The company was located in the of the state of Rio de Janeiro city of Three Rivers and established in 1916. The entrepreneur created a team to develop its proper car sport. In 1977 he leaves the first archetype with some errors projects. But in 1978, the Saint Matilde SM 4-1 calls the attention in the Hall the automobile. The production of the esportivo of luxury jumped of 88 units for 150. In the decade of 1980 the company invests in sophistication and exclusiveness and in 1986 the company starts to produce 207 units. However, the crisis of the sector railroad worker, main market of the group, and successive working processes break the production rhythm, leading the company the agony.
She was not so bold as the Cougar, but it marked some presence in the market. MOTOR GURGEL: ' ' The automobile is not manufactured, purchase. Automobile technology is thing of multinacionais' '. This phrase was constantly said for the engineer August Joo of the Amaral Gurgel, the responsible one for the biggest national success in the automobile industry. When defying its professor in its final work of graduation in engineering, Gurgel since early fed the dream of proper construction of vehicles. Established in 1969, the first vehicle was one bugre with mechanics VW that later changedded into the Xavante model with chassis of plastic and steel (plasteel), in 1975 the Brazilian Army acquires great amount of these vehicles.
In the end of the special decade of 1970 already he was considered the exporting greater of vehicles, the exportations represented 25% of its invoicing. Already in decade of 1974 presented its project of electric car, the Itaipu, as reply the crisis of the oil. Had to the exportations for the Caribbean of the X-12 model, Volkswagen locked up the production of the VW181 of its Mexican branch office. The relation with the German multinational that always was friendly became scared.