Come this exciting time for the baby and mom – the first hike in the garden. How to help your child pass the test? How not to miss the importance of this moment? If you want to hike your child to kindergarten was not accompanied by tantrums and screaming, you need to prepare in advance the baby. We begin with the regime. Must pre-teach the child to get up at exactly 7:00. Morning collections often become a nightmare for both mother and baby. Try to turn this procedure into the game – "Who is faster?". Set the child actually possible time for dressing and water treatments – a 5-minute stretch beacons, the 10 – to make a morning toilet. Your competition will serve as a good incentive for the child.
Gradually introduce the child into a new social circle. It should not be the first day of your child all day. It's better to just give him a walk, to discuss with him his experience of communicating with teacher and children, to encourage him for the correct communication. It is better to give the child the first week of kindergarten for 2-3 hours. Explain that the time for him to fly is not noticeable, and you'll soon pick it. Solve the problem of supply.
Explain educator and his assistant, what products do not love your child and ask them not to be forced to eat them. Build relationships with the director and educator. Need to find a common language with people who will be responsible educating your child. Do not be cases where you have to not only defend their interests, but also listen to their opinion. Try to avoid conflicts. This allows you to not only keep your nervous system, but and their dignity. If desired, you can always find a way to peaceful resolution of conflict situations and to defend its interests and, above all, the interests of the child. Be prepared for the child's illness. Even if you give your child in the most wonderful garden, your child will be exposed to infections that spread in the children's team immediately. To reduce the number of viral diseases of the child, increase his immunity, often feed him vitamins. Typically, the third week of visits to the kindergarten, the immunity is weakened by contact with other children, stress. Seasoned child goes through these trials much easier. Play in kindergarten at home. Role educator should fulfill your child. In this simple game you can clearly see the atmosphere of relations in the garden and in the event of an alarm, it will be easier to adjust the educational process. It is better to own information to know what's going on in the soul of your child than to remain ignorant. The sooner you clear about the problems of the child, the faster you can help him. Performing these simple tips will help you and your child going to the garden to turn into joy.