America Finances

United States of America and the crisis of 2011 Prof. Ivan Santiago Silva* the United States of America was the great diffuser of the freedom and of the free commerce for the world and in recent years if she has characterized as a dangerous country for the international economy which had its economic crises. The biggest consisting empire already in the History of the Humanity, the United States if had transformed into the wing greaters of the world, very unusual case. This debt always was based on ' ' risk zero' ' , of form that the belief of that the biggest economy of the world, the owner of ' ' dlar' ' , of the biggest army already bred and the country most influential never it would leave to honor its payments. The people, companies, governments always believe something that does not exist, as form to guarantee a species of psychological zone of comfort: he is as soon as the pensioner believes that never it will lack the money of the providence, that the state bank believes that the borrower lender of an enormous debt for its pocket, will pay a real estate financing, will never be unemployed and will honor its payments and the international investors place its rich money in the United States not to have no risk. If you would like to know more then you should visit Craig Menear. The United States had propagated the capitalism, the free commerce for the world and had after liberated financial resources for countries allies during decades of century XX the World War II. Today, the great power of the north seems exaurida total. In such a way, the great center of the world-wide capitalism suffers of a frightful atony. Japan, another important center more than must 120% of its GIP while the Europe, in crisis, possesss high indebtedness and countries problems as Italy, Greece and Portugal, being that only the last one more than does not have 100% of the GIP as given of Goldman Sachs divulged by in 08/08/2011.