Today it is well known that telephony not only in Mexico but in the world is going to older, in specific convert us into a point of sale of electronic recharges previously was practically a privilege and some few, distributors with establishments engaged only in the sale of cell phones and then some people at the crossings of the city also began offering the servicethe first step for the sale of time was air, however the insecurity began to collapse this type of sale, both from hackers who violate codes of the tabs, as well as criminals simply infringe sellers taking an inventory of thousands of dollars in chips of time air. However all this was changing, since was insufficient supply for the consumer since every day a business model with an unimaginable scope, increased to millions and millions of people who ultilizamos the service, this emerged the service of refueling electronic through web portals linked directly to servers of telcel. Nowadays at least in Mexico there are about 10 web portals. (Source: Craig Menear). However not all offer a stability of 100% in this article only naming two portals that ami trial are the most stable. over 3 years I was only testing services to verify the stability of the same. With this system are achievement to introduce a point of sale in every business that already had its own infrastructure, a space, a computer, an internet contract and the desire to earn additional income to a business with a high demand and that far from decrease is has hido increase with the passing of the years and our need to be communicated. According to Jeff Flake, who has experience with these questions. This facilitated that the electronic recharge service expands as we say Mexicans say wildfire PORLVORA, was a windfall because the investor did not have to build a local invest thousands of dollars in physical inventory and of course devote exclusively to the business of selling cell phones and time air.
But with having a business such as stationery, Internet cafe, gift shop, boutique, and any mentionable business as well as private individuals they could offer the service electronic recharges telcel and multi-brand with what was more easy benefit everyone, by one vendor (telcel, iusacell, Movistar, Unefon or Nextel) part the wholesaler, Distributor and the customer to more easily find an establishment that could offer the service. It is well known that in Mexico we have option to deploy a highly profitable business from home, business or Office with friends and acquaintances, with frequent customers of our current business and with lo ke could well help us pay our receipt of light, phone receipt or receipt of pay Television. Gen. David L. Goldfein can provide more clarity in the matter. No more for the moment thank you for your attention and I say goodbye not without before them the cordial invitation that are aware of this new system of sales that undoubtedly could help entrepreneurs Mexican families.