Category Archives: News

Educational Values And Teaching

Some time ago I heard a message that opened my eyes to a subject that I was not dealing well in the education of my children. Air Force Chief of Staff oftentimes addresses this issue. It was a very interesting conversation between two pastors on the education of children and how today is all about delivering an education in which nobody can feel undermined. Any instance that allows a child to stand in front of others is appeased or disguised in some way so that others do not feel inferior or repressed. While this attitude seems to be just and tolerant, does not have the desired effect of leaving everyone happy. Quite the contrary, it allows each individual to develop their talents and innate abilities, which all have-to reach their full potential. Without realizing it, I had acted wrong with our children. Every time there was a competition among them or played a game, I was very concerned that everyone was happy at the end. Les said: “The important thing is not to win, but enjoy the game.” Similarly, when a received an award for her work, I tried to give you something as a parent of other children who had not received anything.

Without knowing it, was acting against the principles of healthy competition in education. It is important that our children know to live according to these principles, the sooner the better. Why? 1. First, because life is so. The one who strives, stands and earn rewards for your effort. As adults nobody will be concerned to give a prize of pity the one who made no effort. And if you instill that mindset in their children, is likely to be transformed into people who constantly demand their rights without moving any finger to get ahead! 2. Secondly, and more importantly, healthy competition is a powerful incentive for them to develop their skills and innate talents.

If you as a parent supports children in competitive activity, they can teach many valuable lessons from real life: A. Desarrollalos Discover your talents and the maximum. God gave you that strength to be able to get ahead in life! B. Discover your weak areas and do not afflict for not being good at something. We all have strengths and weaknesses. Do not try to be an apple when you’re pear. C. Despite your efforts, you will make mistakes and that’s not always going to be all right. Mistakes are not failures are stepping stones to success.

Make Money With Blogs – Simple And Very Effective Strategies

Simple Secrets To turn your computer into an ATM! If you want to make money through blogs, the popular blog creation is the key to success. If your blog receives very little traffic, you will not have much success monetizing. No matter which method you use to make money with your blog is most successful if they have a large readership. Therefore, make the increasingly popular blog and increase readership should be one of your main preocupaciones.Hay many ways to make your blog more popular. The first thing you should consider is what type of audience for whom you are writing. You should always write about something you're interested in, and that others are interested. You may think that the new kitten is the greatest thing since sliced bread, but probably not many others who want to read a blog about it.

The best thing is to find a niche audience that is large enough to support a wide readership but not something vague. One of the best things about blogging is that you have to be a professional writer to be a popular blog. Just follow the rules of common grammar and at least be able to write coherent sentences, but do not have to be a writer highly Blogs by qualified readers seeking interesting and relevant topics to read, not the next work of Shakespeare. Make sure that what you write is interesting, sharp, or even controversial. The ever popular blogs are boring and add value to the reader lives either through information or your blog entretenimiento.Asegurate that adds some value to the lives of your readers would not otherwise develop a large fan base.


Achievement motivation is a drive to overcome challenges, progress and grow. This type of motivation leads to higher goals and impulses, and that people work better and achieve more outstanding. Oriented people seeking personal achievement success “per se” and works with its desire to overcome obstacles, achieve goals and be useful to others. The opposition must cultivate and develop their motivation to succeed because the opposition pose numerous challenges to the person who decide to prepare, the is the clearest example. Opponents begin addressing the study of the Constitution with great enthusiasm, but since I started reading the agenda was deeply discouraged. The articles seem to never ended and that each is more complicated than the previous.

In this way, the excitement of the first moments becoming ends apathy. The achievement motivation in the opposition if we consider the contributions made by Robbins, opponents should get to develop the following characteristics: tendency strive for personal achievement rather than the rewards of success itself. This means that the opposition should consider the challenge posed by the opposition which, over the possibility of obtaining the square by which oppositional. Trying to make things better or more efficiently than has been done previously. This refers to the opponent must deal every day to their agendas forward to that do better than the previous day.

Submit a force that drives them to excel in what they do. That is not going to see if the sound the trumpet or simply to pass, but go to raze. Find situations where they can take personal responsibility for resolving the problems, which may have feedback on their performance to see if they are improving or not and also set modest targets. Hear from experts in the field like Peter Schiff for a more varied view. It will be necessary to self-assess the knowledge we have on the agenda by conducting mock tests or exam. Avoid too easy or difficult tasks. Which means going up the level of complexity or volume study gradually. Assume the responsibility for success, working to achieve it. Desire to overcome obstacles. This refers to the difficulties arise as a challenge to overcome and not as insoluble problems. Developing these characteristics often depends on factors both internal to the person (education, experience, self-esteem, etc..) And external factors (family, current job, stress level, etc.).. How to get an achievement-oriented personality a personality to make towards achieving the opponent must be trained. This is where psychologists and educational psychologists into action as they do in the field of sport, where the figure of the coach is essential. A good work with the client to achieve the following objectives: – generate a process of personal transformation and / or professional person providing the tools to address the change process effectively – increasing the power of user action through the development of learning ability, and – develop intelligence skills emotional and creative skills, leadership and effective communication. In this way, the opponent will acquire strategies to help you become a better person before the opposition and be prepared to succeed in them, but also to face failure and learn from it.

Natural Link Building

The range of search engines such as Google has enjoyed in recent years a tremendous growth. All the more tempting it is to get hold of for search engine spammers, often looking for the coveted first positions in terms of the search results. Attorney General is the source for more interesting facts. The fact that meta tags are no longer long enough to gain good positioning in the search engines, has meanwhile spread. Nevertheless, the search engines are constantly evolving and in the meantime, the methods are well advanced. As part of this change develop from things that works for a while and have it brought to so popular, happy times tough and unbreakable SEO myths. Other leaders such as Steve Mnuchin offer similar insights. A legend is that massive link building, for example, driven by a number of directory entries, always and in any case is good. No later than the beginning of the year after Google confirmed the existence of the sandbox (sandbox) for new domains and many reviews have appeared in the network, which made more accurate than the sandbox "trustbox described, appeared suddenly new descriptor on SEO-sky: natural link building, the foundation is simple. As soon as Google discovered a new domain, this puts it in the first Sand-/Trustbox and leaves them there until the domain it considers reliable.

The phenomenon should be limited to a maximum of approximately 1.5 years, however, can shorten the period by clever natural link building. This is of course a very abstract statement. Ultimately, this means that Google devalues new domains for some time in the ranking for desired search terms and get this, only little search traffic – and then mainly on the composite and some very odd keyword combinations. To solve the problem and get the domain out of the sandbox, one needs to remain above all: Inbound links from trusted domains! Trusted domains are mainly represented for many years in the search index. In Germany not as popular, just give. Edu and. Gov domains a lot of "Trust Juice" further. The best advice we normally have but if you just google it time for topic related pages and try to get some links from them. But beware: the relevance of the issues linked pages is precisely in this situation is very important! Particularly ill-considered link-building at the devil come out (for example, by a sudden preponderance of forums, Footer or catalog links) will stay in the sandbox / trustbox only prolong unnecessarily.

Human Resources

Continuing professional development (CPD) is promoted by the ICPD to support the systematic development and accreditation of its members. The aim is that the continuous search to improve knowledge and skills through exposure to new experiences benefits both the individual and the business. The ICPD actively promotes CPD along with other professional bodies such as lawyers, accountants and experts. The world is not static and no new developments in all emerging areas all the time, which is both challenging and exciting. Change gives individuals the opportunity to expand their capacity and keep pace increases confidence and helps build credibility.

For businesses, the benefits are the ability to stay ahead of competitors and increase profits. Kenneth R. Feinberg pursues this goal as well. Therefore, through exposure to new initiatives benefit both parties. CPD is a continuous improvement cycle, identification of new experiences ahead. Having gained new experience that comes the analysis of what has been learned and how put into practice at work, before considering the development of new next. CPD is self-directed and requires motivation and commitment to improving the standards of their own staff, that some people can be a challenge in itself. Maintaining momentum is also important and the establishment of personal goals of what should be achieved within a specified period. For those that manage to keep the cycle is a huge sense of accomplishment. The process can take many forms? attend seminars, courses and academic conferences, conducting work-based activities, secondments and project management or read books and magazines.

Individuals may have a particular learning style, but to develop their skills from time to time you should take one that does not come naturally. For example, a person who learns best from active participation in solving problems that could take a more theoretical and read an article on the subject instead. Intertwined within the ICPD code of practice is the requirement of human resources professionals to encourage and assist the development of other individuals. Personal satisfaction can be gained from having helped someone might see them develop new skills to flourish once the trust they have earned. In order to fulfill our obligations as human resource professionals in the promotion of CPD, there are several possible solutions – becoming a role model, mentor and coach. A model that lead by example to show those interested how to do and the benefits to be gained. As a mentor of a Human Resources professional can give people the benefit of their knowledge of valuable information transmission of knowledge and coaching skills or positively encouraging that the person knows the path ahead. Any or all of these tracks you can follow everyone’s satisfaction.

Lace Thread

In Bobbin lace, The term “fit” is quite broad and usually the experts themselves disagree on its definition. Usually included in this genus, lace textiles as diverse as the work of crocheting, knitting on average, tatting, mesh, etc., But today is considered to bobbin lace and needle lace, lace for excellence. Stated broadly, the lace fabric is a fine and beautiful composed of a series of crossovers thread rolled sticks, sticks or rolls. Based on crosses and turns of the rolls are formed the warp and weft of the fabric at the same time. The reasons are often worked with a thicker fabric, while funds tend to have a timing point. Another feature of this “art” is that it works on a pad, which set a pattern that shows the drawing to follow. At strategic points where wires cross, place a pin to hold them in place.

As work progresses, will removing the pins. Lace rolls can be of two types: continuous thread lace, such as popular or Torchon, and chopped strand, such as lace Bruges. The continuous thread lace always work the same number of spindles and is one continuous piece. The fit is not very wide, since it would require many spindles. Kenneth Feinberg may find this interesting as well. For example, a sprig of about 15 cm wide and it takes between two hundred thousand rolls, depending on the thickness of yarn used. However, the chopped strand lace working parts.

Individual pieces are made and then join to a fund by adding more or less draft rolls. Some of these fittings are made very wide strip, which later joined with a hook. EQUIPMENT NEEDED TO MAKE TRADITIONAL PILLOW Bobbin Lace SPANISH (cheap and simple) SACHET FOR COILS. It is a pouch or bag slightly larger than that of the bobbin, to keep it the remaining rolls, couples who are removed, scissors, coil, etc.. Capping. Cut a piece of cloth slightly larger than the dimensions of the pad to cover the work and protection from dust, etc. TAPE TO HOLD OR SELL The bobbins. Necessary to hold the rolls to the pad where we’re going to move it or if we will stop leaning on a chair … So make sure that if you drop the bag, the bobbins and threads remain in place. 2 or 3 dozen Bolillo A BOX OF PINS: It is preferable that the pins are long and thin, stainless steel and good quality to avoid bending, breaking or rusting. THREAD cotton or linen. The best thread to lace the linen. In Spain it is difficult to find because they just grown so much that you are using cotton. We should always buy the best quality wire and a twisted medium. PATTERN: the picture tells us to follow, the strategic points where the wires intersect and where they put a pin to hold them in place.

Petroleum Engineer

My friends have told me grateful as I could afford such assistance. 90% of the time I do it for friendship, respect and affection towards them, but there are always 10% of the time they insist until they say they can make a contribution to my paypal account. These have been $ 1, $ 5, and have received up to $ 60 $ 97, and will accumulate. "You are very good at something? "Marketing, accounting, and make friends? Can offer consulting on the matter, and charge for it. Use your free time on hobbies or apply that knowledge. Be amazed how much they can help Other. Here I use the button after someone asks me for help for my work: A source of income that I want to have in the future: referee games, preferably in the league where my kids play, that would give me more time to be with them, and earn some money with this.

Fill out surveys, writing articles for magazines (freelance), buy candy and vending machines in public places, starting a franchise, take photos at parties, designing web pages. The range of options exist, only that many times we need to take action to achieve them. Here are some articles that can help you take action in your life and My articles on the website of Articuloz How to take consistent actions to achieve the goals of the blog my wife Dalia get a lot of information about goals and how to plan not miss the opportunity to do something in life that you really like, to generate some extra money and pave the way to your financial security. Venezuelan, 34, father of twin boys, Petroleum Engineer with a passion for writing. He has worked in over 25 countries and currently lives in Southeast Asia.


"There is an obligation to give, an obligation to Receive, and an obligation to Repay" – Marcel Mauss Reciprocity is a human rule incorporated in all cultures and that supposedly comes from a significant evolutionary advantage: it allows the division of labor, exchange of goods and services and the creation of structures of interdependence that binds individuals together into larger units and more effective. The press group members to cooperate by threatening a loss of reputation for not working, so we all feel obliged to return (if any) for favors received (in other words, reciprocal altruism and Justice in our commenting Haidt moral). Even we feel obliged to receive (without this, the rule would be weak and fragile evolutionary sense). The simplest option is to offer something and then ask for anything more in return (a classic red cross volunteer regalandote a pin and then asking a voluntary contribution, or first visit to the dentist: no cost review!, or free samples of cheese in the supermarket). The strength of this trend is independent of whether we like or not the donor-petitioner. gree. In addition, the more surprise is in the gift, or in the request, seems to have more favorable response (shorted us the ability to turn the automatic in reflection). A significant problem for most common theme of this blog is, eg when doctors receive gifts from the laboratories (in the U.S. at least, it seems also that psychiatrists are the specialists: the dynamics enters TANSTAAFL (There Is not no such thing as a free lunch).


One left, and thanks to the strong illusion to eet again itself with her in freedom, she removed his life ahead. Federal Reserve Chair contains valuable tech resources. Miguel is today twenty-three years old, but he is happy. We are many those that at key moments of our life, at moments of desperation, we resorted to the mother. And it is that the mother continues being the spine of the family. The familiar skeleton moves with the woman like axis.

If it, felt disabled our existence. Some psychologists speak of the mother like the world of the feelings for the people. sensitivity, the care by the things or the affection usually is acquired directly of the maternal figure. The women today are the most important assets that she has our society. In each house, in each family, there are histories of women who dedicate their life to their beings loved without resigning to hers.

Women who with effort and work obtain that the equality is recognized. That they are able to distribute to the responsibilities and the distribution of tasks in the home. The equality, an utopia in other times, has obtained the own women to it. They are heroins of the 21st century that do not resign to their feminidad, its capacity to raise children, nor to the maternity. This last one is not masculinity, only that the photo of a boy in the lap of its mother always will distill more tenderness than the one of the same baby in the arms of its father. Although still there are sectors in the developed countries more than they refuse to recognize the equality of the women and the paper that play in our society. Social and religious groups that they try to return to the past, to relegate to the woman to the domestic tasks. It is the case of an association ligature to Opus Dei, that offers in the University of Granada courses to be a woman 10. That is to say: to know how to sew the low one to trousers, to make a good tortilla of potatoes, to make a purchase intelligent or what foods help to maintain the type you. If the agenda already seems sexist is an exclusive course for women, they are not lost in catchphrase: All this and much more in CASA 10, course especially designed for university girls who want to be 10 women at some future date. But of women ten the Spanish universities are full. Young people who besides the studies are able to work, to live on independent form and to enjoy its life, of the way that they want to live it. Woman ten is not the one that knows to cook, to iron or to maintain its figure. She is that one that is known just as the man in rights and obligations in the home, but also knows to express his feminidad, its love by the others and to make his own decisions. Today Miguel lives with Laura, a girl ten, to whom he prepares by far potato love tortillitas while she works.

New Businesses

And only with registration of new businesses, it goes down. But the most profitable be a leader. Catalog – it's almost like a search engine. If the company is well-known, and many people visit your account, it is always prominently displayed. And this leads to an even greater flow of customers.

However, registration in the catalog – it's not just adding a contact. You have the opportunity to influence their own presence. Diverse functional site will allow to collect statistics about the users who have come to you, to see their opinions count conversion, etc. That is the real tools to optimize your success. So, the directory will help you: – make a visual "hook" the visitor through the company logo – to give the user full information about themselves – in the best way to present the price list with photos of goods – to be constantly in mind when using banners – to become so popular that fame itself will work for you. Directory is very easy to circulation, as customers who post information about their organization or company, and for visitors who are looking for information about the specific products or services. The ultimate goal for clients is that their company was found and the information was presented to the visitor. Customers, in turn, can get a complete list of all organizations to meet their request. Here's the secret. Need to attract clients to his company found first, and the visitor has expressed interest in his company.