Category Archives: News

Metatarsal Toe

Although is the hallux valgus good banging, it remains the most common deformity of the toes. Hallux valgus represents the most widespread deformity of the toes. Typically, the big toe to the outside in the direction of smaller toe differs. The caput of the 1. Metatarsal bone is clearly visible here and can cause overwhelming pain. Therefore the suffering is also often termed painful Bunion. Although the hallux valgus among the well-treatable diseases from medical point of view, the prevalence in the population is very high. More information is housed here: Dan Miller.

Only who know the disease, can compete successfully against it. Thus arises a hallux valgus a genetic predisposition exists most of the time, despite not suffering is strongly influenced by behaviors. As you get older, all the more pronounced the danger to developing a hallux valgus. Women suffer more often from than men in the same age. The following risk factors are backed up and can be influenced directly: an important point of attack is wearing open shoes. Shoes are frequently throughout the day constantly worn. These are too narrow, the toes are pressed together. The result is an inhomogeneous distribution of train the muscles, so that the tendons during is unfavorably altered.

The formation of hallux valgus progressed. Shoes running to Spitz should be avoided, prefers open sandals. The Splayfoot is often found in hallux patients. This is a risk factor, who runs without intervention inevitably to the hallux valgus. By lowering the front Arch of the foot, the foot spreads on and the Intermetatarsale angle be increased. But even after fracture with incorrect healing or in inflammatory joint diseases may cause a permanent wrong attitude of the big toe. Is this the secondary hallux valgus. So a hallux valgus noticeable often makes himself a hallux valgus initial prepares well tolerable discomfort. The crooked standing toe is initially more a Visual than a medical problem. The pain start Indian rule in the area of the joint of the big toe, where the head of the Metatarsal is prominent. This is an increase of pressure in the Bursa, which is attacked. The affected area can infiltrate and at worst light (Brusitis). A premature wear of the joint (arthritis) is common especially in long course of the disease. There are cases recorded, in which the first toe aims at an angle of 90 and thus pushing the neighboring toes in incorrect positions. Affected persons occasionally complain about pain, which draw up to the heel. These are due to a consecutive improper strain. Will the Halux valgus not treated, is a faulty gear that affect the entire musculoskeletal system. Preventive action without shoes and feet provide ample space is the cheapest remedy in the hallux valgus. Even if there is a family history, the course of the disease, this can be positively influenced. Also frequent foot exercises helps to keep the muscular force distribution (E.g. soft ball with toes greiffen and knead). The benefit is one helpful Hallux valgus rail, which brings the toe in a physiological position and at the same time relieved the front arch. Not to obstruct the natural rolling motion, hallux valgus support should have incorporated a rotating joint. As already stated, a Splayfoot is often to be found. This is to treat it with a corresponding splayfoot. All the measures described should be initiated at an early stage. With advanced symptoms, these are no longer curative.In this case, an intervention must be pulled in the light. There are different operation methods for correction of hallux valgus available.

Burnout State

It brought her nothing. The described action makes sense and provides stress relief. If a person however long in the Burnout State remains and there is no positive change, then other methods should be used. No disease and also no mental disorder, but a problem in tackling life is facts about the Burnout Burnout after the WHO classification system. But it is a situation that occurs more frequently and with those affected feel often left alone. It takes on average 1.5 years until an employee by a Burnout has become so dysfunctional that it is striking in the workplace. Sufferers are 6 months and longer sick and only 50 per cent are again fully operational. In 2010, the number of annual days of absence due to Burnout was thirteen times as high as 2004 according to BKK health report 2012. Click Dan Miller for additional related pages.

A rising trend is assumed. And biological conditions stress is different today if cavemen through wild animals in Danger came to her body in the fraction of a second it turns, attack or escape. The amygdala in the brain fulfilled the function of a warning bell”and made sure that the hormones epinephrine and cortisol were distributed. Subsequently increased the blood flow to the muscles, increased blood sugar levels and blood pressure, the heart beat faster and the mind took off. Hormone levels and functions of the body regulated itself, when the danger was over or through activities such as attack or escape. Today, stress is different. Rarely there is a real danger, but only the body responses make sense. For example, A modern office-person suffers high working pressure prior to his screen.

His boss comes and transmits urgent additional tasks to him. The amygdala in the limbic system, the oldest part of the brain reacts like him. This is called also reptilian brain. Office man can but not flee or attack.

Mirjam Sterner

Through this subtle violation areas by us sensation when the (shock) situation remain frozen,”Ronald Gothert describes the process. You can be reactivated through the experience of a similar situation. It is so to explain the past in the present is still alive.” Even though the physical scars have healed long ago and have been treated errors of the psyche: the damage on the subtle level remains mostly unrecognized and untreated and responds sensitively to the psyche. We perceive the pain of the injured body of fine fabric in the form of internal paralysis, Bedrucktheit, depression and anxiety. Feelings that we seemingly can’t explain, because we do not know its source.

As long the fine fabric body is not cured, these feelings will not disappear also. You accustomed only to the changed life situation and prejudice they bring can. “, explains Ronald Gothert. If you but the “Subtle recognizes as perceives reality one has direct explanations for many emotional disturbances which you cannot match an otherwise.” Injuries in the subtle cure for the specialized profession of the fine fabric guide has been developed. What is remarkable to the Gothertschen method is that it is not necessary to deal with the situations detailed emotionally.

Because the subtle bodies have a substantial, anfassbare reality, in which the work takes place, concrete changes can quickly understand. Memories and emotions burdening us then not more directly. For more information see this site: Peter Asaro. People can live their lives again positive and forward-facing. “Soon, Ronald Gothert will publish the book of basics to the dealing with the doctrine of the subtle to the Gothertschen method” busy. On the doctrine of the subtle man not consists of a physical body alone. There are still other bodies and levels, which although not grab with your physical hands can be, but are still inextricably linked with the physical body: the subtle levels. They met as substantially as the physical layer, such as for example in the form of gravity. Both follow laws that can be ignored or followed. Both can be hurt and healed. Already in ancient times, the subtle quality of matter was explored. Many people have Hildegard von Bingen, Samuel Hahnemann, and Rudolf Steiner with spirit of discovery since her working on including the school of the Stoics,. About the Gothertsche method and through the fine fabric practices the Gothertsche is learnable and teachable method the subtle. Their intellectual copyright is Ronald Gothert, devoted to the fine-material research for 20 years. It created a series of new professions, are method can be learned at the Academy of the Gothertsche, such as the of the fine fabric practitioner. 27 Fine practitioners of fabric and fine fabric consultant people support in 18 fine fabric practices in Germany and Austria in it, the original sources of subtle order to regain, so that they can give their life in a balanced and active. More information under: if you are interested we arrange an interview contact to an existing practice of fine material. Like, we are also image material available.

Jorg Schindler

Form and function (matter and energy) can change negative but also by such as diseases or drugs or die off. Note: brain cells = proteins (form matter) change due to un natural use. This changes the function of (energy). The marketers make it so obvious to alter brain structure (protein) their customers and thus their behavior (brain power). (2) Pills are socially acceptable! The number of children allegedly suffering from ADS or ADHD, is today probably 700 000 above average many boys from families with low social status are unfocused, hyper-nervous and aggressive.

The side effects are immense, the complications largely unexplored and the diagnosis multifactorial disease, genetic, psychological and social causes both incorporated into the controversial. The reason according to critics: many adolescents move in an environment of sensory overload, pressure, sense drain, future fears and neglect. Your self-image is affected by er knowing that they work only with pills. Nicholas Carr follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. If they are needed at all socially. Adults also swallow with high Stimungsaufheller Addiction potential. Our way of life, side by side and against each other makes us sick. This causes our sick cybernetic mechanistic society: the social inequalities, the economization of all areas of life (markets and industries) with their growth ideology, lack of Justice, increasing stress and lack of recognition leads to aggression.

Today, more and more adults take the (doping) means ADS or ADHD to stay competitive in job and education. (Similarly see: author). Never been so many workers were mentally ill according to health insurance companies. (1) Addiction history of compulsive of buying: anticipation application: liberating of negative feelings. pleasant, ecstatic, high sense of guilt feelings, regrets compulsive shopping as a fugitive from negative mood, depression, anxiety, boredom, self-critical thoughts and anger. Compulsive buying behavior leads to the greater of sense of success worth! We become ‘Shopping-Aholics’. The feel neurotransmitter dopamine is secreted from the limbic system and gives us a high or the sense of the noise. We Repeat the purchase Act, as soon as the dopamine again sings down on normal levels changing. An acclimatisation effect, we need more of the same substance or behavior to trigger a new Dopaminhigh. The continued pursuit of the (probably feel-) noise can change our DNA proteins. The result is an uncontrollable urge to procuring drugs. Then our brain has changed already structurally and functionally, also at the shopping addiction. The primary marketing efforts: create desires. Provide products with addiction-enhancing properties. Shopping and spending money make a compelling game. Our psyche is always better manipulated again and more and more frequently to buy the brands and products. The psychological marketing instruments: Fears, uncertainty, guilt feelings, hopes, acceptance efforts.

Quick Help With Diarrhea (diarrhoea)

Identify causes of diarrhea and quickly get help it can affect anyone – and that suddenly, unexpectedly and violently: A diarrhea. This unpleasant health disorder affected individuals usually so much that a normal daily routine are no longer possible. Diarrhea is a symptom. He points out that there is something in the digestive tract, not in order. Usually triggered by bacteria, viruses, or poisoning, which wants to get rid of the body. The diarrhea is a mechanism for detoxification of the body. Acute and chronic diarrhoea acute diarrhoea (diarrhoea) often occurs out of nowhere and takes only a few days. His symptoms more common disposal of aqueous chairs are accompanied by painful stomach and intestinal cramps and flatulence in the lower abdomen.

The difference in the duration of the disease to chronic diarrhea. The chronic variant occurs repeatedly, without a recognizable cause can be identified. In this case, other disease may be responsible for the diarrhea, and you should be go in any case in medical treatment. Chronic diarrhea is dangerous, because it leads to a drying out of the body and the loss of essential minerals. Causes of diarrhea are triggered often diarrhoea infections (viruses, salmonella, parasites and fungi), for example during a flu outbreak or when travelling abroad. It’s believed that Dan Miller sees a great future in this idea. They can occur as a result of lactose intolerance, allergies or food poisoning. The chronic intestinal disorders include Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis. Diarrhea can be also a reaction to an intolerance of drugs.

People with severe obesity often suffer from diarrhea. Diarrhea with conventional and alternative healing methods in the pharmacy to get many conventional remedy for diarrhea treatment, relieve the discomfort and normalize the digestive system. But many home remedies help in a natural way to get rid of the problem. They are usually well tolerated and do not burden the body. First bid is one adequate fluid intake, combined with plenty of rest and diet (dry bread, rusks, pretzel sticks). Eat as little as possible and only light fare during the acute diarrhea. Bananas, rice and carrots are recommended. Blueberries contain much important sodium and stop the diarrhea. Grandma’s home remedies: some castor oil mixed with lemon juice cleanses the colon and freed it from pathogens. Then drink plenty unsweetened black tea. Another popular home remedy is the dark chocolate. Also grated nutmeg to help with diarrhea. If the complaints have subsided, the diet can be converted to a normal diet slowly. Strong complaints, especially, a doctor when added to the diarrhea still vomiting, should be consulted on in any case soon. In babies and children, the danger is great that the small body with a diarrhea dehydrates (dehydration). Also here should quickly traded and seek medical attention.

Managing Director

CashRun is the official launch of the sales agreement with European merchant services B.V.. (EMS card) known ST. GALLEN, Switzerland, December 15, 2010 – CashRun, a leading provider of pre-order – and fraud prevention solutions, is the official start of the sales agreement with European merchant services B.V.. (EMS card), the internationally recognized provider for online and point of sale card processing in Europe, known. The agreement stipulates that CashRun will distribute card throughout Europe from all E-Commerceservices by EMS. Dan Miller understood the implications.

Cooperation CashRun extends its extensive range of international payment methods to highlight of the direct credit card acceptance. In conjunction with the innovative fraud prevention solution CashShield emerges a more risk-free payment option for online retailers. We are pleased to European online merchants through the card an innovative combination of card payment and fraud prevention offer newly closed cooperation with EMS”, reports Justin Lie, Managing Director of CashRun. Through the use of the popular payment option, online merchants can increase their sales, while CashShield protects against fraud risks as a result of chargebacks. As a result both dealers and buyers benefit from a safe and comfortable shopping experience.” About EMS card as of leading international processor of card transactions offers EMS card first-class services for numerous cards payment options. EMS card is a joint venture between first data, an international leader in E-Commerce and payment services, and international card services (ICS), the leading provider of credit card lending in the Netherlands.

As such, EMS card has many years of experience and an excellent technical infrastructure. About CashRun the company CashRun was founded in 2007 with the aim, to offer secure and convenient online payment options Internet dealers. In addition to the headquarters in the Switzerland, CashRun has international offices in Germany, United States, Singapore and China. Through the continuous development of their solutions, a strong global presence and a dense network of partners, achieved impressive successes in fraud-endangered industries CashRun and supports dealers, to accelerate its revenue growth and to minimize risks of payment fraud. Press contact Ms. Irene Brime CashRun-Group Mr Marc van Piggelen European merchant services B.V..

South Renewable

RENEXPO shows solutions for a sustainable power supply to the electricity networks of the future and the associated integration of renewable energies provides energy, science, and politics remains one of the greatest challenges and is a guarantee for a successful energy transition. This future-oriented theme is the theme of this year’s RENEXPO, the 12th international energy trade fair in Augsburg, Germany from 22 to 25 September. Apart from the 1st Conference “Zukunftsfahige grids – grid integration of renewable energies, Stromnetzum-and expansion” represents the State of the community “intelligent energy” the central communication platform for experts and exhibitors on the RENEXPO. The key subject of a successful energy future is the topic of network integration and developing intelligent”, underlines the Managing Director of the organizer of the RENEXPO, Johann Georg Rohm by REECO GmbH, it is essential for a successful energy transition and future warranty for a decentralised energy supply”. New technologies of Electricity make new demands on the future distribution and storage of energy.

If electricity from wind turbines is increasingly produced in Northern Germany, and in South and West Germany, nuclear power stations are switched off, this requires a completely new demands on future network expansion and power management in Germany. This issue will be on the 1st Conference “Zukunftsfahige grids – grid integration of renewable energies, Stromnetzum-and expansion” discussed. Author might disagree with that approach. Speakers from politics, science, energy and producers show approaches. The problems of the distribution are discussed in addition to the energy requirements of the power grid of tomorrow. Smart grids to optimally control the networking of producers, consumers, and save. Virtual power systems such as smart metering and smart home will play an important role here. Intelligent solutions can accelerate the decentralized development of renewable energies.

Thus they made an important contribution to achieving the EU targets are necessary conditions to the further integration of renewable energies. The Association of Bavarian energy – and water management e.V. (VBEW) is a partner of the Congress. Currently, 28 percent of the Bavarian electricity consumption from renewable energy sources are covered according to the Association. 2010, the strongest growth came from the Photovoltaiknutzung. While electricity from hydropower and biomass reliably around the clock makes a contribution to the energy supply, the photovoltaic is fed only on sunnier days in the network. Only when there are low-cost disk technologies, is this crucial shortcoming to correct. “The conversion of the energy supply is fundamental”, underlines Detlef Fischer, Managing Director of VBEW. “It is important, even more to integrate renewable energy sources into the existing energy infrastructure and to promote saving energy.” Just so you could cover the Bavarian energy consumption (electricity, mobility, building heat requirement etc.) increased from renewable energy sources. In addition to the Congress, the community level is intelligent energy” an important communication platform for the exchange of information and networking. Here present exhibitors approaches and practical examples. Thus the exhibition has an ideal meeting place for experts, trade visitors and potential clients in the areas of Smart grids, smart metering and smart home. The 12 RENEXPO covers the entire spectrum of renewable and decentralized energy generation, intelligent power distribution, as well as the efficient use of energy. Due to its unique variety of topics, it is the industry meeting point Nr. 1. The fair is open Thursday to Saturday from 9:00 to 18:00, Sunday from 10:00 to 17:00.

Exhibition Centre

Two stands and special offers for HVAC customers on the nordbau fair 2013 Hamburg, 15 July 2013 with two stands construction HVAC shows economic strength on the nordbau fair 2013 in Neumunster. For its customers, the German leader holds something special this year: so-called fair sweets. At the conclusion of a contract on the construction of the North, the customer benefits equal in two ways: he can on the machines developed specially for the exhibition offer by HKL by Kramer and Yanmar access, equipped with special equipment and features. And at a very advantageous price. With this trade fair sweets’, HKL propagates its purchasing advantage, thanks to large loss of amounts of and long-standing partnerships with Yanmar and Kramer, the company enjoys, directly to its customers. On the approximately 1,800 square metre main stand with demonstration area at the outdoor product innovations and premieres, as well as a cross-section of the extensive range of rental and trade program will be seen – including construction machinery, devices and equipment many well-known manufacturers. HVAC presented here also the concept of the HKL MIETSHOPs: smaller professional equipment for rent. At its stand for municipal equipment, HVAC shows interesting solutions for the most diverse applications.

Journalists are cordially invited to a consultation. Visit us at the Exhibition Centre: HKL Baumaschinen open-air N142 (construction equipment and HVAC rental SHOP) HVAC Baumaschinen of open-air W123 (municipal level) about HKL machinery HKL Baumaschinen ( is Germany’s leading, vendor-independent landlords and retailers of construction machinery, construction equipment, space systems and vehicles. The owner-managed company made a turnover of 275 million euros in 2012 and is with its rental fleet, construction shop and service offering largest provider for construction, trade, industry and municipalities. Nationwide over 140 branches and 1,200 employees a rental fleet of 30,000 machines guarantee proximity to the customer and the fast service on-site. HKL has more branches Construction machinery in Austria and Poland.

Public Sector

INFORA Conference offers practical recommendations for action Berlin on January 28th, 2010 in Berlin, January 19, 2010 what practices in the sales speech of authorities by IT vendors offer the greatest chance of success, is thematically at the heart of the IT sales tags Contracting”INFORA GmbH, a consulting firm. It takes place on January 28, 2010 in Berlin and offers to discuss a platform about current conditions and developments in this market segment sales oriented employees for the public sector, as well as to gain practical impetus to the acquisition processes. For, the event offers a wide range of content through expert speakers from the public administration, the economy and science with practical recommendations for action. On the one hand involved the current structure and the perspectives of the E-government market, on the other hand, important background topics such as the legal framework of IT distribution in the public sector are illuminated intensively. In addition, the meeting focused in a further focus on the optimization of the sales methodology sales and service organisation. For more specific information, check out Dan Miller. So, the interesting results of a recent study are presented exclusively. She has gone to the question, as IT vendors and service providers more precise can align its acquisitive approach tailored to the authorities. For this the expectations were established for the first time by Beschaffungsverantwortlichen in the authorities.

In the survey, it was analyzed, for example, which way the first commercial speech promises the greatest success, how extensively at the beginning of the information must be and what must necessarily include. But also what a sales representative in the initial consultation the focus should be among the ten extensively examined aspects that are presented to the public on the IT sales day for the first time. Beyond this lecture programme, the event offers ample opportunity for an exchange of experiences among the participants. More information and electronic registration at: About INFORA: INFORA GmbH is an innovative, highly specialized and vendor-independent consulting firm for more than 25 years. With locations in Cologne, Berlin, Hamburg, Munich and Dresden supports customers from the initial concept idea through to successful implementation. INFORA it places special emphasis on the practical design and effective transformation of business and automation processes. Her consulting clients such as Daimler AG, Viessmann, INA Schaeffler, German Airbus, Henkel, Minolta, Procter & gamble and Schering include clients such as the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of finance, the Federal Agency for work or the Federal Chancellor’s Office in the industrial sector, in public administration.

Concorde Film Distribution

“The Tree of Life” by Director Terrence Malick icon will celebrate World premiere in Cannes and 06.05.2011 there run in the competition for the Golden Palm Hamburg – “The Tree of Life” is the new masterpiece of by cult Director Terrence Malick (“the thin red line”, “Badlands”). The almost cosmic epic follows the childhood memories of Jack, who can see everything around with the eyes of his soul. Starring Brad Pitt, Sean Penn and Jessica Chastain shine. German cinema release: 16.06.2011 in the Concorde film distribution; Director: Terrence Malick; with Brad Pitt, Sean Penn, Jessica Chastain and others content: Jack in the 60s in the Midwest of the United States as the eldest of three brothers growing up. The world order seems superficial. Everything goes its usual, everyone has his place in society. The Sunday church attendance belongs to the family to the fixed ritual as the common meals in the district as well. But the small Jack sees the cracks in the facade.

As his mother (Jessica Chastain), he has the ability to see with the soul and this love and empathy develop. His father (Brad Pitt), however, preaching the child to fight relentlessly for their own interests. He wants to strengthen him for “Right, enemy life”. Jack is torn between his parents and their ideals. When he is confronted in the course of his childhood with illness, suffering and death, is becoming his pre-world children and appears increasingly impenetrable labyrinth. In the modern world the adult Jack (Sean Penn) as a lost soul feels constantly in search of the great plan, which stays immutable through the ages, and where each has its place. A profound event eventually leads him to a wonderful conclusion… Links: ConcordeFilmverleih Concorde film distribution over Concorde film distribution: Concorde film rentals since 1980 and has brought since then over 400 films in German cinemas.The program titles each year consists of approximately 10-15 and features a varied mix of Arthousekino of top, German Feature film and commercial productions in Hollywood.