(ACAR, 2008, P. 15-16) In fact thematic ambient the current one is alarming and opens espaopara that the companies contribute by means of responsible initiatives, that atuemno mere as she covers holes for the existing problems already, but comoefetivos collaborators of the cause, by means of plain strategical of marketingambiental and elaborated actions of management that foments the desenvolvimentosustentvel. Federal Reserve Bank addresses the importance of the matter here. Appeared in 1987, with the Report of the World-wide Commission on oMeio Ambiente (CMMAD), the concept of Sustainable Development, in agreement comBRAGA et al (2005), came to alavancar the quarrels for institucional questesambientais, passing widely to be known to break de1992, with the accomplishment of River, meeting that counted on the participation dospases members of the Organization of United Nations (ONU), in which Agenda 21 was produced. Sustainable development is the form as the atuaisgeraes satisfy its necessities in the gift without, however, to compromise the capacity of the future generations to satisfy its prpriasnecessidades. (ACAR, 2008, P. 17) Inherent to the ambiently responsible attitude adotadapelas organizations, is the strategical side of the actions of ambient marketing edos plans of responsible management that, according to Vaz (1995), have its iniciativasde ecological support based in the beginning of the generation of an image favorvelpara the company. The organizations must perceive that the marketing ambientalpode to be a chance to reach its objectives.
The more conscientious consumers are setornando each time on questions ambient, what competitivasobre makes with quemuitas companies enxerguem a chance to improve its advantage other companies who do not adopt the alternative of green marketing. (DAYS, 2007, P. 84) the 2.3.1 Ambient Questions, the Support and oMarketing The concern with the ambient questions, according to Days (2007), extended all to it the scopes of the society, in such way, that if tornouindiscutvel the existence of an ecological crisis. This because, according to Braga (2006, P. 216), ' ' the development of our sociedadeurbana and industrial, for not knowing limits, occurred of disordered form, without planning, to the cost of increasing levels of degradation ambiental' '.