Such document of the leader of the Front emitted at the beginning of each month informs on the remuneration of the members of its military service and of the paper presidential it stops with ‘ ‘ first Minister head of the National Assembly and Minister of the businesses of controlled Territory of communities agricultural national, as well as inside of the office Canarian. Aminatou Haider, Syed Amhed Didch and Ibrahim Dahane are considered members in the head of the 16 activistas with enormous monthly wages of Polisrio, having been part as members of the National Secretaryship of the Polisrio Front. The justification of Mohammad Abdel Aziz of the payment of wages came in the context to inside support the revolt of the Moroccan territory, raising the moral of the activists saraus, disclosing the state current of the conflict of the Sara that enters in a delicate and difficult phase. Desire to stimulate these militant ones to duplicate the work against the Moroccan authorities in some fields, as well as carrying through acts that would raise international the public opinion, deciding to increase the financial and moral support for the heroes of the revolt. It says the document.
This happens at a moment where manifestations proceilings of the populations of the fields of Tindouf complains in front of the office of the Mohammed Abdel Aziz against the social conditions, beyond other groups of irritated young saraus threatens to the residence of the leader of the separatistas, loading flags demanding its resignation. The manifestants had attacked a group of offices of the president, adulterating its content, breaking and delousing, according to local notice. This wave of anger came after pertaining armed elements the security of the front had been withheld by elements of the Revolution, deals with Afdili Ouald Dribble Oua Ouald Juli, Mohamed Ould Al Has and Okhalil Ouald Osweleki. These three young of the tribe of Alrguibat Al Sawaid are passveis of punishment by confinement of up to 9 months, for having disrespected the character of the president ‘ ‘ Mohammed Abdel Aziz’ ‘.