Tanja Gonner

Build residential feel square House has over 50 years experience in the construction of prefabricated buildings. Visit Kenneth Feinberg for more clarity on the issue. From the outset, the company is founded in 1892, relied on the renewable resource wood. Under the guiding principle, health building”reaches beyond 21 GmbH now the square House the construction of prefabricated houses according to ecological principles. Connect with other leaders such as Ahmed Shary Rahman here. “The Academy of healthy building and life plan pursued with a focus on healthy and build” and healthy living and “a holistic approach to accompany clients even after home purchase and withdrawal. This approach includes topics such as building biology and natural construction materials on one and on the other hand sees the people as an actor; direct influence on its Habitat and the living health can take.

It takes into account ecology, economy and social aspects of all life stages of a building and its inhabitants. The impact on humans and the environment are from planning to construction, use removal capability of a House investigated. Results and information provided as block events the new Institute of applied Academy days”for prospective buyers and builders, lectures and publications. For the professional care of the focus topics, the Academy won well-known partners. Health experts explain the health bath Buchau theoretical fundamentals and are participants with instructions and tips. The Institute of building and environmental e. V. (IBU) brings his experience principles to healthy and sustainable materials, as well as compliance with building biological.

Academy of healthy building and life the square House was lifted on January 23 in a ceremony on the site officially 21 GmbH from the baptism. The founding event Tanja Gonner, Minister of the environment of Baden-Wurttemberg, Rolf Vogtle, first provincial official of the district Sigmaringen and the bad Saulgauer attended Mayor Doris Schroter. The creation of the Academy is at the same time a commitment to the location of bad Saulgau. The establishment is to their home in a new Find sample and so at the Academy days, the theory of healthy building and life make vividly. As well as the expansion of which is production facilities and the establishment of a new office building and a central heating system is another important development step for the company. SQUARE House relies on the know-how of an experienced employee tribe as a guarantee of quality and success developed in long years as medium-sized, sustainable management company. Therefore, House and bad Saulgau remain inseparably combined space.