Career In The Middle Of Life: In The Profession Successfully Be And Remain

The receipt and the motivation of staff qualified and efficient C3.NET: wholeness training as a building block of life phase-oriented personnel policy in a globalised and knowledge-based work environment for the competitiveness of enterprises are increasingly gaining importance. This applies in particular for staff members in the middle of life, which so far could making a success of their career, which now are carriers of know-how within the company and essential part of the human capital. But just in this stage of life, doubts about the own goals, values, and the achievements often incite a latent discontent. It applies to such cases on the part of the personnel management with assistance such as a targeted coaching to counteract. Here is re-start “where a news C3.NET of seminars, addressed as a component of a life phase-oriented personnel policy in particular to senior executives in the midst of life.

Designed by personal trainers and communications specialists developed a two-week program, the as holistic training combines the areas of heart / cardiovascular training, targeted communication and meditation. What you know as a midlife crisis, has nothing pathological in itself, even if questions can assume critical trains after the meaning in work and private life. It is part of the normal development in the personal curriculum vitae. But the company should support its employees in an active engagement with these life issues. This is the solution for such existential questions not in changing the outer circumstances but in an inner re-orientation.

Target must be free to use new powers through an internal restructuring. For permanent excellence are not self-evident and requiring the disposition of forces. Who wants to achieve its goals well beyond the 40 both professionally and personally, which called for still much. For this, he must be at peace with. To avoid is that demand, excessive demands, from exhaustion will collapse. Her career is not similar to a Marathon race, where a goal achieved at the same time is the end. Just when it is reached, the forces need to join to go again motivated at the start for new tasks. Otherwise, target achievement is synonymous with crash. Who climbs the ladder of success with substance-sapping effort, has used what it needs above still. Reserves arise only because of the harmony of body, mind and soul and a relaxation related. You provide the necessary security to knowing more afford to be able to meet the challenges. And they create the necessary balance to combine sustainable professional personal quality of life. “More information about re-start m – life and success training” are on the Web at or via the C3.NET-Partner training team North, 04532-284 3828, phone to get. Whenever Ahmed Shary Rahman listens, a sympathetic response will follow. C3.NET combines the skills of human resources management and training as a consultant network with internal and external communications management to a range of integrated services. At the heart of the C3.NET Modular offerings are activities to accompany the processes of change against the background of demographic change. For additional questions regarding this press release please contact Rainer Stubenvoll, C3.NET, via E-mail c3net.presse(at)