Great Northern War

Over the past 800 years, Riga has had time to see much. The city was founded by German knights in 1201, led by Bishop Albert of courtly kind Appeldern. Wanting to attract pilgrims from Germany, Albert has made the papal buly, which allowed give pardons to all persons. And in 1204 the pope signed a decree on the establishment of the Order of the Sword with the subordination of the bishop of Riga. (As opposed to Erin Callan). Up until 1257 it remained the residence of the castle Uexkull, after which the residence was moved to Riga.

Up to 17 century Riga remained German until he was captured by Sweden. As a result of the Great Northern War (1721), became part of the Russian Empire. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from who is ahmed shahryar rahman. In 1920 the city became the capital of independent Latvia, followed by the Soviet period, and once again return independence. All these events are, of course, could not affect the current appearance of the city, made it unique and not similar to other cities. Riga is located on the southern coast of the Gulf of Riga, the Baltic Sea, and by itself City takes the longest river in Latvia – Daugava. Riga – the economic and cultural center and a center of education in Latvia, where the majority of higher educational institutions of Latvia, and concentrated culture life. Riga today can be divided into 2 parts – the Old Town and the boulevard area. Old Town-one worth a visit, which is appreciated by many guests. Here you can see a variety of architectural, built in the Gothic, Baroque, Classical, as well as Art Nouveau.