Category Archives: News

Federation Transport

At the meeting held on 29.06.2010 with the expanded board of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. the meeting was called by Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov. He pointed to the need to raise the international level safety requirements in road transport in Russia, as well as tougher punitive measures for violations of both passenger and freight haulage. Ministry of Transport proposes to increase fines for illegal activity in this field up to 40 thousand rubles, but this, according to Sergei Ivanov, is not enough. Sergei Ivanov stressed the need to increase the quality requirements for driver training in driving schools, especially the drivers who engaged in freight and passenger transport professional. Vice-premier asked to expedite the establishment of security in passenger and freight road transport in close coordination bodies Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations, the fsb and other agencies to work in transportation, as well as transport companies. According to the head of the Moscow office of the Federation of Russia Sergey motorists Kanaeva, the input system of licensing transportation activities will be more effective in the fight for restoring order than tightening shtrafov. also make greater use of expert community in this area. These organizations combine all market participants and may be responsible for their members. They will monitor compliance with rules and regulations in cargo transportation.

Department Management

– ActiveX controls: in certain occasions, when we sailed by Internet, it appears to us a message that asks for our authorization to execute small programs in our own equipment, like requirement essential to be able to continue with our activity in the page Web in which we were. These programs come from the Web server to which we have acceded, but they are executed directly in the computer of the user, reason why the danger is clearly. – Unloading and execution of archives .exe: it can be obtained through techniques of social engineering, that is to say, through deceit of the user or the abuse of his confidence, affection, etc. – Instantaneous mail: at the moment the programs Messenger type very they are extended between the users, who even can get to accept like contacts at people who do not know, or who do not know the sufficient thing. In these cases the attacker will try that the victim accepts a file she executes and it in his equipment. – Operation of vulnerabilities of third parties through navigator: we cannot leave without commenting another one of the routes by which an attacker can get to control the team of a user, and that route is the one to take advantage of through navigator Internet the vulnerabilities or exploits that occurs in applications of third parties (different from the manufacturer of the navigator in the majority of the cases).

Special numerous attention is due to render to exploits that they affect well-known reproducers of video that the majority of us we used with remarkable frequency. And up to here the first approach to the most common attacks that they can be sent to take control of the control of a user team, who will be able to serve the attacker as platform as attack to a whole network or a servants of the organization to whom the user belongs. It is, then, patent the necessity to educate and to bring back to consciousness to the users, because it is the most effective form to protect in last instance all our network. udea Security of the Information Manuel Diaz Sampedro Department Management of the Security


THAT structure so that to the 16 years the students must consider towards where orienting their life. the obligatory studies have finished, but and now what? A part of them, either exhausted of the life of student, or by economic subjects or simply because they want therefore it, tries to introduce itself to the labor world, that will offer money to be able to stay to them (although it would put at the moment it in doubt). Evidently I could not be had everything, and if it is decided not to continue studying, it is necessary to assume the consequences. Works in the majority of technical cases, with a low pay and, obvious, one supply labor reduced to the personal capacities that to leave the studies imply. Some others decide to begin formative cycles of average degree. The cycles will offer knowledge for the next use. The students, more enabled preparations and than before will be able to choose to more supplies of work than before.

The cycles of average degree allow the students to attend formative cycles of degree superior, to which also it is acceded through baccalaureate. The cycles formative they also belong to the studies of professional formation FP. By means of of the formative cycles of degree superior the students will have a great formation to obtain better employments, and in addition they will have the possibility of acceding to the university. She is one of the options with more professional exits, considering the possibilities and opportunities that offer. In order to finish, studies selected by the great majority: the baccalaureate. Following with the studies of THAT, the baccalaureate gives general knowledge of the several matters, with which the young person will grow as person and will acquire general culture. From now on, it is called on to be decided if to enter itself to the labor world, or to begin formative cycles of degree superior, or to be examined of the selectivity and to begin in the university for a greater specialization. Whatever option by which one to praised/poured off, this is a very important decision, that the students would agree that they took with calm and great premeditation and, if possible, is helped from a tutor who advises to him.

Pablo Gomez

To avoid opportunists, the movement is considering restricting the Commission’s power and limited deliveries of food to the camps and the members of the commissions and working groups. Drugs. Narcotic drugs have also reached #acampadasol, where there have been cases of selling heroin, porros and anxiolytics, according to sources at the Commission on respect. We have come to have a woman with an overdose, they report from this Committee. Infrastructures. The campers recognize the risk of electrical wiring you are using and the need to find an alternative to the supply.

We switched off generators when it rains, but we must find solutions, emphasizes Pablo Gomez. Also linked to electricity is refrigeration of donated food. We cannot keep perishable food with this heat, say the organizers, that they are still asking for foods that do not require cold. Tiredness. After two weeks, sleeping at the satin fatigue begins to make a dent.

For this reason, Some have proposed rotations to allow that energies could be constantly renewed. There is physical fatigue, but that is no reason to abandon the camp, says Maria, he combines Camping with practices in an enterprise. Centralization. The campers are aware of that Sun has become a symbol of the protest but indicate the need for that time movement is de-centralized and extends to the rest of seats.The center of the fight are the assemblies, not Sun, insist the campers. Possible eviction. Police authorities have undertaken to maintain contact with us until Tuesday, then we do not know what can happen, explains Pablo Gomez, of the Commission’s communication. The fear of a possible police intervention has grown in recent days, after that the Councillor of Presidency, Francisco Granados, requested the eviction of the camps because the situation has degenerated and the rule of law has broken down. Simply to collect the camp would take a few days, underlines a young woman camping in the square, which believed that it would be necessary to make an inventory and a great compilation of all records that are not lost in the event of eviction. Complaints from businesses in Sun. Fear of police intervention is also enhanced with protests by traders from the Puerta del Sol area ask the delegation of the Government to move tab to end with a camping trip which, according to emphasize, has meant the fall of 70% of the turnover. Mass assemblies. Meetings of the campers are increasingly more followers. What in principle should be a positive point, symbol of a growing support for the movement, however, has made that decision-making becomes a sort of mission impossible. It is very difficult to arrive at a consensus in meetings involving 3,000 people, but I know that there are many people struggling to achieve a minimum consensus, said Juana, who just abandon the camp for personal reasons.My view is that the ultimate goal is fading away, adds. This lack of consensus makes also increasingly more difficult to agree on concrete proposals. So it could be verified this Sunday when the Assembly decided to continue with the camping, but without setting the date nor the way in which this should be dismantled. Source of the news: lack of consensus, insecurity, tiredness other side of camping in the Puerta del Sol

Importance Of Speaking A Second Language

Although our language is the second most spoken language in the world according to the number of native inhabitants, English is the universal language to communicate with people from all parts of the world. The Anglo-Saxon market is extremely vast and the advantage is that it is a fairly developed market-level electronic culture and as a result, they are more accustomed to purchasing products and services on the internet. And it is that in a global economy which is currently lives and with nearly 15 per cent of Hispanics who are part of the U.S. population, according to the latest census data, as well as other ethnic minorities, speaking more than one language is definitely a labor advantage, increasingly more companies open your business opportunity to other countries, what they need in their ranks to professionals who can understand with their potential customers abroad with efficiency and fluidity. Why, among the requirements that enterprises require for an endless posts is the knowledge of a second language, that most of the times is English.

In fact, a recent study says that people who know this language have 44% more chances of finding a job. The need for mastering a second language increases in relation to the respondent profile, since it is a prerequisite by the companies for 58% of the deals aimed at recent graduates. This figure increases to 65% if it’s jobs for intermediate executives and 100% for senior management positions. By sectors, those who require a knowledge of other languages with greater firmness in their selection processes are the job offers related to technical careers, profiles of the area of finance and banking, as well as executive officers of the legal profession and various sales and marketing positions. It is important to speak another language, as understanding another culture, especially if it is customer service-oriented professions and branches abroad.

Alex Hurtado

Video presentation. It is always better that company has its own video for the presentation of the business which explains in detail about the history of the company, achievements, plan of compensation, etc. 6. Cost of membership and monthly fee. (a) it is recommended that the cost of membership is equal to the monthly maintenance cost. Otherwise, this does more than prevent the dupliacion, since many people will not join your business by him made pay an amount high in concept of input. (b) though in theory a high monthly fee entails higher commissions, this always will be a handicap for the affiliate since if you don’t see results in a short time it will begin to be impatient and will begin to see it as an expense rather than as an investment for what will end up abandoning.

7 Modes of affiliate. The possibility of being able to join a person via the internet makes the possibilities of duplication increase since in this way we can affiliate with people anywhere in the world. 8. Free trial. Having the opportunity to try the product or business for a defined time helps the person to see how his Office, management of receipts and payments, and send invitations with what the chances of this person remain in the business grows. 9.

Compensation plan. The company must distribute at least 50 percent of their income to affiliates. A simple compensation plan is recommended for that affiliate understands it perfectly and no doubt. 10 Stay never join a company that forces him to stay for a minimum. 11. competence of the company. Much greater competition has the company less likely will have to remain a long time in the market. These are according to my opinion the 11 aspects more to take into account when choosing a MLM company. I hope that this article serve you for help when deciding for a MLM company. If you liked in post I encourage you to leave a comment or share it. Alex Hurtado. Original author and source of the article.


This popular breed of dog is conformed by animals well muscled and of size medium with greater resistance. Known for its elegance, the Dalmatian has a body similar to the Pointer. The coat is hard, short and dense, white with spots randomly located. Stains can be black or brown. The feet are round with well arched toes and fingernails are white or the same color as the stain. The truffle (nose) is black in dogs of black spots and Brown in brown dogs. The eyes are dark brown or amber, with an intelligent expression.

The ears are soft, fine tuned towards the tip, carry them bent over themselves falling forward. The greater the definition of stains, equitable distribution and size (large stains on the back becoming smaller towards the legs) most valued will be the dog. Due to its history as dogs to accompany carriages, it’s a breed that requires exercise and activity. They are fast runners with great resistance. In rural environments, if left roam freely, it is likely to take long walks and return within several days. Since then in an urban environment this is unreliable so the best is to contain the animal.

His energy and playful nature makes them excellent companions for children, those who resist a pretty rough treatment. It is however essential that the copy is properly socialized and trained in the treatment of children and infants is displayed the right way of playing with the animal; as almost any dog, Dalmatian is perfectly capable of hurting a child, even during an innocent game, and particularly with very young children who may accidentally hit or throw. The Dalmatian is a very sensitive dog that suffers much abuse and hardly forgotten, so it is not recommended to train them with negative methods. It is also a very sociable dog that requires human companion; If left alone, must be trained to tolerate it and avoid suffering and depression; Optionally should buscar you some Companion. Despite his attachment to humans, it is a dog character independent, intelligent and able to survive by itself only. Original author and source of the article

Plywood Class

meter of surface. Plywood second-class standard, can have knot diameter not exceeding 40 mm, plywood third grade there may be knots maximum diameter of 70 mm. On the plywood of the fourth grade this indicator .Chastichno accreted, unjoint, loose knots, knot holes and wormholes. This kind of defects are totally unacceptable a veneer of elite varieties. Plywood Class I: may be up to three listed defects per 1 sq.m. surface, if their diameter is less than 6 mm or 10 mm if the hole sealed with putty. Plywood second grade: standard allows the presence of no more than 6 such defects per 1 sq.m. diameter of 6 mm, clamped putty – 15 mm.

Plywood third grade: it is assumed the existence of an unlimited number of these defects with a diameter up to 100 mm, plywood fourth grade are allowed any number of defects with a diameter up to 400 mm. Closed splits. Serried edge cracks should be held tightly to each other. Plywood elite class does not admit the existence of these defects. Plywood grades 1.4 allows unlimited number of cracks, provided that they do not impair performance characteristics. Diverged cracks. Standard does not permit the presence of dispersed cracks in the elite grade plywood. In the first plywood varieties may be present 1.2 cracks up to 250 mm and a thickness of 3 mm, if they are sealed with putty. In plywood Class ii 3.1 crack lengths up to 400 mm in diameter and 5 mm. Plywood 3 grades: 1-3 cracked up to 600 mm, a width of 10 mm.


Ideas to reduce costs and expenses in starting enterprises a project deAumento of utilities and business profitability, requires in addition a methodology and programs implemented by the direction of the Organization of Ideas and creativity. When discusses reduction of expenses and costs, in general, the Organization’s efforts to focus on trimming of staff, reduction in the consumption of some materials that are not considered priority or energy, admas limited investments, among others. These measures involve very significant risks in the quality of products or services sold, in customer service and in general can affect internal controls. Another common problem is that cut-out can be a temporary action, lost the opportunity to implement a measure of awareness and culture in the Organization of reduction of costs and expenses. In the current situation the exercise of a profession and the business require innovation, first to survive and then to increase their profits, require to establish realistic and achievable goals, work to achieve it is very difficult because the recipes and procedures have changed. However there is no other option rather than begin and how everything should start with a reference or an idea.

Based on my experience when I get a call from a company, I propose you implement a program growth of profitability, in addition to the reduction of expenses and costs being the objective of company-wide efficiency targets that increase utilities. Before a project of this nature, where there is no bibliography as you begin, first to achieve successful results is required that the company carried out an organizational change in where the commitment, it is not achieved by imposition, is very important acceptance and commitment of the staff. So as we started? 1. Identify the excesses to be cut (FAT) maintain that moves the Organization (the muscle). This principle is as broad as complex, because a reduction of an expense can result in a loss of service to the client or a problem in the production line. 2 It is essential to identify the critical skills where the activities or operation can improve. Let’s look at the gasket no doubt is a process in the production, sale and distribution of a product that plays an important part in the cost of a product. Because not make us the following questions to identify if there is any reduction in the expense of packaging option:- as it is the procedure of our product packaging – because we do it this way? Do that alternatives exist? – As we receive packing material? -That impact has in the sale or distribution, is indifferent to the customer? What if the sale is manuals, courses, or books and instead of print and Pack sold and sent over Internet? How much is can reduce the cost to the end customer? Seek opportunities for improvement of profits and profitability of the business, requires great creativity and discipline to ensure that the implementation of a process of saving won’t have a counter-productive effect on the organization. Author original and source of the article.

Zapotec Languages

INDEX Mesoamerican indigenous languages interaction between the Spanish and indigenous languages interaction with the English language. Definition of pidgin. Spelling. Phonology morphology syntax lexicon not English vocabulary. Modernization of these languages of the Cayo branch mosquito Coast Belize. LANGUAGES indigenous MESO-American Mesoamerican indigenous languages are spoken in an area of the new Aboriginal world that includes Mexico central and South, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador and parts of Honduras and Nicaragua. Although several centers of civilization have flourished in these areas that can be dated in the year 1000 BC and before the conquest of Mexico in 1519, the area of mesoamerica has a cultural history of approximately 2500 years.

Order to deal with the languages of the area of meso-america should establish their genetic relationships and their geographical distribution. Hence some treated as Mesoamerican languages are not spoken in mesoamerica properly but they form families of languages that are spoken there. Approximately 70 indigenous languages in mesoamerica are spoken today with 7,500,000 speakers. When the Spaniards conquered Mexico in 1519, it may have been about 20,000,000 inhabitants in mesoamerica. 10 Years of the conquest, india’s population had decreased by 80% as a result of the war, disease, forced labour and starvation. Since then, the indigenous population had returned to a higher level, but many languages have become extinct. The Mesoamerican languages with a larger group of speakers in the mid-20th century are: Aztec 1,200,000 Yucatec 600,000 Quiche-tzutujil-cakchiquei 1,200,000 Mam 450,000 Kekchi 375,000 Zapotec 400,000 450,000 the study of Mesoamerican languages Otomi began during the 16th and 17TH centuries. Some Dominican missionary and Franciscans were devoted to the study of native languages so the priests could try religious materials with the monolingual indigenous. They wrote grammars according to a Latin model, did spellings by applying values used in the Spanish or latin, to times had to invent new letters, made generally vocabularies, glossaries or dictionaries, and translated Christian texts into indigenous languages.