Tag Archives: medicine

Eye Makeup

Makeup gives a great prominence in the eyes this season. Smoky eyes or smoked are trend and have been seen on the catwalks and in fashion editorials. Although smoky eyes are very showy, it isn’t difficult to get that kind of makeup if you follow the steps that we will share with you. It is important to prepare the instruments before the make-up session, we will need brushes for makeup, eye shadows, khol pencil or eyeliner. Dennis Lockhart can provide more clarity in the matter. The first thing we will do is to well hydrate the skin with a cream. We will apply a little even on the eyelids and then use powders, loose eye only need a small amount. With this trick we will get that eye shadow stay on your site throughout the day and not to move into the fatty areas.

1 We delineate eyes with black pencil inside and the line of tabs. Now fades with your finger or a cotton swab of the ears. 2 Review with shadow applicator line the lashes with a little black shadow with a motion from the inside to the outside of the eye. Not to put too much quantity, outperform with a light application. 3. If you want you can draw a line with eyeliner to further enhance the area. Swarmed by offers, Ahmed Shahryar Rahman is currently assessing future choices. Now it only plays practice to get that look feminine and enigmatic! To complete the look, just we need to outline and fill in the lips with a lip pencil in a shade similar to our lips and natural. The final touch is a bit of gloss.

You can already get that look of seductive woman with perfectly delineated smoky eyes. Caries Mercier Lafond is economist and expert in beauty and style. She is the Director of. karysabeauty. com a portal dedicated to the multi-ethnic beauty products, tips and tricks to enhance the unique style of each woman.

The German Approach To The Treatment Of Diabetes

A few years ago, patients who doctors diagnosed diabetes believed that full recovery is fantastic. Today, however, an opportunity not only to relieve the disease, allowing patients to live more comfortable lives, but also cure the disease. But, first things first. Diabetes – a disease of the endocrine system of the body, which appears due to lack of hormone, insulin, or the breach of its interaction with cells. The result of this is to increase the level of glucose in the blood, which in turn leads to metabolic disorders, and in some cases to a rather tragic consequences. It is important to diagnose the disease earlier, which would help avoid severe complications and relief to the patient. To date, diabetes affects about 7-8% of the adult population and this figure inexorably rising. The most effective treatment of this disease provide a clinic in Germany.

After all, unlike the domestic medical institutions, they have modern equipment and high-tech laboratories. It is not something Shary Rahman would like to discuss. Diabetes Center-known Bavarian clinics in Weiden, led by a member of the German Society for Diabetes, MD Frau Barbara Guyler, provides comprehensive treatment of diabetes and consequences of incorrect treatment or delayed diagnosis of diabetes can be quite disastrous: damage of the cardiovascular system of the body and to gangrene and stroke. Statistics relentless disease: about 48% of diabetics die of cardiovascular complications for. Therefore, high-quality treatment, you just need to fight disease such as diabetes. The material was prepared: EuroMednews.Ru – News and Events Medicine in Europe. Treatment in the best clinics in Germany

Calcium Magnesium Chelate

Recommended dose – 1 capsule 1 time per day during meals. For normal functioning of the whole body should take a multivitamin-mineral complex Super Complex (Super Complex), which contains a complete set of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Recommended dose – 1 capsule 1 time per day during meal. Similarly, the action of the drug has a TNT (TNT) – the universal source of biologically active substances, including an easily digestible protein. Because of aging, there is reduced bone density, often associated with calcium deficiency, the osteoarthritis (OA) may be associated with osteoporosis. So you need to take calcium supplements as a therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

NSP offers a range of mineral Calcium Magnesium Chelate (Calcium Magnesium Chelate), and generic herbal complex BON-C (Bon-C). Some doctors prescribe them at the same time. Especially these two often pathological process develops in women during menopause. Typically, during this period osteoarthritis dramatically progresses, and if a woman carries a fracture of long bones, the disability in this situation is inevitable. But the most ominous event in the life of elderly women may be hip fracture, which is often cause of death of an elderly person. Women must remember that herbs containing phytoestrogens (eg, drugs such companies as Wild Yam (Wild Yam), FC with Dong Quai (Eph Cu Dong Kwa), C-X (Cu-X), Eight (Eight) may suspend the bone destruction and osteoporosis are safe and effective means for its prevention. And the sooner this prophylaxis is initiated, the greater the chance of avoiding serious complications.

Topically to relieve pain, recommended therapeutic lotion Tei Fu (Fu Tai), based on natural oils. The active ingredients penetrate deeply into tissue, improving circulation and metabolism. Also advisable to use another cream – EverFlex, which contains a very useful substance-MSM, to restore the connective tissue of cartilage and ligaments. How to use: rub into the area of painful joints and muscles. On top lay a linen or wool fabric enhance the effect. Apply 2-3 times a day. Before the next application of ointment, to treat the skin with warm soapy water. As already mentioned, the above supplements should be used for quite a long time – 2-3 months. Sometimes positive effect occurs at the end of the first week, but that does not mean that you can stop taking drugs. You can somewhat reduce the dose, but must continue treatment to achieve a stable positive result. Metabolic correction is slow and highly individual. Therefore it is required from the patient – patience, and a doctor – a creative approach. Of course, ideally it would be nice to biochemical blood (including rheumatoid factors), densitometry, X-rays before and after treatment to assess the effectiveness of treatment and, if necessary, to correct it. The use of dietary supplements for diseases of ODA is possible in different combinations, depending in each case, the complexity of the state and the process of destruction of cartilage and the severity of pain symptoms. For more information on metabolic diseases correction ODA can found in the methodological guidelines for physicians' Diseases of the musculoskeletal system "(issue number 1 and number 2), which are available at any distribution center of NSP. The important thing is that using drugs NSP, the doctor may be sure that he would never harm the patient! Alexander Novikov, Scientific Consultant

Health Maintenance

Better still maintain their health, and avoid driving situation to resort to medicine. As possible. Recommended supplements. Most of them are not registered and are not included in the directory drugs. The fact that "supplements" are not registered, nor are they in production and sales – is bad, and maybe this is a reason for the interest of the competent authorities. But the fact that they are not included in the catalog of medicinal drugs, it is, sorry, right! Because dietary supplements – dietary supplements to foods.

They are not a cure! Often heard the argument that: – All components can be found in drugstores at a much lower price. With this statement can not and will not argue, argue. It's pointless. Because, in my personal example, I know, it happens and there is the opposite. Buy "unknown that" some citizens, and they are absolutely right in refusing. But why "nobody knows what?" Who prevents ask a question, make inquiries via the Internet? Available sites of the companies of producers, distributors, official sites of the recording, and resolving systems. That is, if you wish, you can now find answers to almost every question. But all this, if there is desire! With regard to the topic of conversation on Badakhshan.

Not everyone, and hardly at all at least someone asked in the shops, or at markets, those of various products and their usefulness or harmfulness to health. The result of their eating prolonged in time, for years, decades? … Products, products, products.

Sleeping Beauty

Canon law considers abortion death of the fetus through dependent destruction as womb or premature expulsion provoked to die, whether it is viable, as if it is (Ecclesia 1991). The plain language, abortion is the death of the fetus by natural or induced expulsion at any time of intrauterine life. Idil SCIENTIFIC AND THE ORIGIN OF LIFE aerodynamic million sperm in a few minutes make a tubal ampulla where they hope to challenging and flirty to "Sleeping Beauty" (shatter): the egg, placed face to face, look, blink and close one of them stands a marvelous mechanism of complex biochemical processes (9 in total) that after 12-20 hrs. It ends with the formation of two prenucleos: male and female, the union of these after a few hours, causes the zygote. This act called syngamy is a vital and unique quantum leap over its predecessors) from here on everything will be a quantitative growth, the biological reality and dialectic intended to be denied, without foundation, for abortions consider the qualitative jump at birth born claiming distinction antagonistically to the unborn.

The zygote is the first cell, is the new being, is different from its predecessors and successors, has the quality to be unique (to be herself despite the different stages of development touches) this cell has its own genetic and immunological and represents the beginning of a brilliant production cell after 40 weeks although will take you 800 million times and have 26 trillion cells (distributed in tissues, organs and systems) after making use of other innate characteristic: continuity (with the help of external factors such as oxygen, food and time) will evolve pre embryo, embryo, fetus, newborn babies. The zygote is a new being, different from those that have existed, exist and will exist (is unique) is a new cell that has no hope of both earthly and eternal life. (RP Gonzales Laguna). This is a key point in the fight against abortion, understand that the newly conceptus is a human being from its origin, is the same and no other who then become drunk and therefore no biological basis to assert (as do the abortion) that a child comes from a fetus when it is not, because the same was once a fetus, just as an adult not from a baby, if not before he himself was a baby and is always the same human being from the beginning.

Inexpensive Pharmaceutical Drugs

It turns out that about 40% of incoming plant material to the company shall be rejected and sent back to the supplier. Where do you think then it is rejected raw materials? Released? Actually, no. It goes to those producers who do not care from which raw materials to make their products. We can only guess why it is possible to find drugs in pharmacies at the price of cheap packs of tea. d-innovation-300470991.html’>Financial technology may find this interesting as well. What effects will the product? Hard to say. It is good if no harm. By studying the documentation further, revealed that the company NSP one of very few manufacturers with an international quality certificate GMP. Get a GMP certificate is incredibly difficult.

In our country, such attempts attempted, but never managed to fulfill all items of certification. International production quality certificate GMP: a guarantee that the package is exactly what it says on the label, a guarantee that the product produced by the latest technology best, it is a guarantee that the product is made of superior and environmentally friendly raw materials. International manufacturing quality certification requires the manufacturer to GMP compliance with the rules and conditions described in nine volumes, each of which has a capacity of about a thousand pages! For example, you need to grow medicinal plants in a very remote from industrial centers of the region. Terms GMP quality certificate required to have at the plantation lab, which constantly monitors the purity of the soil, air and even reaching over the plantation of the clouds. And if a suitable for plantations to be found toxic cloud substance, such a cloud is scattered by the most distant approaches to the place of cultivation of medicinal plants. That's what a quality certificate GMP! All nine volumes of an incredible company requirements performs NSP! Of course, there are other international certifications, such as, ISO. But their quality requirements are much lower than those of GMP. And compare the ISO and GMP – it's like trying to compare 'Zaporozhets' with 'Mercedes'. Those who use NSP products they know: The value of this production is much higher than its price!

What The Skin Does

While we 'touch' with our epidermis, it is actually registered in the dermis and transferred to central nervous system. Another important function of the skin is to help the body maintain a constant temperature. Mr Gillen said: "The word homeostatis comes from two Greek words homeo (meaning the same or similar) and statis (mean standing or remaining). Therefore, the word means 'staying'. " The average human body temperature is 37 degrees Celsius, but it's worth it to rise by 2-3 degrees and remain so throughout some time, the man then most quickly, waiting for a fatal outcome. How, then, our body maintains a stable temperature? This is done through the cooling method, which is known as Melanin Supplement (Sweating). If you would like to know more about Dennis P. Lockhart, then click here. The main sources of heat in our body – the work of internal organs such as hearts and kidneys, which are constantly employed.

The heat generated by these bodies, carried away by the blood and is evenly distributed throughout the body. This is an effective way to slow heat dissipation. But what happens when our bodies need to quickly get rid of heat? Ayzek Asimov writes further: "We are equipped with small glands distributed throughout our body. Their total number about 2 million, and their task is to remove water on the surface of the body. Once on the surface, the water evaporates, heat and, thus, leaves the body. It's the sweat glands, and produced by fluid – this is the pot or Melanin Supplement. Sweat glands consist of small tubes, most of which lies deep in the dermis.

Assistant Director

But with the stigma found it difficult to live. I was at a reception at his family doctor, a psychiatrist on the removal of the diagnosis. But doctor was not willing to remove from me this diagnosis. Because it is not profitable for most doctor … If these doctors will not be sick, it means that your doctor will not work. This diagnosis does not give me the opportunity to find a good job.

… Security guards beating patients under different pretexts … During the treatment I was also beaten twice guards and a nurse. But other patients were beaten more often and much tougher … beat just because a guard or nurse not in the mood … For these patients, it was not a cure, for them it was a horror and a nightmare … I still wonder how they have kept it ..

… Attitude to patients in a mental hospital, as a beast "(the former psychiatric patient institutions). "The whole show I did not have. I will come again, or more than once. I can not say "thank you", while only the pain and shock. My baby with my hands shoved into the psychiatric system for 8 years. ADD to 4 years, and hyperactivity of 6 months. Heaps of tablets, injections and advice. So far I have to figure out what to do next. Just believe in yourself and in him. " (Assistant Director) "Most of the material is known. But watching the movie, I can say that the material presented with competently. I did not know physiologist Pavlov IP conducting experiments on children, the desire to verify the data. Indeed the modern diagnosis and "treatment" of mental disorders in the form in which it There should not take place. But what about the people at best harm themselves, and at worst trying to kill family members, particularly their children? "(Doctor)," visited the exhibition, got acquainted with the history psychiatry. The exhibition vividly tells of the human suffering and problems in an accessible form. The exhibition should be conducted for high school students that they learned about the negative influences of drugs and tranquilizers. " (Pediatrician) Thank you! You're doing the right thing! I am a child psychologist with experience in the past 6 years. Absolutely agree with the content of the exhibition. (Entrepreneur) "I want to thank you for spreading very accessible way of ideas, so necessary to society. In my opinion, overly emotional. I am a psychologist and Life Coach totally against psychiatric drugs, and against human standards for diagnosis. Thank you! "It's safe to say – St. Petersburg, many hope that such education exhibitions in the Cultural Capital of Russia will become a tradition. The International Civil Commission for Human Rights established the Church of Scientology and Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry by Thomas Szasz in 1969, CITIZENS COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS, 190020, St. Petersburg, nab. Bypass Canal., D. 193, Bldg. "A" cables. 1, tel.: +7-904-513-94-32;