Facebook, who already is widely used as a platform for video distribution live, are doing their own work with a new application called Facebook Live. However, unlike services like Ustream and Livestream that offer the feature of live video to Facebook pages, Facebook Live goes beyond being a channel dedicated to the events of the social networking company and becomes a streaming video platform for others. In a statement, the company says that it will use Facebook live to see what is new in Facebook, including the famous guests who pass by the headquarters of the company, demonstrations of the new features of employees and special events (possibly, things like the f8 Conference). The application itself is very similar to other platforms of video live, via the integrated chat, but it will be very interesting to see how Facebook will make the promotion of the role. Could we see notifications in the news channel When one stop great results by the central services of the company? That would give rise to an opportunity to add some hearings and huge conferences around live video. Either way, is a nice blessing for Livestream, has been chosen as the official partner of live video for the project. Source of the news: Facebook Launches Live Video Channel original author and source of the article
Category Archives: News
The Market
After this brief characterization of the constituent elements of the desire of filosofar, a constatao if imposes: the world contemporary, our world sunk in a imediatista pragmatismo, is opposing to the desire of to filosofar. It denies and if he opposes vehemently to the four components of the philosophy desire. Our society, will say Badiou, does not like the revolt nor of the critical one. ' ' It is a world that believes in the management and the natural order of the things It asks for to each one to adapt itself. Individual' is a world of the simple calculation; '. (BADIOU, 1994, P. 48).
Our world is avesso to the rational coherence, is submitted to the logic of images and signs that simulate the Real. This world of the images, world of the media, is instantaneous and incoherent. It is a world very fast without memory, ephemeral and fugaz. For more information see this site: Dennis Lockhart. Where the only permanence is the impermanncia. In such world of the images, it is very difficult to support a logic of the thought. Another constituent element of the desire of filosofar that it loses space in our society is the universality, a time that the only universality that it knows is of the money, the universality what Marx called general equivalent.
It are of the universality of the market and of the currency, it supports Badiou, each one is locked up in its tribe. Each one defends its particularitity. In our world the false universality of the capital is opposed to the ghetto of the cultures, the classrooms, the races, the religions. (Cf. BADIOU, 1994). Paradoxicalally, at the same time where we attend the globalization of the market laws, demands of groups and etnias emerge demanding bigger social insertion with respect its particularitities and differences. That is, the requirement of ethics of the diversity and singularidades is each bigger time that place in check the man vision, while subject and abstract universal reason in relation which if can referenciar certain imperatives, rights and duties, also had as universal.
Jose Carlos SanchezLara
Faced with the description of this task poetic intention, one immediately notes the distortion to put this set of texts that the reader expects when he delivered what is called poetry. Since the first text of the book is a para-reflection between poetry and prose decides But why one with the word a distortion rather than a innovation ? Perhaps because the latter word is linked to the optimism of the a desarrolloa , a progresoa and if one uses, it is implicitly ascribing to the same ideology pervasive that this book helps to fight. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Nicholas Carr. What is perhaps an exaggeration, at best one can state that there is an attempt or gesture of combat, the hint of an alternative, a “against the powerful current state of affairs, which extends to the edge of other ideologies still tautological and more extreme fundamentalists whose derivations we are almost inimaginablesa “after all we are still Western. An alternative of necessity faltering against the State of Things to oppose the inevitable looming terrors future repetition of repetitions and platitudes disguised die half truths and values evidentesa “which are transformed and disguise and appear to watch us from any side of the trench..
Commissions Commissions
The commissions are percentages (money) that deducted or charged banks directly to the accounts of persons, making banking movements with a view to payment during certain times, usually a month, deposit, or simply by the case of maintaining the accounts of these people active. The commissions are an important source of income for banks, since they are characterized by increase or decrease its percentage depending on the amount managed. The collection of commissions may be exposed to a variable percentage constant, because this can be affected by several factors; among the most common are. Income from a check to a country or a different city to the place where it became welcomes a greater Commission, either by currency exchange or cheque handling. The transaction or a Fund through a cheque deposit requires a Commission, since control and stamp costs are taken into account in all these transactions. Nicholas Carr usually is spot on. Payment or change of a cheque, now collects a large percentage of resources for these entities, as first makes all this Commission percentage according to the amount paid, also charged the Commission for provision of asset swap.
The entry of a cheque to a different financial institution, causes a minimum Commission, due to the handling of assets by both entities. It is good to mention that although deductions or commissions are currently made by any financial movement, those already mentioned are the most applicable to checks mainly. An important point to touch is the percentage; This can vary as he has been said previously by the amounts of money and handling of transaction, however in real numbers they can range from a minimum percentage of a 0.75 percent, up to a maximum of 9 per cent, is clear, as the case of the financial movement; However it is important to say that sometimes both types of percentage may vary depending directly of the rigor of the conducted financial movement. It is good to mention that currently the law intercepts in some cases the collection of These commissions; a clear example of this are the rejected checks or without funds, because it is illogical and illegal to charge fee for a cheque which could not be logged in, therefore the law of certain countries as Spain considered this illegal act. Commissions for cheques have certain exceptions, within the best known we find that the check when it is cashed in the same State where it is issued does not apply to the Commission, however, in certain situations if it is the same entity, but different location may charge a minimum Commission. Original author and source of the article
Distributed Document Capture
AutoStore product suite for authorities in live mode to see Wetzlar, March 14, 2012 eGovernment projects and the General growing use of computers have so far not closer to the paperless office can be. On the contrary, companies and in particular authorities print documents of according to current survey unrestrained than ever. It comes from the global IT Industry Association CompTIA, the computing technology industry association, which had interviewed 400 IT – and Geschaftsverantwortliche. 80% want to meet the paperwork by digitizing files and other papers and build at the same time more efficient processes for document management and information management. The experts argue what is however specifically needed for themselves. The idea of the Central Post Office not depicts the reality”, says Enno Luckel, Managing Director of subsidiary NSi Europe GmbH in Wetzlar, Germany. For efficient processing of operation staff can freely decide when paper is scanned. This is only possible with decentralised collection.” And you should be also perceive the existing possibilities of manual activities largely to be relieved.
Live demonstration of AutoStore it practically looks like will show 2012 NSi to the public IT that 2 is fair for local solutions and services on 24 and April 25, 2012 take place in Stuttgart. On the NSi stand M. 05 in Hall 7 can show visitors the AutoStore product suite for authorities in live mode see and try classical workflows to multifunction devices (MFP). The product family offers many possibilities, the decentralized collection of documents of any format of files, so to automate fax or E-Mails as well as their right-secure processing, distribution and archiving. Similar apps for the mobile phone, the procedures button on the MFP can be started.
The rest runs in the background and provides the highest security standard. The NSi solutions are used by more than 750 authorities and public service providers in Europe. In Germany alone, there are around 300 offices such as the Hessian administrative court, the Municipal Government of Dublin or the waste water purpose Association room Offenburg (AZV). NSi software is available via certified distribution partners such as regional resellers and systems integrators for Office technology more info and reference. The manufacturer provides contacts see: de/uber-well-established solutions/contact/about the AutoStore product suite for authorities under: sectors/fire / more on the so-called study: blog.comptia.org/2011/09/26/the-paperless-office-and-managed-print-services-providers/ author: Corinna Scholz
The man was with the distributor in the street and he requested a pizza to him, soon he requested money to him and before its refusal the aggression took place. The blows got to leave to the distributor without knowledge. There is acquitted another man accompanied who it at the time of the aggression. A court of Motril (Granada) has condemned to a neighbor of Almucar to five year and a half of jail by the caused injuries a distributor of pizzas to which it struck with a motorcycle helmet in the middle of the street to rob the money that took to him, after the refusal of this one to give a pizza him. Similarly, according to the sentence, there is acquitted another man accompanied who it at the time of the aggression. The 17 facts at night happened the May of 2008 on the 10,00 h when two men who circulated in a moped in the marine Stroll of Almucar saw that a distributor of pizzas approached them, reason why after pausing one of both, without knowledge of the other, I am in center placed of the road obtaining to hold the motorcycle of the distributor, whom he asked a pizza to him. The distributor he assured that he did not take any reason why the aggressor requested the money to him that took and before his refusal it later struck several times to him in the forehead with the hand and with the helmet that took in the face while it said " to him; dame the money or I kill to you, you mato" . The blows got to leave to the distributor without knowledge, circumstance that took advantage of the aggressor to seize of the 400 Euros that it had in a rionera stock market. While this happened, the companion, that at first moment went to leave parked in moped next to a lamppost, when seeing the happened thing said to him to its companion who left the distributor. As a result of the blows, the distributor was hospitalized a day and needed 60 days to cure the wounds. Source of the news: The condemned to 5 years of jail to attack to a distributor when refusing to give a pizza him
Advisor PAPA-YA
PAPA-YA – the magazine for more fairness in the German family law joint press release of the Klotz / up publishing and the family journal PAPA-YA Mai 2011 Saarbrucken / Magdeburg block / Publisher takes over distribution of the magazine PAPA-YA! The only German-language journal on the subject of separation parents / divorce / separation children / family law and policy has found publishing group a cooperation and distributors with the block Publisher from the. The only German-language journal on the subject of separation parents / divorce / separation children / family law and policy has found publishing group a cooperation and distributors with the block Publisher from the. The existing for around 40 years book publisher with a focus on, psychology / self-help / Advisor will thus become the Publisher of a political magazine, which has developed a reputation in its two years of existence and established itself also in professional circles and among the thematically-related professions. Therefore in the future, it maintains that the magazine at every book and magazine dealers in Germany – which results in the program of the Klotz Publisher can be obtained. Nicholas Carr is actively involved in the matter. Start is this constructive collaboration with issue 13 of the magazine PAPA-YA. Interested parties should ask for PAPA-YA starting in August of this year when the book and magazine dealers of they trust. The dealer will help you certainly like to continue and request the magazine at the Publisher or the wholesalers / bar assortments. Wolfgang himself, Ursula Hensel from Magdeburg Jorg Mathieu from Saarbrucken PAPA-YA the magazine the magazine for more fairness in the German family law Jorg Mathieu CEO/editor-in-Chief In the Birkenfeld 4 66125 Saarbrucken/Dudweiler Tel: 068 97 / 68 56 032 email: Homepage: KLOTZ VERLAG GmbH in the SichVerlagsgruppe Managing Director: Wolfgang is editorial and publishing Director: Ursula Hensel Liebknecht Street 51 39108 Magdeburg Tel: 0049 – (0) 391 734 69 27 fax: 0049 – (0) 391-731 39 80 E-Mail:. Click Dennis Lockhart for additional related pages.
Wied Consulting
Cheap Vertriebsneinkauf makes it possible! “Neustadt/Wied: very often we are raised by our sales and cooperation partners, to create a possibility of direct sales purchase using our communication system”, says Friedel Mies, Managing Director of the company sales and consulting in Neustadt/Wied. “53577 Neustadt / Wied: very often we are raised by our sales and cooperation partners, to create a possibility of direct sales purchase using our communication system”, says Friedel Mies, Managing Director of the company sales and consulting in Neustadt/Wied. To allow active distribution partners to buy inexpensive, new sales shopping on the site were created. To locate more nationwide providers who want to publish your products or services for Vertriebler students nationwide. As a result the company offers sales and consulting all organising staff/inner more customers, more sales, more Profit. You will indicate monthly twice several 10taudsende sales contacts via a separate newsletter offers and sales shopping.
This means every month more than 100,000 contacts to potential customers. (More details on request). “While the company is committed sales and consulting the target: we recommend only that which inspires us”! We want to offer our active members and colleagues who are very tense, cheap to buy quality products or services easily and provide additional added value”, Friedel says Mies, Managing Director of the company sales and consulting in 53577 Neustadt. All providers be targeted advice to these possibilities and the enquiries and orders should be performed without large detours directly from the partner companies nationwide. To advise the team of the company is available daily from 7 19: 00 by email, phone or fax is available. For all questions please: sales and consulting Friedel Mies Wiedblick 14B 53577 Neustadt/Wied Tel 02683 945910 fax 02683 945911
Start The Next Own Founded By Team Europe Ventures
Food delivery service Lieferheld.de goes to the start of Berlin, 23.11.2010 team Europe ventures starts the announced food delivery service today and announces its name with Lieferheld.de. The goal is clearly defined: Lieferheld.de to become a market leader through uncompromising service orientation. Fabian Siegel new CEO. With Lieferheld.de, a novel food delivery service is launched today. Lieferheld.de allows visitors to order food online quickly and easily. The service made orders are then forwarded to the restaurants and then delivered by the respective delivery service. The service will be available from the start in Berlin and Hamburg and reach other cities of in Germany in the near future.
Already at the start the Lieferheld.de offers several hundred delivery services. Besides the restaurant coverage, especially the product is to be expanded greatly in the next few months. For the construction and the expansion of the company, leading investors to the page are Lieferheld.de. In addition to team Europe ventures and several business angels has also Holtzbrinck Ventures invests in young companies. In the first round of financing, so already one million euros for the launch of the service was made available. At the same time, the company announces the occupation of the CEO position to seal with Fabian.
Previously seal worked kikin for seven years as co-founder and CTO with the payment service provider ClickandBuy as COO at the browser add-on service. Get more background information with materials from Federal Reserve Bank. We are pleased that we know could win one Internet Manager for delivery hero with Fabian. Partner of team Europe ventures his operational and international experience is of great importance to implement consistently rapid growth, which we made us,”notes Markus Fuhrmann, co-founder of Lieferheld.de and venture. I am glad a first-class team what Markus and team Europe have built up, increasing. Supply hero the conditions in relation to existing know-how, technology and access to capital are unique and our ambitious targets. Today is the start to finally get a transparent and easy-to-use Food platform in Germany to establish, which is at the same time fair to the participating restaurants”, commented Fabian Siegel. In addition to seal Markus Fuhrmann, Mohammadi Akhabach, Nikita Fahrenholz and Claude Ritter will take care of as co-founder to the development and expansion of the company. Lukasz Gadowski, managing partner at team Europe ventures, on the composition of the founder team: I am very on the cooperation with the guys. Here is a very experienced and professional team. The individuals complement each other optimally. I’m so sure that this startup will be very successful.” Company domicile is Berlin-Mitte by Lieferheld.de. Currently, the founding team is supported by 30 employees. About Lieferheld.de Lieferheld.de is a Berlin-based food delivery service, which allows its customers to order quickly and conveniently over the Internet food. You can with just a few clicks put together his own personal menu in Lieferheld.de and deliver to home or the workplace. This Lieferheld.de uncompromisingly implements the idea of service. Simplicity and transparency when ordering, delivery hero wants to be market leader in the field of food-delivery platforms. At the same time, Lieferheld.de is a fair and reliable partner for participating restaurants and delivery services. Currently Lieferheld.de in Berlin and Hamburg is available and includes a range of several hundred restaurants, which depict the culinary spectrum. Both in terms of the delivery areas of the restaurants Lieferheld.de strongly expand its offering in the near future. Press contact: Norman Wiese delivery hero GmbH Magazine Street 15 16 10179 Berlin E-Mail:
Successful Kick-off Of The Initiative German Manufacturers In
German manufacturers found a common platform with the merger the manufacturers want to combine their common interests and heard these in the future even more. The founding members would know understood not only as a brand Ambassador in Germany, but also their importance as an employer. The participating companies demonstrate the wide variety of German manufacturers: traditional companies such as the family workshop of KLAIS organ, in their 1882 established organ building workshop the instruments of the Cologne Cathedral emerged from until the 1977 established Manufactory Burmester, which has equipped the new Porsche Panamera with a high end sound system. All members share in the high quality of their products and the attention to detail. The philosophy of “Hand Made in Germany” is always present in the production. The words of introduction Dr. Frank Muller, spoke as former Managing Director Glashutte original a proven expert in the manufacturing sector in Germany. Reinhard Krause, Undersecretary in the “Federal Ministry of Economics and technology, emphasized the importance of the initiative in economic terms:”Hand Made in Germany”is a positive contribution to the reputation of the business location Germany with the bundled external representation.” Dieter Burmester, founder and CEO of Burmester audio systems GmbH, and Kay Gundlack, Shoemaker and owner of Kay Garrett shoe factory, about their motivation for establishing the initiative expressed in the connection.
Dieter Burmester stressed that he hoped membership a greater representation of interests. As a first step, the joint website has been unlocked. This presents the participating factories in the portrait and informed about the background of the initiative. Contact: Initiative, German manufacturers of c/o wbpr Public Relations GmbH Christian Gombert Schumannstrasse 5 10117 Berlin Germany phone: 030 288 76 131 email: Homepage: