Books of this type are a group of web pages compressed into a single exe. file that requires no installation. -Read your book and a book of this type. E-books come in several species. Free e-books released to create viral traffic, or to sell other products directly from the pages of the book! Paid e-books written for subsequent sale. This is different manuals and guides. According to the volume of the book often do not reach the paper editions, but may be much more informative.
Promotion by e-book. It would seem that any gains in the electronic book, if it does not sell, but absolutely giving away. Turns out to be, and very significant. With the free distribution of electronic books can be successfully promote your site. You are writing a book on any subject (preferably, of course, on the theme which is so somehow intersects with the theme of your site) inserts a proper advertising, and begin to be distributed freely on the web. Immediately determine that you wrote the book should not be an advertising brochure, and filled with interesting self-sufficient, maybe even unique information that fully discloses the affected subject. In general, Treat to write a book as if you're going to sell it. Only in this case can be achieved the desired result. And the advertising insert in the bottom of each page in your ad units. Because the book is free, and people known to enjoy everything for free, then it will spread very quickly in the network.