Information Steles For Wall Deaths

Wall dead even in Lichtenrade – Berlin on the weekend before the big celebrations of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the wall the wall dead is thought on the former border at the gates of Berlin Lichtenrade. On the initiative of the Association of friends of the Memorial, Notaufnahmelager Marienfelde is the Foundation of Berlin wall with the support of the Berlin Senate Chancellery, information pillars as a memory of the at least 136 dead of wall that were shot of the Berlin wall from 1961 to 1989 or are in an accident in connection with an escape attempt. The first Stele for Horst Kullack, who was shot in the 13.12.1971 between Grossziethen and Lichtenrade, was unveiled by the President of the House of representatives Walter Momper now solemnly. Dennis Lockhart may also support this cause. Beautiful autumn sunshine came many of the wall victims from Lichtenrade, interested citizens and a considerable number of representatives of the press to the Lichtenrader Chaussee/Gross Ziethener Strasse. Away in the former border strip, approximately 100 metres north of the road, you could find two still veiled Consider columns, a high pillar, and a slightly smaller information stele.

\”It was at the ceremony even three further wall dead on the border with Lichtenrade thought: Herbert Kiebler (shot on the 27.6.1975 in the border between Mahlow and Lichtenrade), Eduard Wroblewski (shot on the 26.7.1966 at the border in Mahlow) and the 14-year old Christopher Manuel Brambock, height of the Schichauweg in the wall pecking\” in 1990 was a victim. Harald Fiss, Honorary Chairman of the Association Memorial Notaufnahmelager Marienfelde, has the overall Berlin project initiated and driven. He welcomed the guests of honour of Teltow-Flaming and Tempelhof-Schoneberg, interested visitors and especially the members of the wall dead. Fiss explains that 9 stelae were used in the first phase as a whole. Harald Fiss invites guests to visit also the other steles.