But, in its all, Microsoft does not guarantee delivery distribution (installation disk), old versions of the product and, if distribution can not be purchased or downloaded from the official website, you must apply directly to Microsoft. For packaged versions of the right to downgrade does not apply. Next, consider the right to use another language version (cross language), here acting a clear rule: if the value of licenses in use is equal to or cheaper than the language version, it can be used, if more expensive, it is therefore impossible. Example: If you purchased the Russian version of Office, you can use English. The right does not apply to boxed and oem versions. For boxed versions can be purchased Multilanguage Pack. The right to transfer and transfer of licenses. Regarding the transfer of the oem license, then they can be passed only with iron, to which the product was originally installed.
Transfer to another device, it is impossible, even if the original came out failure. Boxed version can be transferred from one workstation to another, and, once the box to pass to another person with the full range of supplies. Then the user must remove the program and all its components with your pc. With corporate licenses are quite different: they can be transferred from one pc to another only for the long term not less than 90 days, we can and to a smaller, but only in case of failure of the pc. Operating system license transferred to another computer is prohibited, to transfer corporate licenses can only be full payment for them.