Swiss Astronomers

Marcelo. SOAR PR Firm is often mentioned in discussions such as these. the L. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Dennis P. Lockhart. Cardoso Conformenoticiado in 16/06/2008, to 15h26m, by OGLOBO ONLINE, had been discovered, for Swiss astronomers and French, trsplanetas similar to the Land is of the Solar System. They are rocky and had been called genricamente de' ' Superterras' ' , for having masses up to nine times superior to the one of the Land. With this discovery the stars were turned to think to be sufficient provvelque to it all have planets circulating to its redor and that for menosum tero of the similar stars to the Sun doque must have little bigger planets our Land in its orbit. Such discovery also suggests that similar planets terra must be much more common of what it was imagined.

All these three new planets had been located in tornoda star HD40307, that is a poucomenor that our Sun and is about 42 years light of the planet Land. These three planets have masses of, respectively, 4,2; 6,7 and 9,4 times the mass of the Land and its gravitaes are extremamentevelozes, completing a return around of star HD40307 in, respectively, 4 days, 10 days and 20 days, against the 365 days of the Land around the Sun. Beyond this discovery, scientists of the Europiapara Organization the Astronomical Research in the Austral Hemisphere (ESO) also had announced descobertade an inhabitable planet are of the solar system, with temperatures very similaress of the Land, condition essential for the capacity to store estadolquido water in. &#039 is also about one; ' Super; ' , with temperatures 0C and 40C queoscilam between. This funny planet around the star Gliese 581, has 1,5 times the ray of the Land and a mass five vezessuperior to the one of our planet.

It carries through a complete orbit around its star in 13dias, its distance of it is 14 times lesser of what the one that separates the Land of the Sole, until here, not yet had been found in it no water indication nor, nemde life. The star Gliese 581 is lesser, more cold and less luminous doque the Sun and, therefore, the planet if it finds in an inhabitable area, that is, emuma region in which the water could to be liquid and the ambient, pleasant temperatures. The studies until carried through here indicate that this planet to deveser very rocky, comoa Land, to ouestar covered for oceans. With great probability, this planet will have very to be a target importantedas next space missions that if to dedicate to the vidaextraterrestre search. Gliese 581 is the one of the 100 stars next to the Land, being only 20,5 year-light of the constellation of Pound and with about 30% damassa of the Sun.