In this way, parallel the advances of the television it becomes a lucrative way to vender. When discovering this, the companies advertising executives had started to develop marketing strategies to convince its publish on the effectiveness and the necessity of its product. Thus, to each year the investments in the area grow. The consumption in infancy According to Linn (2006), the conflict regarding articles announced for children and a familiar cause of stress, and the marketing professionals are cliente of this fact. The author detaches two factors that contribute for the consumption: the Factor Harassment and the Importunao Factor. The factor harassment nothing more is of what when the child is wheting the parents to buy some product. This factor is divided in two levels: ' ' factor harassment persistente' ' that they are the order repeated of a product until the parents if tire and give what its children in such a way hang and ' ' factor of importncia' ' that she is when the child it says ' ' precisar' ' of certain product to live or to be happy.
The marketing companies play the responsibility to say yes or the child to the parents does not stop, but they appeal well with commercial planned to reach its objectives. It is clearly that the parents leave losing in this unjust battle. Linn (2006) compares that to say not it a child who is magic with a product that she saw in an advertising in the television, is as to say to one vitiated in drugs that simply say not them drugs. Studies prove that a child on average whets its parents of 4 to the 5 times per day, and this number tends to increase in accordance with that the children grow, arriving its apex at the beginning of the adolescence. Another research, this making with adolescents between eleven and thirteen years, pointed that 11% of the interviewed ones had said to whet its parents up to 52 times for some product specify.