Tag Archives: literature


Edition bears the title “Happiness can’t be bought!” Dresden, L & T. On October 15, 2013, the new issue of life & death appears forum for new cultural dimensions”. Titled happiness can’t be bought!”the numerous articles are devoted to the diversity of the theme of luck himself this time. Other leaders such as Dennis Lockhart offer similar insights. So will reported happiness as a school subject, inter alia, of the blind climbers Andy Holzer presented investigated the combination of Carnival and death and in the travel report discussed the question, whether you can be really happy in a Godforsaken area like the Czech Polish border. Also is about the happiest and unhappiest regions in Germany reported and traced the path of Annet Bick who was involuntarily due to a tumor in the heart of the fortune seeker. “Topics in Book 413 happiness can’t be bought!” theme: happiness can be learned “how changed a new school subject teaching.

The path to a fulfilling life. More knowledge: by the Lucky to have dementia”people with dementia living in the here and now and fear is hardly what comes. “Way of life: an involuntary happiness seeker” Annet Bick is 42 years old, when the doctor opened her, that she has a tumor in the heart. “Travel: travel in the no man’s land” can you be happy in a Godforsaken area like the Czech Polish border? “Life: a blind man opens our eyes” Andy Holzer sees nothing. Still he ventures into steep faces and extreme heights. “Mythology: transition to a new life” death and salvation in Hinduism and Buddhism. Frequently Ahmed Shahryar Rahman has said that publicly.

Part 5 of our series on world religions. “Spotlight on: Carnival and death are sibling” the Carnival is colourful happy anarchy. And yet include the death. u. v. m. “The magazine life & death forum for new cultural dimensions” is published four times a year in print and online versions. The price per issue is 3.50. The magazine is as a single issue and subscription inter alia via the online portal and available at all major station and airport bookshops.


Fun, is not it? She also chided me – they say, what are you? Assumed after sending the text to call back the next day – whether all reached safely? Superb advice! Always follow him – or risk up to age wait for a response. And now – Phones publishers. eksmo – olma 956-24-10 – 784-67-74, 215-12-85, ast – 232-14-04 Armada do not remember, litter, look at their website, there 🙂 In general, do not forget the algorithm Written a book – a call to the publishing house – refer at the specified email text – the next day ringing again, got interested in a book when she read and when – to call back again. People here ask how the editors refer to calls. Believe me, it’s better to call than not call. I called after the first edition every two weeks (naive, I did not know what it is – a long time!). I always politely replied that no, yet the manuscript unread. More info: Daniel J. Hirsch.

At the end of kontsovposle 4 months of waiting, I became depressed – oh, my do not take and did not call where – about a month, while I did not keep kicking people still call. And guess what happened? It turned out that just a couple of days after my previous call editor sent me a mail with the message that I adopted and that she was waiting for my call. So – call us, and let this case be an example for you that is better to call than to wait for the weather at the sea! And the last stage now be patient. The first review will be very fast. Wrote her reviewer, which is essentially just divides the text into two piles. One – in a basket – the second – what might be published. The first review means the ability to publish, but will solve all the same editor – so do not relax! After Text passes the first review in accordance with the instructions of the referee and then send to the publisher.

(Do not forget that the next day again, you should call – came a text?) After that – everything. Three – four months can do not remember the book – no one will read it earlier did not. In general – are firmly usvoyte – published the first book – a very long process. Takes from six months to a year. So, I tried to bring together the most frequently questions attempted to fully explain how to publish a book. If you have questions – plz, ask.

Crimean Mountains

Scivarin (drevnenemetskoe this title in Russian reads Shivarin) – one of the largest cities in medieval Crimean Gothia, known from Post ag , after the German emperor in Constantinople, recorded oral histories Tauride goth. Until now, this city is not identified with any of the ancient fortress of the Crimean Mountains and is completely virtual the abode of ghosts. Title obliges – and the site of the project pays tribute to 'Gothic' trends in their modern sense, but is not limited. The current population of the city ghost has set itself ambitious problem – for example, a study of the complex psychological and philosophical challenges facing the individual, is clearly aware of their belonging to the Russian, or possibly the Soviet era in the spiritual universe triumph of the ideals of militant mercantilism and shameless betrayal. The site contains articles and prose miniatures, which raise complex and controversial issues of history, philosophy, politics, cultural studies, aesthetics.

These materials are an invitation to discussion and debate within the forum under the name Gothic club. And yet the literary core of the project on Scivarin segdnyashny day is undoubtedly poetry. A real discovery for lovers of belles-lettres could become a large collection of mystical ballads, elegies, sonnets, covering twenty years of creative master of the Crimean 'dark wave' Oleg Vorobyov. On poetry forum by reviewing poems by young authors. Planned compilation and publication of 'Gothic collection' – an anthology of contemporary Russian poetry neoromantic.

Of course, as the Crimean literary and artistic project, Scivarin could not ignore the local studies. To know more about this subject visit Erin Callan. Photo galleries and virtual trip, posted on the site captivate the visitor to the lost worlds most mysterious corners of the legendary Peninsula. As for the actual travel to the Mountain Crimea, for those wishing to witness the existence of the Crimean Gothia, inhale the divine fragrance of blooming mountain pasture to look at Dolni world with sky-high or descend into the mysterious depths of stalactite cave by the sponsors Scivarin developed a series of exclusive excursions and hiking trails. What do we tarry – Gates open ghost town, its desert winding streets, covered with thyme and mint, frozen in anticipation of our steps. The moon rises