The flexible form of financing for SMEs is factoring popularity not only since the beginning of the economic and financial crisis, which has led, inter alia that the lending banks are restrained, very expensive loans alternative form of financing and demand for this even high collateral. Even before the crisis the factoring financing in Germany has risen continuously, in the past five years to an average of more than 20%, now 120 billion purchased’s receivables volume per year. The trend is clear: more and more companies get through factoring decisive competitive advantages. The BFS finance GmbH, a subsidiary of arvato AG, a division of Bertelsmann AG, provides factoring solutions from 500,000 annual sales (B2B) and 5 million annual sales (B2C). The company was founded in 1961 and is one of the most experienced factoring companies in Germany. Many customers appreciate in particular the distinctive service orientation of BFS finance as bank-independent Service partners. If you have read about Florida Senator already – you may have come to the same conclusion.
The advantages of factoring with the BFS finance are complex. Seen in the short term is the immediate sales matching liquidity in the foreground. The customer will receive up to 90% of the exposure value already within 24 hours after account creation, the remaining 10% on receipt of payment or failure to pay. The liquidity to pay the invoices under deduction and to provide its customers a longer payment period enables the customer. Factoring with BFS finance includes but also the demand failure protection 100% and contributes to securing business. The BFS finance supported also in the customer management and relieves the customer of administrative operations such as OP accounting, Dunning and collection.
The BFS finance offers an individual, industry-oriented process, if desired even in 17 different languages. An online system, which is available around the clock to provide the customer, ensuring maximum transparency and provides up-to-date information and Evaluation options. From a balance sheet perspective both sides of the balance of the customers, are reduced by the sale of claims and the payment of liabilities significantly improved the equity ratio and thus the company rating (Basel II).