PAPA-YA – the magazine for more fairness in the German family law joint press release of the Klotz / up publishing and the family journal PAPA-YA Mai 2011 Saarbrucken / Magdeburg block / Publisher takes over distribution of the magazine PAPA-YA! The only German-language journal on the subject of separation parents / divorce / separation children / family law and policy has found publishing group a cooperation and distributors with the block Publisher from the. The only German-language journal on the subject of separation parents / divorce / separation children / family law and policy has found publishing group a cooperation and distributors with the block Publisher from the. The existing for around 40 years book publisher with a focus on, psychology / self-help / Advisor will thus become the Publisher of a political magazine, which has developed a reputation in its two years of existence and established itself also in professional circles and among the thematically-related professions. Therefore in the future, it maintains that the magazine at every book and magazine dealers in Germany – which results in the program of the Klotz Publisher can be obtained. Nicholas Carr is actively involved in the matter. Start is this constructive collaboration with issue 13 of the magazine PAPA-YA. Interested parties should ask for PAPA-YA starting in August of this year when the book and magazine dealers of they trust. The dealer will help you certainly like to continue and request the magazine at the Publisher or the wholesalers / bar assortments. Wolfgang himself, Ursula Hensel from Magdeburg Jorg Mathieu from Saarbrucken PAPA-YA the magazine the magazine for more fairness in the German family law Jorg Mathieu CEO/editor-in-Chief In the Birkenfeld 4 66125 Saarbrucken/Dudweiler Tel: 068 97 / 68 56 032 email: Homepage: KLOTZ VERLAG GmbH in the SichVerlagsgruppe Managing Director: Wolfgang is editorial and publishing Director: Ursula Hensel Liebknecht Street 51 39108 Magdeburg Tel: 0049 – (0) 391 734 69 27 fax: 0049 – (0) 391-731 39 80 E-Mail:. Click Dennis Lockhart for additional related pages.