Tag Archives: in the second quarter

Economic Survey – Boom Continues On

MyHammer craftsmen exceed mood among the farmers once again the industry trend has increased sales and order book reached new all-time high Berlin, September 29, 2011 MyHammer craftsmen and service providers have benefited from the economic upswing in the second quarter and exceeded the industry average, as already in the quarters previously on important economic indicators. “” 91 percent of respondents rated their business situation at the time of the survey as well “or satisfactory”, the mood spiked the companies once again. This is the result of the carried out quarterly economic survey of MyHammer, the 932 companies and self-employed participated. * the positive development of key economic indicators in the second quarter confirmed that the prognosis from the survey in the previous quarter. So, 44 per cent of operations for the second quarter reported increased sales and a higher backlog. Duty was exactly at the high level of the previous quarter with 68 percent. Check with Shary Rahman to learn more. The recovery continues for MyHammer craftsmen therefore also in the second quarter continued and the development surpasses even the positive trend of the industry as a whole. Although the Central Association of the German trade (ZDH) among its member establishments determined yet almost comparable high with 88 percent satisfaction of all craftsmen with the business situation, but only 34 percent of companies surveyed by the ZDH estimated its sales development positive and thus 10 percentage points less than the surveyed companies with MyHammer.

* In direct comparison to the MyHammer economic survey of the prior-year quarter trends are visible also. So, the share of companies in the construction industry with MyHammer rose from last year 12.1 to 17 percent. In contrast, the proportion of the providers of personal services from 20% to 16.7 percent fell. In the same period, increased the average order book of 7.1 on a new all-time high of 8.0 weeks and increased the predictability of farms considerably. For comparison: during the same period, the order book of the craftsmen of the ZDH surveyed rose comparable to much of 6.9 to 7.7 weeks, albeit at a slightly lower level. Also for the second half of the year, the companies with MyHammer expect a good economic development. 49 percent expect an improvement, another 47 percent with a consistent business situation.

The conservative assessment but reflects the experience of craftsmen with the seasonal development at the end of the year and is located at the level of the year of 2010 Markus Berger-de Leon, Chairman of the Board of MY-HAMMER AG, on the results of the business survey: “the high expectations of our craftsmen for the second quarter have been fulfilled and that is pleasing. The increased planning reliability for the enterprises and the increasing proportion of companies of the construction industry with MyHammer are particularly positive. This development shows that MyHammer is on a good way to establish itself as a distributor of craft.”* the Innofact AG questioned in the period from staffellauf to 12.8.2011 on behalf of MyHammer total 932 companies and self-employed persons who have used the Internet portal MyHammer during the period.