The work market is each more demanding time, the search for qualified professionals increases in all the areas. But and the candidates, are prepared? In an election process the search for differentiated professionals is a hunting to the treasure, therefore it is not enough to be only prepared to face the market, is interesting to possess distinguishing to be distinguished enters excessively, but that distinguishing they are these? Nowadays he is of extreme importance that the professional knows to say one second language, in the case the English, each time more the companies are demanding this question, or for little than the candidate she is attending a course. The number of schools of languages increased considerably in recent years and today it is possible to study English since child, or even though to carry through a course of English focado in conversation, business or other areas. Beyond English courses, Spaniard courses also are interesting for the resume. Beyond the courses of languages, the specific courses in each area exist, as courses focados in specific areas of the marketing, specific courses of gastronomia, directed courses the technological areas and other diverse options. For who it does not know where to look a specialization, a fast course that will go to add to it the SENAC is a good option of school that all offers courses in diverse recognized areas and in the country. Beyond the accomplishment of courses it is important that the professional has will to grow, to learn each time, characteristics more as interest, creativity, pro-activity, good relationship and responsibility are essential for the professional development of any person, but this does not have course that it teaches.