how the level of activity slows. In a communique issued by the Central Bank: according to preliminary information, the January inflation increased 3.4 per cent compared with the same month the previous year.

This value is lower than expected and that have affected the fall in value added of electricity generation and mining activity. So far, dear (or expected) levels, by the banco Central de Chile are far from observed values: the Monetary Authority estimated a growth product for 2008 in a range of 4.5% to 5.5%, while its inflation target is located at 3% will be to sharpen the pencil? Less growth and more inflation. What you will do the Central Bank of Chile in the next meeting? The dilemma is more complex than it seems at first glance because of this decision should be considered also to where the Fed will move because higher rate differentials with the Fed, they can hinder the competitiveness of the Chilean economy through greater appreciation of the exchange rate.


has been a newsmaker for many years. His successes in the investment and commercial business spheres have brought him to the forefront of the news on many occasions. Many of the news articles and references he receives


Let us wake up! 2. Social division of the Work & Distribution of Tasks. The division of the work determines the relation between the individuals, itself, and with the material. It was thus since primeva (first) form of property human being, who if can verify in the tribal organization until the estamental. It wants to say, the effective division of the work happened when worked it was broken up it manual of the intellectual. With other words, the execution of the conception, in the way of effectively capitalist production.

In the manufacture already an exploration existed, however, the alienation that in it we find is of the body, because the necessary worker of its to know, of unitria form, for the execution of its work, what later, in the fordismo, for example, will not be a reality, because in this system he has a true unfamiliarity, on the part of the laborer, of the central reason of its work, certainly of the function of its work inside of the set of the company. Example: It only knows to manufacture part x, he does not understand function y and mechanisms z that it will cross it will play. Project: 1.Classificao and distribution of the employees according to its aptitudes. 2.Organizao of the work process 3.Perpertuao of the hierarchic structure and the social relations of the capitalists 4.O technician-scientific knowledge is not neutral, and being thus it favors the conditions and forms of exploration and alienation of the proletarian 5.O technician-scientific knowledge will go to inside strengthen the separation between execution and conception of the work, accenting the alienation. 6.A social division of the work, in the capitalism, if of the one in the exchange between individual and independent capitalists 7.Em the division of the work in the production, no individual worker produces a merchandise 8.A division of the work in the seio of the production estimates the distribution of the means of production as private property capitalist it 9.A division it work in the production is planned, regulated and supervised by the capitalist.

Poverty of Immigrants

We have to recognise that entering too many migrants, undoubtedly they could cause quite negative consequences on populations people of recipient countries, but also, we understand that many companies are frustrated to liberalize world trade among advanced Nations, and that, to the short or the long run, they have to close their doors (loss of employment, limitation of templates(, early retirement). In summary: go back to create an almost perfect globalized fear. I converse with my thinking, and he tells me: what is so much wealth in our hands? If wealth promotes compassion, one wants to be poor; If poverty generates hatred, one wants to be rich. And it is that man is insatiable in terms of possession of riches (for worldly goods). Money is like manure that is cast to the Earth: gain nothing if it is not extended, wrote Francis Bacon. We must banish forever the compassion for the poor and the fear of globalization. Because establishing an intercultural dialogue among human beings, it can be to try to create a globalized world where the poor are less poor, and the rich are a little less rich: equitable distribution of wealth.

In the world there are forty billionaires who distribute crumbs of anguish and pain, and thus see die, every day of the year, thousands upon thousands of children who are born, only and exclusively, to have a speedy, stressful and hard death. As well, and I firmly believe, the cultural conflicts that are fostered with the immigration problem would go solving, little by little, with behavior civilized among races, cultures and religions. Democracies are made strong, no doubt, respecting plurality and diversity among cultures and continents. Globalization will succeed, provided, establish solid pillars where settle convergent ideas for global disarmament. EE.UU., England, Iran, Korea of the North, Israel and Islamic fundamentalism not estan for the work.

Violence always begets violence, and this is well known. Countries that do not converse, and converses by mediation of culture, are dedicated to a constant warlike confrontation. He thinks one than indefinite. Perhaps there is no perfect globalization, but we all have to contribute to the development and lifting of that third world forgotten and massacred by friends and strangers. Religions must get used to the coexistence and mutual respect, because they help men overcome their fears: fear of death, fear of pain, fear of losing the head all religions are true and from lugo, all have one God: the God of all religions. If you have two pieces two pieces of bread, give one to the poor; the other sells and buy hyacinths to feed thy soul (Indian poem).