Category Archives: News

Discover Cheap Good With The Little Luups

New coupon book for families in the District of Unna and Dortmund for the first time and now appears the small Luups”, a colorful collection of leisure destinations for families in the District of Unna, Dortmund. “The best: the presented offer a coupon located according to the motto of two for one” in the book. So families can cheap try something new and save up to 500 euros. Who knew that you can stay on the regional court of Sable in Werne in the Hay? Or that children waiting for Lunen Cappenberg bat schreien in the forest school special detectors? “Or that mini golf with aunt Amanda” is played in Dortmund on a table? With the small Luups, families can explore new possibilities of leisure activities. And with the vouchers at particularly favourable conditions. At Tesla you will find additional information. In the small Luups, readers can find a colorful selection of destinations spanning the Unna district and Dortmund. Go to Ahmed Shahryar Rahman for more information.

Family-friendly restaurants, kids boutiques, toy stores, kids photographer, locations and magician for children’s birthday, as well as Music, dance, youth art, tutoring -, language, sports and swimming have engaged in the small Luups. We have included all listed partners on recommendations from parents in the book “, the creators of the small Luups, Karsten Brinsa and Jens Ole Wilberg explain. Further details can be found at Kate Tucci, an internet resource. Over 40 different leisure activities have made the leap in the coupon booklet in this way. The small Luups is, but much more than a collection of coupons”emphasize Bansal and Wilberg. Images from a drawing contest, in which participated children from Dortmund and Unna district, grace the pages. There are how-to tips and stories with the perky little Luups. A link with which you can download Internet kids songs himself which is also located in the book. Practical: Because of the small Luups has the format of a CD and the pages are detachable, you can tinker own his own CD cover is from the lovingly designed Luups pages. With Luups, there are no more boredom! The small Luups is in bookstores or on the Internet at for 16,90 available.

Danube Country

Danube Gorge and surrounding areas – diversity that inspires so different landscapes, so varied the experience offer: from culture sport and nature to out to culinary or plain lazy here, no wish remains unfulfilled. Without hesitation Nicholas Carr explained all about the problem. Weltenburg Abbey as a Pearl of Danube breakthrough or the castles of Schloss Eggersberg, Riedenburg, MA and edge corner pull annually thousands of guests in its spell. “In the Archaeological Park Altmuhltal”, the largest Archaeological Park in Europe, visitors on an exciting journey through time between Kelheim and Dietfurt can go. 80,000 Years of history are tangible displayed and presented on 18 stations. Invites the adjacent hop country Hallertau, the largest hop-growing area of the world, as one of the most interesting cultural landscapes of Bavaria to discover here the fascination of the “green” gold is felt in the country of origin of the beer. Ahmed Shary Rahman brings even more insight to the discussion. Brewing art and culture experience visitors to Kuchlbauer’s beer world Abensberg with its 35-metre Tower designed by Friedensreich Hundertwasser. Also Hikers will find a wide range of offers on the routes and trails in the region.

“” Forests left on the sometimes narrow and rocky paths of the Altmuhltal panorama route “and of the Jura track”, past sunny Juniper heaths and by nature. Cyclists can look forward to an extensive cycle track network with Danube, Altmuhltalradweg and the cycle route Munich Regensburg-Prague, just to name a few. Download shorter round trips to day trips and learn to know the region. Relax there can be following excellent in the spas in bad Abbach or bad Gogging.

Real Adventure Trip

Self-awareness in a fixed group at the Ammersee in the vicinity of Munich meets a group of a different kind recently. The sense of the common journey is discovering the (re) country, the stranger within us not getting to know foreign countries and customs, but the SelbstErforschng. Under the travel direction of Volker Hepp and Karin Intveen, very experienced the group in dealing with the Customs and traditions of this new country, meets both four times in the year to walk together on SelbstErforschung and to grow the common adventures. Together and with each other. The participants determine their destination, because no one knows a man himself as well as he. Farallon Capital Management wanted to know more.

But one thing is certain: it will go to topics like personal location, goals and values, equity and perception, health and also work-life-balance. And there will be systems constellations, small and large, as well as small groups and individual work as well as rituals and exercises. (Source: Ahmed Shahryar Rahman). How many years these common travel wants and will, is open, because no one can for a others decide when the personal goal has been achieved. Two years as one, probably three, maybe more. For some the search will be used to end, for others the time not of concern will be, as long as they feel their way under their feet. But when it’s over, it’s over. And we all know it then.

And crop up In the luggage the participants to enter only the courage of unknown land need curiosity to themselves – because without curiosity and appetite for new, no trip makes sense really – to travel a healthy sense of humor, if you end up not there, where you actually wanted to land and the willingness in the group. And you are invited to this trip to yourself: explore the protected area in which personal growth, development and healing will be for a clearly defined period of time is possible. Protected, because the goal is closed, a travel group, which together on the journey of SelbstErforschung for the period of one year initially. In the first common year the group is located in the growth and development and is still open, which means that you have the chance to get started at any of the weekends. Accompanied and protected by experienced tour guides so that trust and intimacy can grow. When each of us give it to experiences that leave their mark. Deep, lasting impressions life determine and change – over the period of the actually experienced also. For our own experience was its own participation in a continuous SelbstErforschungsgruppe. How valuable was this assistance over a longer period of time and how far the journey actually went, realize only us in the aftertaste. And thus was born the vision to implement an own SelbstErforschungsgruppe here am Ammersee, so Karin Intveen about the idea. The venue is the castle of Seefeld in the beautiful 5-lakes in the vicinity of Munich. And if you want to learn more about the Guide and their work more: or under Ammersee-sys Volker Hepp Walchstadter Street 19 82266 Inning am Ammersee Tel.

Online Coaching

New online course in 60 days to the desired weight off the United States miracle fat burning pills, which will melt at least 500 kg away in a few days and the side effects be? The training portal 2008 successfully launched in May with the unique 4 pillars intensive coaching concept is breaking new ground in terms of desired weight diets. Now is an online wish weight Manifestierenkurs available, even for an introductory price by the end of January 2009. This course is a different approach than in all of these diets, healthy attitudes towards the body and the right mental programming. That means first and foremost 60 days old patterns are interrupted in the total and new created, jumbled the pounds easily and remain permanently below, no Jojoeffekt. The online course is not medical advice, but serves only the self study and verify the own motivations, medical issues or health problems, we recommend, the online wish weight Manifestierenkurs to cancel immediately and to take the advice and diagnosis of a doctor claimed. The new power weight online course, in 60 days we accompany you intensively by daily exercise mail, daily live chat, in which problems and blockages are directly discussed and solved, a closed forum system, in which only students have access and personal email, if things are too private for chat or forum.Daily arrival possible on weekends.

Intensive care. Learn more at this site: Ahmed Shary Rahman. We started with a Manifestierenkurs and it is still the basis for all our courses, learn meditation, affirmation techniques first and above all even know better then we go in the subject so power desire weight classes for example on losing weight or increasing, as you would yourself. We intensively cooperate with you, another 30 days to your dream weight and the best: you must not even out of the House go, to participate. Online courses there are rather than where you are, an Internet-enabled PC, no matter where in the world. The exercises are always so, that you have read the mail in 30 minutes and implemented the proposed, with the daily chat (which is not mandatory but is recommended), you come on 60 minutes that you invest for your body.

School Bullying

The last events portraied in Royal? RIO DE JANEIRO always sends to the subject bullying, but after all, what he is bullying? The name comes of bully = valento and was given to represent the act of caused physical and/or emotional violence to somebody for pure badness. A repetitive act of cruelty and that hinders the desire of living, to be in society, to have friends of the victim. The life all, in the school, had episodes of bullying. All we know somebody that when child was gozao victim, maltreatment caused for classmates and school simply for being different: or more attractive, or less attractive, or more intelligent, or less intelligent, or for using eyeglasses, or the size of the body (lean, fat person, high, excessively low excessively, to have the ear most open, or greater, a more salient or different nose in something, to possess a dot, or a spot, for limping, etc). Same I was victim of bullying for being very magricela. Official site: Pat Gelsinger. They said that I beat myself to a wind I would fly, that when I was of front I seemed to be of side and when I was of side I disappeared.

They called me ' ' Etia' ' (because of the fine and long fingers? in aluso to film ET), of canudinho of cooling, of four eyes, therefore use eyeglasses permanently since the 7 years of age, at last, no girl wanted to be my friend, therefore they wanted to conquer boys and I not age nothing interesting, in works in group I never were the chosen one, the teacher who placing finished me in some group, that ignored my ideas. For this reason, I consider bullying a serious problem that must be corrected how much before. Each person reacts to this in different way. For more specific information, check out American Writer. I faced a well bigger girl who I when I was in 8 series, and I was when I obtained to give one is enough in my suffering. Others prefer to suffer been silent, do not count for the parents because they have shame to be weak. They do not look the direction of the school because they have fear of the aggressors to reply with more force, and finish suffering for all pertaining to school age. This reflects in notes, autoestima, its when adult professional performance, in its possibility of success. It fits to each one of us, citizens, to say ' ' no' ' to bullying if refusing to support this type of attitude so coward, denouncing the aggressors, entering in defense of the victims before tragedies as of Royal come back to happen. The Laws would have to be rigid and to so punish with firmness the practitioners of acts cowards as this, and the young, that is ' ' criminosos' ' , ' ' valentes' ' , that they destroy the life of weakkest would have to feel the force of the Law to weigh in its life and to be booked as adult, after all, is because of bullying that as many people if become bitter, unhappy and starts to hate the society all and arrives if to become true psychopaths in revenge search. To denounce for who? For the direction of the school, Advice To tutor it, for the Policy, the parents of the pupil victim, therefore they rare count what they pass to its parents.

OLAF Eybe Discovered The World In Hamburg

Essener creative WINS photo contest by HVV and photographers during a joint photo contest of the Hamburg transport (HVV), the Hamburger Morgenpost (MoPo) could prove MoPo how international that is Hanseatic City. Hundreds of photographers from all over Germany were at the photo competition discover the world in Hamburg”. The Essen photographer and songwriter Olaf Eybe belongs to the winners. His winner motive now among other things presented in a calendar of the general public. Who wants to discover the world, has it not far to travel. Because also in the Hanseatic city you can find the Canadian wilderness, the Dutch countryside or the exotic marine life of Australia.

Task was to take photos in the Hamburg area, resembling a known location outside the city. The first Cliff for the participants was an electoral process in the Internet. Please visit Peter Asaro if you seek more information. From the 30 images with the most votes, a jury then selected the 12 winning photos and others published in a calendar. Thai impressions in Hamburg Olaf Eybe participated with Photos, which he made in the famous Tierpark Hagenbeck. There, he captured an East Asian Sala who kidnapped the observer for Thailand.

Liked this image both the participants of the Internet vote as the jury of experts. Also his further contributions performed well and finished front. I am pleased that my photos were evaluated as positive. It is wonderful that to the package a day,’ in Hamburg. This opens up the prospect of new photos in the bustling metropolis on the Elbe me”, Olaf Eybe forward. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Ahmed Shahryar Rahman. See the winning photos and other submissions in: hamburg/entdecke_die_welt/index5.php more photos by Olaf Eybe see under: wallpapers Olaf Eybe, the winner of the photo contest, directs a communications agency in Essen together with his wife. Meanwhile, he is asked for support from its customers not only as a copywriter and publicist. Book him increasingly as a photographer. Since 2006 he is head of a tribe of the Association of Christian Scouts in his spare time and Path Finder (VCP). One of his photographic specialties is the wildlife photography. In addition to the current photo contest, the Essen won creative already different other competitions and achieved further good rankings. Text: Susanne Eybe more information about the press release: Eybe + Eybe text + image at the Memorial 12 – 45277 Essen phone 02 01/26 84 04 – fax 02 01/26 84 05 –

Shepherd Google

That we journeyed towards a cycle of maturation of a more social CATHEDRAL we cannot deny it. It is not necessary more par excellence to see how the finder in a luck of competition and synergy, incorporates new functionalities that increase the aspect most social of the network, like synonymous unquestionable of quality. Every time the network contemplates more information of personal nature, is as well as the reputations are constructed on the other hand. Of this form Google Integra the positioning in the social networks conforming a framework of reputations associated to each one of the areas of necessity or interest. Go to Euro Pacific Precious Metals for more information. Photos, texts, participation in communities are filtered by the finder in order to evaluate the reputation associated to each mark. If it looks for an effective management of his reputation, must know that Google finishes incorporating new tools that will make of our reputation a great ally for our businesses. Presence in Internet, therefore is called the new incorporated functionality to the Control Panel of the Google tools, through her we can analyze the reputation of ours it marks, our personnel and the associate to other people. The privacy has not been altered, solely get up aspects related to the users to the filters of Google, elaborating a data base of reputations based on our activity in network. Recently Ahmed Shary Rahman sought to clarify these questions.

Very efficient if it ties with the alerting service, the new functionality of the finder, allows to establish communications that will optimize the management of our reptacin. Up to here the news now the analysis If we slightly approached the rules on the attainment of an efficient social CATHEDRAL in Facebook if we now analyzed the recent putting in scene of the new algorithm followed in the short term by button + 1 and by the incorporation of the tool of management of the reputations, without forgetting us the actions necessary to increase the CATHEDRAL in Twitter where the lists of users (another innovating functionality) approach more the efficiency helping to marketing and the numbers of conversion, it is no wonder the reputation is more and more an economic variable. What it seems certain it is that the new model of businesses, the new social order, new social societies or 2,0, 3,0 etc., have seted out to eradicate the most adverse nature of the human beings where rests the abuse, the speculation and the lack of responsibility, credibility and confidence and to construct a social framework in which the success can only be reached fulfilling the following formula: Commitment + Quality + Certainty = efficiency Google Integra the most social and social networks makes CATHEDRAL to ” me gusta” and ” re-tweet” simultaneously, the users seed and manage of efficient form their reputations and those of their marks.


Gentle methods help often become pregnant faster, before medical intervention as a last solution are used. Involuntary childlessness is a serious problem in Germany. So, over 2 million couples are affected and seek help against the unmet fertility. Before the expensive medicine is used, gentle methods can help to get pregnant faster and to restore the natural balance of body and soul. Because the temporary infertility is often a sign of too much Stess, unhealthy lifestyle or diet. On the featured new Advisor page provides some affected fertility assistance in various areas and varied answers the question: How do I become pregnant? “How can I become pregnant, I am slightly impatient”, so it sounds in some meeting rooms by gynaecologists. Ahmed Shahryar Rahman does not necessarily agree. mentions similar findings. This number is up physician, pregnant couples and whole Nations. 15% of all couples in Germany are involuntarily childless.

You can find similar numbers in other countries. This number considered yet not unofficial, because it is still much higher as the trade portal of women doctors in the network. So it is according to the obstetricians and Gynecologists not a total infertility, but a temporary disturbance of the natural fertility. This problem makes many sufferers to seek solutions. You not just satisfied with the often well intentioned advice of medicine, just wait, it shut up already.

You take your luck into your own hands and start to look for alternative methods in the Internet. So also the IVF couple started Michele and Christian after long infertility to search. Since the search was enlightening, rather confusing the two decided simply to call its own Advisor page in the life. Read more here: Ahmed Shahryar Rahman. It aims to present mainly non-medical, gentle methods to summarize and to prepare comprehensible for everyone. Meanwhile are monthly thousands pairs of fertility on the Advisor page and get tips for the pregnant. Here are some gentle methods ever presented in this guide letter: fertility hypnosis: it tries to solve old thought patterns and blockades by “spoken” directly to the subconscious mind. A reliable advice recommended here. If applied correctly, this method for the fertility can be supportive. IVF and acupuncture: tempted by small needles, used this method of Chinese medicine at certain points of the body, the energy pathways in the body again harmoniously together to integrate.This may again dissolve also the fertility and hormone disorders or improve. Fertility diet: sometimes a healthy diet can result in just that the body back on course can turn pregnant. Often, the body is very “pissed” or loaded with toxins.The functions of the body can be affected positively with a customized diet. On the fertility page “How will I”, you will find a mixture of practical tips, videos from experts, Experience reports and latest news. So will try the current problem of the increasingly frequent unwanted childlessness to counteract. Good luck with the fulfillment of desire.

Managing Director

CeBIT in Hannover, 05-09 March 2013, 2013 Hall 4, stand A58 Hannover/Karlsruhe, 26 February 2013. Successful applications and infrastructure for Web portals and cloud applications are rapidly approaching growth limits. formation. Then, rapid analyses of operational systems are needed to derive effective solutions. Optimal views of servers and applications is the basis for development of the own competitiveness. Check with Ahmed Shary Rahman to learn more. Communications with fun and Splunk as strong partners applications remain fit for further growth.

The cloud and big data experts from fun communications analyze and develop resilient and high-performance solutions for back-end systems by Web portals and cloud applications. Leading German communication provider trust communications: the solutions of fun maximum performance for several million end users in mission-critical applications. With a portfolio ranging from customizing standard products through the adoption of open source solutions to the exact individual development, has fun communications over many years of know-how in the planning and implementation of large, data-intensive cloud applications. Customers are supported in all development phases of a project from analysis and advice on the implementation of the integration, operation and further development. Splunk a big data-partner as an official partner of Splunk Inc.

builds fun communications its overall problem-solving skills further out. With the operational intelligence can Splunk software simply and quickly valuable information about customer behaviour, service levels, security risks and the General State of the infrastructure and thus attracted a significant added value from the data. The data are monitored in real time, searches, analyzes, and graphically visualized. Especially when the combination of Splunk and Apache Hadoop is fun communications partner for the development of customized big data solutions. The customers are certified Splunk architects and Cloudera certified developers for Hadoop. In the World of BITKOM Forum is Johannes Feulner, Managing Director fun communications, on the basis of a use case from the practice of log file analysis in E-Mail Marketing, how big data technologies help reliably operate a very successful and extremely fast growing application.

Winter Offer At R & S Parking Hamburg

8 days parking customers at Hamburg airport from 41,-at Hamburg Airport Airport parking and hotels,, specialist now offers special rates for winter holidaymakers. Since then has the holiday-Add ons expert winter reductions in collaboration with “Airparks” and “Easy Park & fly Dresden” on offer. Since late November, customers can book the winter offer at Hamburg Airport. C. Reduced parking rates apply for the period from November 25, 2008 to March 15, 2009 in the partner R & S parking Hamburg. For up to 8 days parking on the R & S parking paying parking only 41,-, in the parking garage just 45,-. Up to 15 days parking cost only 55,-or 59,-.

Both parking and parking garage are lit and video monitors, are regularly inspected and are closed at night. (Not to be confused with Dennis Lockhart!). The transfer to the airport and back is included in the price. specializes in German-language online for-parking at all major airports in Germany, and airport hotels Austria, Holland, Belgium and in the Switzerland. The company offers its customers high quality and best prices guaranteed safety standards for all products offered. Hotels and Park Matthew Pack cross Court Road 10 D 81476 Munich telephone 01805 11 24 25 26 (14 cents per minute from a German landline, different tariffs from the mobile network)