But with the stigma found it difficult to live. I was at a reception at his family doctor, a psychiatrist on the removal of the diagnosis. But doctor was not willing to remove from me this diagnosis. Because it is not profitable for most doctor … If these doctors will not be sick, it means that your doctor will not work. This diagnosis does not give me the opportunity to find a good job.
… Security guards beating patients under different pretexts … During the treatment I was also beaten twice guards and a nurse. But other patients were beaten more often and much tougher … beat just because a guard or nurse not in the mood … For these patients, it was not a cure, for them it was a horror and a nightmare … I still wonder how they have kept it ..
… Attitude to patients in a mental hospital, as a beast "(the former psychiatric patient institutions). "The whole show I did not have. I will come again, or more than once. I can not say "thank you", while only the pain and shock. My baby with my hands shoved into the psychiatric system for 8 years. ADD to 4 years, and hyperactivity of 6 months. Heaps of tablets, injections and advice. So far I have to figure out what to do next. Just believe in yourself and in him. " (Assistant Director) "Most of the material is known. But watching the movie, I can say that the material presented with competently. I did not know physiologist Pavlov IP conducting experiments on children, the desire to verify the data. Indeed the modern diagnosis and "treatment" of mental disorders in the form in which it There should not take place. But what about the people at best harm themselves, and at worst trying to kill family members, particularly their children? "(Doctor)," visited the exhibition, got acquainted with the history psychiatry. The exhibition vividly tells of the human suffering and problems in an accessible form. The exhibition should be conducted for high school students that they learned about the negative influences of drugs and tranquilizers. " (Pediatrician) Thank you! You're doing the right thing! I am a child psychologist with experience in the past 6 years. Absolutely agree with the content of the exhibition. (Entrepreneur) "I want to thank you for spreading very accessible way of ideas, so necessary to society. In my opinion, overly emotional. I am a psychologist and Life Coach totally against psychiatric drugs, and against human standards for diagnosis. Thank you! "It's safe to say – St. Petersburg, many hope that such education exhibitions in the Cultural Capital of Russia will become a tradition. The International Civil Commission for Human Rights established the Church of Scientology and Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry by Thomas Szasz in 1969, CITIZENS COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS, 190020, St. Petersburg, nab. Bypass Canal., D. 193, Bldg. "A" cables. 1, tel.: +7-904-513-94-32;