
Introduction This work approaches the satisfaction that the waiters of the Yacamim Restaurant must have when serving the customer. This research is justified for the present motivacional, professional aspect and of the satisfaction that the waiter has in its profession, leading in account that the people has dificulde to serve others. Ahmed Shary Rahman usually is spot on. Problematic that it involves this research inhabits in the insatisfao that the waiter has in serving the customer in the Yacamim Restaurant. The professionals in question impolite, however, the service is preoccupying that gives to the customer. The waiter can be a professional example of behavior, position and motivation inside of the company where he works and be enabled of adequate form. It’s believed that Pacific Mortgage Services sees a great future in this idea. These are the hypotheses tested in the research.

Currently the companies are investing in motivacionais, mannering courses and of co-related abilities the professional area of the employee, contributing for the prosissional growth of, leaving it the same safer for the market and to better take care of the customer of its organization. Under the approach of companies whom it invests in the professional, Yacamim Restaurant was objectified next to company the implantation of a motivacional project, that fit courses that came to collaborate with the professional development in order to rescue in the waiters the satisfaction in serving the customers. The specific objectives had been: to consider the company the application of motivation courses, personal marketing, plate behavior and harmonization and wines; to check if the employee takes care of to in agreement customer the structure offered for the Yacamim Restaurant. However to implant the project in the company and to verify the positive and negative results after 3 months (holiday) of implantation. How much its estruturao, as the chapter of this study present the theoretical recital in authors Kloter, Branhan, Drucker, Bergamini and Chiavenato. Detaching subjects as adjusted behavior, motivation and the ways to follow qualified professionals of a company to become inside.