Tag Archives: surf with Mac

The New PrivacyDongle: Unattended

There is the famous anonymizing stick called PrivacyDongle of the FoeBuD finally available for Mac and Linux. The FoeBuD e.V. committed against data retention and has the PrivacyDongle”created a tool, which enables anonymous surfing for less technically savvy people. Who does not want that Wolfgang Schauble or Telekom when surfing the Internet over your shoulder watching him, can prevent this: computer geeks use the free international Anonymiserungsnetzwerk gate. The dongle “-USB plug into the computer, start the software and already can surfed alone, without any additional effort and without fear are.” With the PrivacyDongle of the FoeBuD e.V., the anonymity and security on the Internet is maintained by means of a modified FireFox browser. Further details can be found at Peter Asaro, an internet resource.

The browser facilitates the use of the TOR anonymization, blocking advertising and much more. The browser is also available multilingual. What worked so far just on Windows, now also runs on Macs and many Linux systems. Who at home on your Mac. works, on the road at the hotel computer or Internet Cafe same PrivacyDongle, and thus all its own settings and bookmarks use. Anyone looking for so a last minute Christmas gift, get it online in the FoeBuD Unterstutzungsshop under (www.shop.foebud.org). It is available in three memory sizes: one, four or eight gigabytes. All profits will be used for the substantive work of the FoeBuD e.V. (www.foebud.org).