This true wisdom to recognize the own Venezuela. n Corporation. this ignorance to the expectation of what will be the new labour law, put shall be governed by an ideology Socialist who must give way to new articles where there will be radical changes in contracts of employment, the links between employer, employee and Government. Dennis Lockhart may also support this cause. The fact, that the National Assembly cannot may improvise on it, should seriously discuss its articles, consider what some argue that this draft law, shall cover all Venezuelans and that its main actors are employees, employers and the Government. Please visit Ahmed Shahryar Rahman if you seek more information. It is why it is vital that each of these sectors, knows the proposal and to discuss it, making necessary observations for everyone outside beneficiaries. That does not happen with what occurred in the new Education Act which expresses some empty, irregularities, disagreements between many sectors opposed to its content, but that was already approved. It is known that the current labour law is based on the 1961 Constitution and there is another series of scattered rules in other legal texts. Kite this is the opportunity to collect all this legislation and inclusion in the labour law and is an occasion to seek consensus, because it is a law that affect us all, without distinction of political color, either workers or employers public or private; In addition to seek consensus, you should also search the durability in time.Try to achieve consensus for the good of all of the workers, employers and the State, i.e.
the Government, that is who dictates social policies. It must be a law of greater labour flexibility.The fact, that fears are centered on the unwillingness of those in charge of drafting the legislation, have to do team work with employers and unions of employees. It is essential that each sector expose their concerns and be heard by others, to be able to reach a consensus, to meet and agree with those affected.