In period they had the same received sesmarias Antonio Jose de Menezes, Antonio Young chicken of Azambuja, Belarmino Da Silva, Salvador Lopes de Vargas, Manoel Alves Rabbit of Moraes, Joo of the Coast Milk and others, being that several of the sesmeiros already inhabited in the place before the concession of lands. territory of current Santana of the Release belonged the Alegrete that, in turn, was incorporated the Parish of San Francisco de Borja. The construction of the chapel of the small agglomeration of Ours Lady of the Release (Portuguese denomination of Ours Lady of the Good Childbirth or the Good Forwarding) happened in 30 of July of 1823, for request of the inhabitants of the district of Alegrete in the neighborhoods of They are Diogo, and from the construction of this chapel that had started to be distributed and busy the lots for urban use. People such as Mike Madden PostEverything would likely agree. Antonio Jose Menezes was stocking giver lgua of field for the construction of the related chapel, reason by which is considered founding of the city. After the independence of Uruguay in the year of 1828, the small town of Ours Lady of the Release prospered. Being local of concentration of the troops decurrent of the too much conflicts that had occurred in the border, as the Farroupilha Revolution (1835-1845) and the war against Juan Manuel de Rosas (1851-52), the town grew in its strategical paper and extended its urban space. The estancieiros in turn, of the conflicts had ahead extended its territorial limits and its cattle stops beyond the border adentrando the Uruguayan territory. From Law n 156 of 07/08/1848 Santana of the Release is raised to the Clientele, and the cattle one, alicerada in thousand of heads of bovine cattle gave to it to a situation notable in the province. In 10 of February of 1857 it was raised to the village, desmembrando itself of Alegrete, and for the Provincial Law of the year of 1876 it gains the city status.