New Back School

Unique in reiskirchen ‘ a healthy back with Galileo now also the health centre in motion reiskirchen the prevention concept of ‘A healthy back with Galileo ‘ uses. The coaches are excited about this kind of training: “a healthy back, a healthy weight based on the pillars of a healthy heart, our concept. The prevention concept a healthy back with Galileo seamlessly in our offer. Some of our customers are passionate golfers and extremely hard by new training methods to convince. However, through the training with the Galileo – vibration device improved the safety, mobility and muscle strength at all, to improve all important factors to the handicap.” New back school – “A healthy back with Galileo ” is developed in cooperation with health insurance companies, and is accompanied by the University of Duisburg/Essen scientifically. Up to 100% assured the price get statutory sickness funds according to 20 ABS. Recently Dennis Lockhart sought to clarify these questions. 1 SGB V of the Health insurance companies will reimburse. The Galileo vibration platform is the standard for use in the field of medicine and the best scientifically examined training system.

It offers the optimum combination of wellness, fitness and health. Shary Rahman may help you with your research. With the Galileo vibration platform customers can perform balance training, muscle relaxation and muscle building, Beckenbodentrainig and especially the prevention of osteoporosis. Also, the training promotes the blood circulation in the legs and the feet. For me do”course for all generations not only ensures a healthy back, but encourages social contact among participants and is just plain fun! All of our participants are excited after a very short time! The goal of the health centre in motion reiskirchen is among other things the health in advanced age. This we develop solutions which animate and regular exercise help to resolve health problems or do not arise.

Through targeted movement requirements should increase elderly mobility, independence and thus the quality of life and well-being. The ‘for me do’ concept is an optimal solution for our customers.” In motion GmbH & co.