“A great democracy must progress or will soon cease to be either large or democracy” Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) American Political The following work focuses on the study and the operationalization of the concepts of modern politics, recognizing its ability to elucidate conflicts but considering the current difficulties dye their actions, at a stage where its prestige is growing and the quality of democracy and its forms of representation are in line with an apparent crisis. First approach to the Concepts of Poverty and Inequality In order to tackle the link between the strength or weakness of a democracy, income distribution and poverty levels, it is necessary to start from the basic conceptualizations of these two terms, difficult to address objective and comprehensive way, by the existence of a variety of approaches to treatment, because of the subjective distances who undertake this task. These words, which are closely linked, are combined in the “line poverty, “or indicator through which measures whether the household income can satisfy a set of needs considered essential, among which are the type of food and other non-food type. Absolute poverty is a bottom step, where income can not meet the minimum energy and protein needs. However, the end of this analysis lies in the exploration of conceptual or methodological approaches to decrease the relativity and subjectivity of both concepts. So will this work, the preceding definitions that frame initially posed reasonably. Yes it is an important fact, which follows in the paragraphs above, that any of these conceptualizations fails the first step of Abraham Maslow’s famous pyramid or matrix less famous Max-Neef. .