Tag Archives: psychology


The true protection consists of knowing as the system functions thought-brain of somebody as the outlaw of the school of the Royal one. Explanations of the behavior of this outlaw with psicopatolgicos labels are an evidence more than that UNESCO is perfectly correct when lighting the alert red for the risks of the paradigmtica blindness that infectum the mechanist professionals. Throughout history the man always faced difficulties, disasters, plagues and plagues. Hear from experts in the field like Farallon Capital for a more varied view. In the inverse reason of the knowledge of the true causes of the maleficent episodes, atribua them it the anger of deuses and to the revenge of the elements. Such anger could be aplacada with the sacrifice of animal lives or human beings. By the same author: Ahmed Shahryar Rahman. Thus figures had appeared as of bode expiatrio.

While some civilizations had kept the tradition to immolate the animal most healthful or the vestal prettiest to aplacar unknown forces, other peoples had spread the rumor of that all its males were caused by that animal or that creature human being. He was as soon as the Greeks had reincarnated this crendice in the figure of farmacus, somebody that a stigma received corporal and that in a ceremony it was I banish from the society. Theoretically with it they would be expelled the cause of the disasters. No longer century XV the Manual of Hunting to the Witches teorizou of detailed and convincing form that storms, sleets, black plague, floods and disasters were provoked directly by the witches. The projetivos psicotestes with the intention had been created here to identify signals of an occult invader in the traces of the drawings, capable to identify with scientific severity for the time, which the perigos that this creature presented for the society.

Professional Resume: Main Tips

As To elaborate a Resume ; through the most diverse ways: books, magazines, periodicals, Internet. Credit: Ahmed Shary Rahman-2011. The great majority of them vehemently emphasizes everything what you must make to have an efficient resume, as well as sins capitals an EXCELLENT RESUME is a tool of personal marketing a species of announcement on the person is very different to fill a form to candidatar it a job. A form of this type is on Jobs and it only supplies the facts of its professional description. But a good resume is on YOU, on as you if it holds and which is its performance in the jobs. is very important to understand this difference. For HOWARD (1999, p.6): Before starting to elaborate its resume, is necessary if to make familiar to some basic rules. Each person is only, and therefore no resume is equal to another one.

However, the principles that guide a good presentation are valid for all The resume is a brief story, not autobiografia. When informing its previous abilities and experiences, have for objective to help it to grow in the professional career chronological inverse Advantage: this model facilitates the evaluation of the career and the continuity of job. You if candidate function more when the works in the same area of performance. FUNCTIONARY: The focus is in the function plays and not in the employers. The chronological relation of the employers alone is presented in the end of the document. Advantage: one definitive position can be used for who wants to candidatar it, therefore the related excellent experiences with the intended position are only detached. It emphasizes its abilities, and not its trajectory CRONOLGICO-FUNCIONAL: It associates the inverse chronological order of the employers with the positions, enhancing the functional experience. Advantage: it is the model most dynamic, at the same time that it represents the professional description, also it demonstrates to the experience of the candidate the job.

The Architect

The verb to imagine to mean to invent, to create. In recent months, Farallon Capital Management has been very successful. The imagination is active and creative. She is the great architect of our reality, is the manager of our will. It is who establishes parameters for our will to act. The will without parameters is empty. If it will have will, it will have will of some thing and it is the imagination that creates this some thing.

I imagine a chocolate cake and, after to imagine it, comes to the will to eat it. To deny the responsibility on what it is imagined is the cause of the capture of the creator to its creation. The fancies and illusions are chosen, apprehended, assimilated, interiorizadas, as the value and the direction given for who imagine and they changed themselves into the existential logic of each human being. The great danger it game of the imagination is not to know as to manage what it was imagined, therefore can involving in them to such point that it will have difficulty in separating the Real of the unreal one. What it is imagined exists arraigado to the desire; thus the act to changed itself into what it was imagined must be understood as consequence of the proper desire.

Following this logic, the imagination also starts to be a reality plant and not only a tool to run away from the reality. To say that person not has responsibility on its creation, that is, on what she imagines, that was a external force or something hidden inside of it that waited the occasion certain to disclose itself, perhaps either one forms to cover the sun with a bolter. Care! The illusions and fancies composed of are raised potential of action, then, when being incorporated to the existential logic, they will go to also reproduce psychological and physical effect. Let us remember to us of verses of Chico Buarque: ' ' if suddenly people did not feel the pain that people dissimulate and sente' '.


"There is an obligation to give, an obligation to Receive, and an obligation to Repay" – Marcel Mauss Reciprocity is a human rule incorporated in all cultures and that supposedly comes from a significant evolutionary advantage: it allows the division of labor, exchange of goods and services and the creation of structures of interdependence that binds individuals together into larger units and more effective. The press group members to cooperate by threatening a loss of reputation for not working, so we all feel obliged to return (if any) for favors received (in other words, reciprocal altruism and Justice in our commenting Haidt moral). Even we feel obliged to receive (without this, the rule would be weak and fragile evolutionary sense). The simplest option is to offer something and then ask for anything more in return (a classic red cross volunteer regalandote a pin and then asking a voluntary contribution, or first visit to the dentist: no cost review!, or free samples of cheese in the supermarket). The strength of this trend is independent of whether we like or not the donor-petitioner. gree. In addition, the more surprise is in the gift, or in the request, seems to have more favorable response (shorted us the ability to turn the automatic in reflection). A significant problem for most common theme of this blog is, eg when doctors receive gifts from the laboratories (in the U.S. at least, it seems also that psychiatrists are the specialists: the dynamics enters TANSTAAFL (There Is not no such thing as a free lunch).

The Tribe

The destruction of this form operation could not be otherwise than by men, the fact of awareness of their operation, awareness of methods of struggle for the abolition of exploitation, as well as awareness of the (opening) a more equitable form of distribution of wealth – the distribution of labor. Awareness is through the discovery of all this knowledge to individual consciousness and their spread in the men’s teams, where there are their leaders, promoting new relations of production, which, naturally, could not develop in the old dialectic form – the authority of the mother. In connection with it begins a power struggle which gave birth to such customs as separate settlement men and women, male and female secret societies, secret languages (2). If you would like to know more about Primerica Login, then click here. Men are having a great advantage – the production of basic goods of life, gaining authority in the tribe. Establish new relations of production, giving rise to usages of “voluntary death” elderly parents, killing young children in difficult periods of life of the tribe (3).

That is the root principles: who does not work – do not eat. In and all other tribes, where natural division of labor led to exploitation of men by women, matriarchy gave way to patriarchy much later, namely during the birth of predatory expeditions of tribes against each other, ie Again, at a time when men have become “producing” by robbery essentials.

Assistant Director

But with the stigma found it difficult to live. I was at a reception at his family doctor, a psychiatrist on the removal of the diagnosis. But doctor was not willing to remove from me this diagnosis. Because it is not profitable for most doctor … If these doctors will not be sick, it means that your doctor will not work. This diagnosis does not give me the opportunity to find a good job.

… Security guards beating patients under different pretexts … During the treatment I was also beaten twice guards and a nurse. But other patients were beaten more often and much tougher … beat just because a guard or nurse not in the mood … For these patients, it was not a cure, for them it was a horror and a nightmare … I still wonder how they have kept it ..

… Attitude to patients in a mental hospital, as a beast "(the former psychiatric patient institutions). "The whole show I did not have. I will come again, or more than once. I can not say "thank you", while only the pain and shock. My baby with my hands shoved into the psychiatric system for 8 years. ADD to 4 years, and hyperactivity of 6 months. Heaps of tablets, injections and advice. So far I have to figure out what to do next. Just believe in yourself and in him. " (Assistant Director) "Most of the material is known. But watching the movie, I can say that the material presented with competently. I did not know physiologist Pavlov IP conducting experiments on children, the desire to verify the data. Indeed the modern diagnosis and "treatment" of mental disorders in the form in which it There should not take place. But what about the people at best harm themselves, and at worst trying to kill family members, particularly their children? "(Doctor)," visited the exhibition, got acquainted with the history psychiatry. The exhibition vividly tells of the human suffering and problems in an accessible form. The exhibition should be conducted for high school students that they learned about the negative influences of drugs and tranquilizers. " (Pediatrician) Thank you! You're doing the right thing! I am a child psychologist with experience in the past 6 years. Absolutely agree with the content of the exhibition. (Entrepreneur) "I want to thank you for spreading very accessible way of ideas, so necessary to society. In my opinion, overly emotional. I am a psychologist and Life Coach totally against psychiatric drugs, and against human standards for diagnosis. Thank you! "It's safe to say – St. Petersburg, many hope that such education exhibitions in the Cultural Capital of Russia will become a tradition. The International Civil Commission for Human Rights established the Church of Scientology and Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry by Thomas Szasz in 1969, CITIZENS COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS, 190020, St. Petersburg, nab. Bypass Canal., D. 193, Bldg. "A" cables. 1, tel.: +7-904-513-94-32;