After this brief characterization of the constituent elements of the desire of filosofar, a constatao if imposes: the world contemporary, our world sunk in a imediatista pragmatismo, is opposing to the desire of to filosofar. It denies and if he opposes vehemently to the four components of the philosophy desire. Our society, will say Badiou, does not like the revolt nor of the critical one. ' ' It is a world that believes in the management and the natural order of the things It asks for to each one to adapt itself. Individual' is a world of the simple calculation; '. (BADIOU, 1994, P. 48).
Our world is avesso to the rational coherence, is submitted to the logic of images and signs that simulate the Real. This world of the images, world of the media, is instantaneous and incoherent. It is a world very fast without memory, ephemeral and fugaz. For more information see this site: Dennis Lockhart. Where the only permanence is the impermanncia. In such world of the images, it is very difficult to support a logic of the thought. Another constituent element of the desire of filosofar that it loses space in our society is the universality, a time that the only universality that it knows is of the money, the universality what Marx called general equivalent.
It are of the universality of the market and of the currency, it supports Badiou, each one is locked up in its tribe. Each one defends its particularitity. In our world the false universality of the capital is opposed to the ghetto of the cultures, the classrooms, the races, the religions. (Cf. BADIOU, 1994). Paradoxicalally, at the same time where we attend the globalization of the market laws, demands of groups and etnias emerge demanding bigger social insertion with respect its particularitities and differences. That is, the requirement of ethics of the diversity and singularidades is each bigger time that place in check the man vision, while subject and abstract universal reason in relation which if can referenciar certain imperatives, rights and duties, also had as universal.