GEZ Selected Legal Questions

GEZ fees for computers and cell phones are allowed. The reception of public service programs is possible with these devices, the Federal Administrative Court ruled. GEZ fees for computers and cell phones are allowed. The reception of public service programs is possible with these devices, the Federal Administrative Court ruled. Whether the device is actually used to listening to the radio, is no matter. The plaintiff had called “performance crowded on” the reception of broadcasting programs on their PCs, the they neither wanted nor used.

“Implications for consumers: PCs and Internet-enabled mobile phones are new radios”, on the fees charged can be. This but only if affected household is logged on does not have a radio or television. Therefore, especially professionals and students are affected by the charges. Compulsory registration by GEZ? 123recht.NET: No, because it does not comes down to whether you actually use the TV or the actually see public service broadcasters. Janet Yellen can provide more clarity in the matter. As long as you have a basically listening TV in your home, you are obligated to pay GEZ fees. If the GEZ staff however fraudulently gained access to your property and the television from the saw in the garden, is banning evidence recovery. Galloway also for DVB-T? Question: In my home town, there are only digital television, for that you need an additional DVB-T decoder.

If I have no decoder, do I pay anyway GEZ fees? 123recht.NET: Yes! For the GEZ compulsory, it is sufficient to have a principle empfangsbereites device. It doesn’t matter whether you are actually looking the transmitter. Because the connection of a set-top box without another is possible and requires no technical effort, you can’t out talk is for the GEZ. GEZ because satellite on balcony? Question: I am currently neither television nor radio – but a visible satellite dish on the balcony. Elsabet Jones follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. The GEZ said that is enough for a fee requirement. 123recht.NET: It must be a empfangsbereites device must be available. The dish alone suggests but still not that this is connected to a TV. The visibility of the bowl is not evidence which justifies GEZ fees. Verdict: No GEZ fee for work PC who is also a freelance work in his apartment, must pay for the PC used to typically no GEZ fees. Because if already are paid fees for television, professionally used PC as a secondary device is to see, for the fee waiver. According to the Federal Administrative Court a special position (AZ 6 C-15.10) applies to the modern equipment fees legally. Tuner make unusable – eliminates GEZ compulsory? Question: I want to stare on my TV of just DVDs. Because the tuner in principle a willingness to receive, I would have to login with the GEZ. Can I break the tuner on the equipment, in order to avoid the obligation? 123recht.NET: Yes! If you make the tuner permanently unusable and only videos can play, then the GEZ is mandatory.