Better still maintain their health, and avoid driving situation to resort to medicine. As possible. Recommended supplements. Most of them are not registered and are not included in the directory drugs. The fact that "supplements" are not registered, nor are they in production and sales – is bad, and maybe this is a reason for the interest of the competent authorities. But the fact that they are not included in the catalog of medicinal drugs, it is, sorry, right! Because dietary supplements – dietary supplements to foods.
They are not a cure! Often heard the argument that: – All components can be found in drugstores at a much lower price. With this statement can not and will not argue, argue. It's pointless. Because, in my personal example, I know, it happens and there is the opposite. Buy "unknown that" some citizens, and they are absolutely right in refusing. But why "nobody knows what?" Who prevents ask a question, make inquiries via the Internet? Available sites of the companies of producers, distributors, official sites of the recording, and resolving systems. That is, if you wish, you can now find answers to almost every question. But all this, if there is desire! With regard to the topic of conversation on Badakhshan.
Not everyone, and hardly at all at least someone asked in the shops, or at markets, those of various products and their usefulness or harmfulness to health. The result of their eating prolonged in time, for years, decades? … Products, products, products.