For example, a pupil mentioned that ' ' In the soccer, when kick is in the high one, I sing in it, is goal in ngulo' '. An interesting activity was to take the pupils to perceive that the diverse types of turns carried through for our bodies are related with the angles. Later, one asked the pupils to it: What they are angles? How to discover the measure of each one of them? Figure 1: Classification of Angles From this question, the answers given on the meaning of the word angle had been argued so that the pupils refined the knowledge who already possuam on or so that they learned this concept if not yet had acquired the domain necessary to work with the angle definition. To reach this objective, a matrix I contend diverse geometric figures was distributed for the pupils so that they could compare the measures of the angles of each figure. Through the accomplishment of this activity, the pupils had also been able to also perceive that the size of the segments of the straight lines does not intervene with the measure of one determined angle.
According to Moment In this stage, the straight angle was used as unit of measure. Some acute, obtusos angles, rectums and evennesses had been drawn in the picture and, after that, we ask: How much it measures each one of these angles? The principle, the placed objective was esteem which angles was lesser, bigger or equal to the straight angle. Figure 2: Different Types of Angles Complementing this activity, had a quarrel on the application of the concept of angle in the daily one, as, for example, the inclination, the opening, the direction and the rotation. The last activity of the day was the called trick of Angular Goat-Blind person. This activity was carried through in the patio of the school and had as objective main that the pupils demonstrated in the practical o content that they had learned in the classroom.