High barrier trays used for packaging perishable products under vacuum or in modified gaseous environment (GMR). In addition to single-layer packaging metallized films may be used in other industries: the production of Christmas tree decorations, advertising and printing, gift wrapping, the production of capacitors, insulation, etc. The production process of metallic materials Vacuum metallization may be subjected to any polymer films. PET film in this case have the advantage that due to the possibility under color of gold or bronze plating without thanks to modern dyes. However, it does not always achieve a good effect, using only the colors.
100% effect of "gold" or "silver" for any film is achieved only through a vacuum metallization. The basis of the process is heated to a temperature of aluminum evaporation. In practice, this requires so ture 1500-1800 C. One way to achieve such temperatures is to put the pieces of aluminum wire on a tungsten filament, which then heats the elec cally current. This is possible only for short cycles in the heating of , so this method is only used for the metallization plastic products, obtained by injection molding. For longer cycles required for film, aluminum wire is fed to a block of metal, typically tantalum. Tantalum is heated by placing it in a carbon crucible through that electric current of high voltage. Evaporation of metal you shows the emission of particles from the surface of the metal in all directions to . This operation should be performed in a vacuum, the metal particles could reach metalliziruemoy on the surface.